Personal Opinions...?

I was thinking since my 2 main stories are currently indisposed (as depressing as that is), I would like to start a new one. I'm itching to continue writing and since I obviously can't continue my main ones until they're fixed whenever that might be. Sooooo....I was thinking of doing one about the typical "When a Stranger Calls" scenario...obviously not copied from the movie, but in a similar...
July 10th, 2012 at 05:48am


Hey guys...Just so you all know, I deleted both of my stories. Not permanently I hope...but until my flash drive is fixed and I have it all back, I didn't feel comfortable just leaving them up. So if I can get my flash drive fixed I'll re-upload all of them and finish them quickly. I'll try to keep you guys updated on whats going on with them. If my flash drive turns out to be completely destroyed...
July 7th, 2012 at 09:25am


Just to let my readers know (that is if I still have any left) that I am STILL ALIVE. I haven't given up on my stories. But we got a new computer and the guy that installed it accidentally DELETED MY FLASH DRIVE. Which had ALL the remaining chapters of RF on it. COTG wasn't entirely finished, but it had a bit more than what's uploaded on here. Basically, I'm FUMING. And I don't have any backups....
May 29th, 2012 at 07:37am