My Love

Sometimes I feel as if no one in the world ever notices me. But then somewhere in that crowd of people you seem to spot me. To notice that im standing alone. We talk and get closer, but we've already talked about relationships, and how are's wont change. Even when i wish it would I know it wont. You like someone else, someone who couldn't be as passionate as me. I am afraid of the three words i...
May 13th, 2009 at 09:34pm

When Everything Goes Wrong

Ever feel like everything you do is completely and utterly die hard passion but no one even cares? well thats how i feel, the guy i like looks me in the eyes, but i cant reach up and hug him, i cant close my eyes and kiss him, i cant say the three words i'm killing myself over to him. Then my heart seems to tug in different directions and i end up not even knowing who i am anymore. love isnt...
May 8th, 2009 at 10:49pm