CLICK HERE! ANSWER MY VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION!! V.E.R.Y. IMPORTANT! CLICK HERE. its about evil toys.........You know you wanna CLICK-Y!!!!

Hey!! I have decided (IF anyone has ever read my dumb journals before,) that I'm actually gonna have some importance to them.(Insert pause here)(and here) (and maybe here)Ha ha... I just didn't know what to do OH! I know!OK.You know those old toys you used to play with when you were a little kid? And now those toys are in a box some where.... LOST and HELPLESS........ They are lonely...
August 27th, 2009 at 06:51am

My Vacation

I'm Back!!!!!!!!! *cue dramatic entry* Mwa! hahahahahahaha!Ha ha.I just got back from my vacation and it was a lot of fun!We went to eastern Washington and it was this little town named Tonasket and there was a lake: Spectacle Lake. And the water was perfect, not to cold but not to warm. Relaxing.Also there was a pool at the resort and it didn't make sense to me....Like why would you have a pool...
August 4th, 2009 at 09:48pm