All About Lovin' You / Comments

  • Thank you for the comment on "Womanizer." You are very right about Brian and Megan needing to get together because who else could put up with either of them? lol. I'm sure you can see where this is heading. ^_^
    July 19th, 2012 at 07:40am
  • Thank's for the advice.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12:31pm
  • Thank you so much for the story comment, love!

    I'm glad that the interaction at the end got your heart racing. ;) It's always nice to know the readers feel the same way as the central character, so you've definitely made my night with that. XD

    I hope you continue to enjoy the story. =)

    June 6th, 2012 at 02:28pm
  • Aww, I love you. ^_^ Thanks so much for the story comment, hun!

    As usual, you seem to have hit the nails on their heads. Although, I do wish I was thinking more like you when I was writing the next few chapters. You have some very valid points, and I would have liked to play around with those ideas, but I hope people will still like what I've come up with, anyway. D= I guess we'll see. I'm just having one of those weeks (or two weeks, to be honest) where I don't want to look at the chapters anymore.

    Anyway, it's been a long day, and I'm deadly tired, so I'm off to bed. But I couldn't not give you my thanks!

    May 30th, 2012 at 03:55pm
  • Well, I'd call you both. ;) You're definitely a musician. Saxophone, too! That's not something you hear every day. =) I understand about being self-conscious about your vocals, though. I'm the same way. I've been told that I can sing (by the very few people who have ever heard me) but the stage fright is too great to every really get out there. One of my friends (who lives on the other side of the world from me) was feeling down at one stage, so I did a vocal cover of one of her favourite songs for her. She and two others had the privilege of hearing it, and for a while that really helped with my confidence. So maybe you could try something like that. =) Post some vocals on Tumblr, or videos on YouTube.

    Writing difficult. I don't find it strange at all that you can't put the two together, because again - I'm like that as well. I can come up with some interesting tunes and play them very basically on the keyboard or the guitar, but my lyrics never tend to fit them. Yes, I write songs - though for the most part they're random and not very good, and I've never really shared any. I did share one - specifically written for a fan fiction, actually. My first ever Avenged Sevenfold fan fiction. It was a supernatural sort of story called "Brompton Cocktail", and the last chapter had a song called 'Demons' in it. That was before A7X came out with their own song called 'Demons'. =P I've been considering re-writing said story and posting it on Mibba, so maybe you'll get to see it sometime.

    Good luck with the performance! =) I guess having your sister there would make things better, huh? Is it the moral support, or just having somebody else to share the attention with so that all eyes aren't on you at all times? I hope you're able to get over your stage fright. I know how crippling it can be.
    May 10th, 2012 at 02:06pm
  • Ha ha, thank you! XD It's actually an icon that I myself colourised back in the days when I was really into graphic design, so I proudly use it whenever I can. ;) And Zacky is just...ugh, he's gorgeous!

    Would you count yourself as a musician, then? I'm going to assume you play an instrument, sing or write song lyrics. So maybe you're a lyricist? I guess we'd be switched that way. I write songs, but I don't consider myself a musician - I just consider it another part of writing. But then, I've tried and failed to play several instruments, so I'd feel like a fraud if I claimed I was a musician.

    Thinking on it now, maybe it's not so strange that you don't acknowledge the writing as a part of yourself. it just goes to show what's really more important in your life (not saying your writing isn't important, of course). But I do agree that you should acknowledge it. ;) 'Cause from the one-shot that I've read so far, you're good!
    May 9th, 2012 at 02:19pm
  • I'm trying to get into the habit of writing second drafts, because I'm the kind of person who says she will and then never does. This is the second re-write I've done (my story Second Chance on here is also a re-write), so I'm proud of that. Let's hope I can keep that up, because it definitely helps.

    I love that you can write chapter summaries. See, I can't do that. I have a general idea in my head about how I want the story to flow, but if I sit down and try to map out my chapters it just doesn't work. I'm more go with the flow. Make it up along the way. I think that also stems from the fact that I tend to get ideas as I write, and that will sometimes change the direction that I go in. I don't like to have to follow a guideline. I like to be free.

    You don't consider yourself an author, huh? That's interesting. So do you just consider yourself a casual writer?

    And you're very welcome for the story comment. =) I plan on reading the other works you've got on here too, but my Internet is being a little slow at the moment, so it might have to wait until the weekend. D= Also, I hope your friend got the message through reading your one-shot. It was very beautifully done. <3
    May 9th, 2012 at 11:29am
  • Good to know I'm not bothering you with my essays. XD

    I should mention, Crash Into Me actually IS a re-write. I've written the story before, on another site, and this was my attempt at trying to make it better. A second draft. It has succeeded in being better than the original, but you're right - I am still seeing my flaws, and it holds me back. I think I might take your advice and give it a read from the beginning, as an outsider rather than as the author. Maybe that will be exactly what I need to chase the doubts away.

    That being said, in the original version...Lance was basically perfect. As you said, he was well-mannered, he was mature, he never pressured Haylie into anything, he gave great advice, he was always there for her. I tried to make him LESS perfect this time around, but still seemingly perfect at the same time. If you get what I mean. She needed to see him as perfect, for exactly the reason you've given - something had to blind her to Zacky's feelings. And seeing that Lance is going through something she's already survived, that holds a lot of her attention when things get harder.

    I'm sorry to hear that seeing flaws made you get out of writing. =( Things don't tend to get THAT bad for me. When I start seeing the flaws, I just lose interest in the story. I want to abandon it - but I have a strict "no abandoning stories" rule (which I've broken only twice in my eleven years as a writer) so I instead just try to rush through them. I couldn't imagine not writing at all. That would drive me crazy.

    So I'm glad that you're getting back into it! ^_^ And thank you so much. =) I'll definitely keep that in mind!
    May 9th, 2012 at 10:28am
  • Thank you so much for the story comment, hun! I...officially love you.

    I'm really glad that you can connect with Haylie in such a way, and you do seem to understand completely how it is to be the way she is. It is hard to always put others before yourself, but she feels that it's something she should do. It's in her nature. And hopefully you'll be seeing that even more in the next couple of chapters.

    I like that you have a perfectly valid reason for not liking Lance, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with his character. Most people hate him simply because he stands in the way of Zacky and Haylie - you hate him for that too, but only because you see the potential in him. I feel that most just want them to get together because she's the main and he's the interest. So it's nice to see something different. And you're absolutely right about them both.

    I also feel it's worth mentioning that you've made me seriously want to re-write the story again, to make it even better. Because you made it sound so deep and wonderful, but when I see it I only see my mistakes. I don't have time to re-write right now, but thank you for that anyway. ;) For both making me want to do it over again, and for making me feel like it's good enough. You're amazing. <3

    And I've ranted. Apologies. Again, thank you!

    May 7th, 2012 at 01:02pm
  • Haha, no I hadn't seen your reply. Mibba went down before I even woke up this morning. >< But I'm glad you love it! I'm quite proud of it myself. All I ask is that you credit me for it. :)
    April 16th, 2012 at 04:20am
  • I don't know if you managed to see the banner before Mibba crashed today, but I'm posting the link again just in case.
    If you want any changes made to it, just let me know. It won't be a problem to make changes.
    April 15th, 2012 at 11:50pm
  • LOL, Thanks! And yes, I'll always be honest and straight forward in my comments. So, update soon and I'll leave another! Haha-Shazzy
    March 26th, 2012 at 04:39pm
  • Thanks so much for the story comment on Crash Into Me, hun. ;) You're too kind!

    March 20th, 2012 at 11:15pm
  • Awww, Well welcome aboard the Lifetime and A Past train! Thank you very much for being so dedicated! :D
    March 14th, 2012 at 05:47pm
  • You're welcome for the comment. :) I definitely plan on sticking around for the entire story. I have a feeling it's going to turn out amazing.
    March 12th, 2012 at 04:16am
  • Check out this new story!
    August 14th, 2011 at 02:11pm
  • I likes your name. :)
    October 1st, 2010 at 01:32pm
  • noooo way!
    sorry I havent been on! D:
    September 15th, 2010 at 12:51am
  • its okay, i just MISS you! D:
    and school started! stupid school! >.<
    August 23rd, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • i know!
    but how are you hunn???
    July 1st, 2010 at 10:30pm