We Should Role Play

Yup,I do any genre, except whorish ones.I love fantasy, only do male slash and uh, i go all the wayyy.Right now I want to do something revolving around demons and angels and such.Why?BECAUSE, they're soo sexy.Oh yess.Nah, I'm just bored.If you want to contact me via some otherrr way than you can hit me up with my MSN, yo.Runitsmara@live.comI adore role playing, I would like it if you were literate...
March 21st, 2010 at 10:00pm

I Never Realized...

That when i care for someone I'm always hurt,I confide in my feelings way too much,i'm afraid to show people who I really am,that most of the 'EMO BOYS' on mibba are fake,my stories revolve around how I'm feeling,people take me for granted,I don't love like I used too,I miss my old friends,I play COD just to talk to friends,I do indeed suck at COD,I'm proud to play MMO's ,I'm not afraid to be...
March 21st, 2010 at 07:05pm