
United States
Joined date
May 1st, 2009


Mwah! I am a mystery, and you will never know about me! That is, until I finally stop being lazy and decide to actually write something useful here later on. My name is Emily but I go by my middle name, Rose, and I am indeed possessed by a demon just like in that one movie....but not really because that would mean that I could speak in these cool Latin languages, which I can't. I read the Twilight series and it was eh...okay. I liked the first book a bit but then I read the rest and I wasn't exactly impressed. Though, the last book ALMOST had some promise of violence in it, so I guess that one was okay too. I'm not really one for romance, though I do sometimes find a rare romance story that I get interested in. I enjoy fantasy/sci-fi stuffs and I can become an addict once I start playing a video game.


I can sing opera really badly.

I'll put some things about my musical interests and all that basic stuff in here later when Im not really hyper and distrcted easily >_<.

My favorite hats are beanies
The only food I can make are eggs and an egg in a basket.
I'm a student at a college program for young'ns who go to college early.
My occupational interests include Nuclear Physicist/ quantum physicist/ cosmologist/ astronomer/ nano technologist/computer engineer/ theologist/ a bunch of other crap that I can never remember.
I'm ADHD (which is NOT a mental imbalance...just a chemical one. So i'm not crazy :D)
I occasionally find myself somehow walking around my house with only one sock on.
I am a supposedly talented writer but am usually too embarrassed to show anyone my stories.
I have a dog named Potato.
I chew my fingernails.
I like pie.
I like banana pudding.
I like pie some more.
The monkeys are eating my feet.
This list is starting to not make sense.
I like pie even more.