Another teenage wonderment. How to know if a guy likes you?

Most people get mixed know. Like if that guy is staring at you across the room cos he likes you, or theres something on your face. Or hes just daydreaming and your the person his daydream is stuck on.Or the way the guy speaks to you, or only stutters while speaking to you, but is completely fine talking to other girls.My wonderment is , how to know if a guy likes you..sorry if this is...
April 18th, 2010 at 03:26pm

Another One Of Those Life Lessons

We're always complaining. If its not about one thing its about the other.But im sorta sick of complaining. From today on, i will try my hardest not to complain or moan.Cos really, theres something to complain about everything, becausethere are faults in everything as nothing's perfect.Anyway, today i realized im sick and tired of chasing people, or being there for them when they're never here for...
April 18th, 2010 at 01:39pm


So tell me what you want to hear, just don't let me disappear, i'm going to give all my secrets away ----OneRepublic - SecretsI love this song right now, Want to know why?It's the one thing letting me continue with life; the one thing continuously giving me inspiration. So yeah that's why i love this song.It also reminds me why i love music so much. will always inspire me, no...
April 2nd, 2010 at 07:00am

What would you do?

What would you do?If your best friend always tore you down.What would you do?If she constantly called you stupid, retarded and weird in a mean tone. Always shot you a glare or looked at you as if you were weird.She constantly tried to stop you to make new friends, tried to get you to never talk to guys or even a potential boyfriend.What would you do?If your best friend put her problems above...
April 2nd, 2010 at 06:38am

Read It and then Give It A Title..I dare you

This isn't some novel piece of writing or some great biography or whatever..this is where i rant..The journal section of a place i greatly appreciate as it helps me get out things..things i will never say to people face to face..things that will forever swirl around in my mind..Tomorrow i have an exam..don't worry no stressing here..well the usual amount added by extra stress..but not...
January 12th, 2010 at 03:22am

What Guys Look For In Girls

Now this might be ridiculous..but it's for a school//personal//psychology and overall life project...girls comment on what you think..guys comment on what you do look for..Thank You for your time ;)You see this 'experiment' is that guys always complain about girls and how confusing they are, whereas girls always complain about guys and how confusing they are.What's worse is when a girl is treated...
January 12th, 2010 at 03:01am

What Is Going On?

Has anything ever changed, in just one moment?The world just crashed down around you, all in one second? Everything just changed in completely one second?Well it probably has for me.Just a few weeks ago, i started a new school..i had friends...friends i could depend on and some friends i was not that close to..The friends i wasn't that close to were like "We'll stick together and never...
October 3rd, 2009 at 02:11pm

Worries That Plague Me

I hate hate that I'm like this. Constantly worrying, doubting myself, not believing in me.So i passed my i've gotten into the school hope my grades are good enough to get my subjects. I hope it is really. So i'm worried.This worry is causing me to not sleep. It's keeping me awake and i suppress the urge to rhyme.I'm nervous and worried. And then i get angry..why am i always so...
August 29th, 2009 at 06:35am

My Fears...were futile

Maybe the title doesn't make much sense...but the main thing is that i passed...:)Well not all subjects but the main ones... well anyway... my exams that isI know before in my earlier post/journal entry i was being a tad overdramatic and depressed..but eh..I realised it's not the end of my life..i can carry on..I can pick up the pieces move on, learn from this experience and hopefully rise higher...
August 27th, 2009 at 05:05pm

Failure (What I'm Meant To Be)

So I'm about to recieve my exam results. The results that count. The results which conclude if I go to this new school, if the school accepts me, if i get the subjects, the lessons i want. And most of all if I'm smart or just brain dead.Yeah I'm filled with doubts, worries and with the fear that all my fears will come true.Am I destined to be a failure? I dunno. But i definitely think so.Everyone...
August 24th, 2009 at 11:55pm

Just...questions and thoughts and no answers

Okay so here i am, sitting on my bed and in my mind do thoughts swirl round and round, causing me to say enough is enough and get it out.Just sad, deeply sad, that how some friends just fizzle out. Some relationships just disappear. The spark, the link is just no more there.For example, i had this great friendship, She was like a best friend, a sister and all of a sudden, it's just stops, freezes,...
August 18th, 2009 at 05:00am