The world how it is... Jamacain Drug Kingpin/Robin Hood.

Christopher "Dubus" Coke. The authorties think of him as a criminal with a dangerous record who needs to be quickily handled so the civilians of Kingston. The civilians seem to disagree. They think of him as a Robin Hood, Jesus, or a one time drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. He has built up Medicine centers, sent students to school and helped give out food.On the other hand 1,600 people died last year...
May 27th, 2010 at 04:42am

R.I.P Jimmy Sullivan. My hero and Role model

On the day after Christmas I left for Florida with my schools Marching band. I had a lot of fun that week even though I had a pink eye, stuffy nose and sore throat the whole week. When I got back home I immediately fell asleep in my room from the exhaustion. My mom woke me up to ask if I wanted to go to my cousins house for a new years eve party, I said no. My brother sam later came in my room and...
January 1st, 2010 at 05:13am

Piss Off A-hole

If you read my last journal entry then you know about Justin. I' m in highschool now and it's the same with him. I see him in the hallways... with my friend A. Who I care about a lot. She told me about their "Weekend Get- together." he dumped her the next week then asked her out again. She said no. My best friend B told me he gave her a razor. She is suicidal and emo. She has tried to kill her...
September 15th, 2009 at 11:31pm

I am so ... I don't know...

Okay, I have been comfused lately. I mean, yeah, if you knew me and my rep. at school you would be like, duh your blond you are always confused. You know what? Shut the hell up! yeah. So anyways. End of the year drama sucks shit! Dude, if you don't have any than you lucky! Seriously! I have a flippin wierdo following my friends around. Actually i have 3!Devon, he follows me around and annoys the...
May 9th, 2009 at 04:51am