I have a 'small' obsession with Tom Riddle.

Everything about Tom Marvolo Riddle intrigues me. I love reading about his past and all the way up through to how he became Voldemort.I love reading other peoples' interpretations of him, through their stories in this site. In fact, I've had my own story added to this site for a while now, which is about him, but I'm yet to add a chapter.I could write forever about the reasons why I'm addicted to...
August 25th, 2011 at 03:16pm

Permanent Writer's Block

I just can't seem to write any more. Anything I do write, sounds like total poopy pants.Gah.I always enter contests, because I'm all like "Hey, I can do this one. I have plenty of time!" and then, I find myself two days before the due date, with nothing but a pathetic little line.I then feel really bad as I then have to drop out of the contest... typical me.I really need to stop doing that....
September 3rd, 2010 at 02:20pm