Good Morning, And Goodnight.

The lonely feel in my room is unmistakable. This morning at 3am on the dot, my cat, Toonces died in my room of a heart failure. It was to my surprise, that I had been downstairs at the time. (Due to the fact, there was a bug in my room and I was afraid to sleep there.) My parents woke me at 6am to tell me the news. It kills me inside, because I wasn't there. When she was dying, she didn't see my...
May 16th, 2009 at 06:02pm


Omggg! Soo sick still. Just telling you cause what I have to say isn't long enough to put in this journal! My temperature today was 102! :[ I can't stop sneezing EW! lol.Back to the important part!!!! I made my new anime show tribute! It's not rlly good cause it was a fast job but I HAD 2 make it! It for the show Shugo Chara Doki (Anime Duh!) && it's a tribute to AmuxIkuto AMUTO<3 So i...
May 15th, 2009 at 09:21pm

Home sick :(

Unfotunately today I'm home sick! No classeds foor mee~ Normally that would be a good thing, but im seariously feeling shitty :( I have a swore throat, headache, and a temperature. And no it's not allergies or swine flu. :P I swear if the school suspected that I had swine flu they would have a fit!!! haha. Other than that my days been pretty crappy. I got in a fight against my whole old school ~...
May 14th, 2009 at 03:01pm

An Update On My Book~

Hey everyone! You're probably wondering why I don't post things on here yet. (I hate stealers!) soo I have to be careful. I decided to stop writing my once book and begin a new one. I'll be releasing a preview of it soon. I'm on the 2nd Chapter Of It and I decided to title it Night Of The Black Sun. Look foward to it! Cause I sure am [; (This has to be 100 words hahaaa)Well since I need to add...
May 14th, 2009 at 05:22am