fairenough. / Comments

  • hey there. :) my name is Sam.
    July 21st, 2009 at 09:09pm
  • OMG, your new layout is sexy. :)
    July 21st, 2009 at 01:37pm
  • Sorry, It took so long to get back to you. I haven't been on the computer for a bit (:

    I'm doing good, What about you?
    How's your summer? :D
    July 21st, 2009 at 07:38am
  • HEY THERE!!!! sorry i got busy! im tryig despertly to get back in shape before fall field hockey:)

    I write stuff with a complicated plot line and its always different so i cant tell u what type of genre i write i guess cause i write them all!!!!

    if u make it to new york you must go see a broadway play!!!! if u dont its like a sin...they are all amazing anyway so it doesnt matter which but i highly recommend wicked...that was amazing! So i wish you luck on your operation:) lol

    love ya's
    July 21st, 2009 at 03:06am
  • HAHA Eating an onion!!
    That is so random!!
    I loveee onions and I thought i was the only one on earth who did.

    hmm im doing good. im so glad its summer :]
    im dreading school just like you.
    we start back september 2 :[

    hmmm well write back :]]]]]]
    July 20th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • of course the 1st time u wear something white ur gonna spill on it its just what has to happen thts y i own pretty much no white. haha

    alright 1st 2 members of the clutz club sounds good to me!!
    i stay away from sports to except for gym they make you then. haha
    and of course we will help each other through this clumsy time.

    im not one for the quite of night i just like the dark, how its always got something tht could happen but u cant c it till it does.

    well i checked the request 1st then this so i did things backwards oops. haha

    actually tht was early for me like 11am.
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:09am
  • Yes I reads all the Harry Potter books and I have all the movies except the recent one lol.

    But I can't wait for the last two movies to come out!! They're gunna be amazing like all of them : ).

    How are you dear?? Well, I'm jus dandy today...extreamly tired and completly out of it today. But whatever...We had people over for a bbq last night they didn't leave till 11 or so and I never stay up that late so Im beat! Lol.

    Well, I hav to say Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is my favoirte movie so far...lol. I love it when their older and when their younger its too cute lol.

    That's all for now.

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!! Lots o' love <3
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:29pm
  • Hello beautiful, how's it going?

    God, you think you're a couch bum? You know what I did today? I woke up, had breakfast, went on mibba, worked heaps on my assignment, had lunch, worked some more on my assignment, watched Camp Rock on Disney Channel, had dinner, watched more camp rock, and now I'm on mibba. And that's the amazing life of me. Ahem, all of that plus dreading tomorrow. I HATE SCHOOL.

    Aww, I've just started getting used to my blonde streak. :) Thanks though, Iz. You're so lovely and encouraging and AWESOME.

    Oh man, I can't stop talking about Harry Potter. It's like, the best thing that ever happened to me. XD HAH, kidding. But I love it soo much. Oh em gee, I LOVE Luna, she's so unique and original and she really inspires me. She's awesome. It was SOOO cute when Harry asked her to the dinner thing and she was all dressed up. And also, at dinner...

    HOLY CRAP! Beer just vomitted! All over the tiles! OMG, it looks like ROTTEN MILK! Oh god, oh god, oh god. I HATE vomit. I HATE spew. EWWWWW. Oh noooo, maybe he's really sick. Oh god, I feel like vomitting now. I feel sorry for Beeerr...


    Luna was so cute at dinner and she was wearing the lion costume. I was like, NAWW! I'd so be best friends with her. She's lovely. But you know how Luna finds Harry on the train when Malfoy (drool) stepped on Harry's face? Yeah, well in the book, it's supposed to be Tonks who finds him. You know, the girl with purple hair, who's face keeps on changing? In number five, order of the pheonix? Mmm...

    Aww, I feel so sorry for Draco how at the end he was like, "I have to kill you, or else he'll kill me.." I was like, DRACO I LOVE YOU! I was half inclined to shout that out in the cinema. Dude, I'd marry him. Totes. He's such a troubled teen, and when he was crying in the bathroom, I was like, NOOO! LET ME COMFORT YOU! LOL. And then when Harry (the bully) came and almost killed him, I was like, crying. LOL.

    Okay, I am definitely going to check my emails now. :)

    Aww thanks Iz, you're the sweetest, bestest, awesomest, prettiest, loveliest friend I've ever had. I don't really need to know all the gossip, I'm happy how I am. Clueless and happy. :) Haha, but it's good to know goss. Just so I'm not too left behind. I always feel that I can tell you anything, like, you won't ever judge me for what I say or anything.

    Ooooh, we SHALL wag. We shall wag this term. We should probably wag Civics, because Mr Hobbs won't even notice, and I doubt we'll miss out on much. But what do you think?

    YOU DESIGNED AND MADE THAT COAT?! Are you kidding me? Holy crap, you're amazing! Aww you're getting sewing lessons? That's so cool. I've had sewing holidays programmes. They were fun. I made boxer shorts once, and a little phone holder once. It was cool. :) But WOW. Iz, if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. That sounded cheesy, but it's true. If you wanna be a fashion designer, you're going to become a fashion designer. :)

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

    I love you like a twilight fanatic loves Robert Pattinson, that is A LOT!
    July 19th, 2009 at 01:11pm
  • Haha, triple chinned smiley face :))) i love it lol.

    Hmm favourite word i dont kno, i think palmesan (you kno the cheese) is a weird word, giggle is a weird word to haha, i have a list of weird words, i randomly say a word for ages and it amuses me, my friends get annoyed tho sometimes, not my fault. but anyway favourite word smarticles haha i like it.

    ok ok so here are the answers to your questions but u have to answer them too promises.
    favourite movie- i dont think i have one, i like alot of movies
    fav actor-dont got one lol
    fav food- i love sweets, pavlova or ice-cream is good oh lemon maringue oh and fudge and ahhh too many to name.
    music- Well i like anything really. im liking taylor swift at the moment and beyonce as well as nevershoutnever and bring me the horizon.
    When i grow up well i wanna be a professional dancer, a chef or childcare worker/teacher

    Ahh we will definately be pj buddies. that happened to me too, i was in my pjs and it was like 3 in the arvo then this ppl turned up and im like :0 embarrassing i tell you.

    Smarties are awesome they are colourful, haha.

    I wanna see these pictures haha, all red, well i guess you can't get lost. i could spot you from a distance, :P
    good luck on the videos haha.

    Your adorable haha, i like you, you are now officially my new friend. Onion and Pj buddies forever and evr and ever and ever and ever and ever ( i think i will stop now, dont want to gett annoying, besides i think u catch my drift haha. Your never gonna get rid of me *evil face*)

    xx love you too
    July 19th, 2009 at 11:10am
  • : )
    you can be a mummmmy.
    *gives toilet paper.

    -is listening to three days grace.

    LOVES. hahahahaha.
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:57am
  • Ps. You're new avatar is so lovely. ILY.
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:52am
  • Heeyy.
    Thats's okay, i hvan't been on for a while anyway, been in Paris on holiday, sweet place it is. I watched Harry Potter while i was there, but it was all in french so it didn't make much sense. XD. Anyway, how are you these days??
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:32am
  • Howdy :)

    Haha those excuse arn't that lame, but its all good. You dont need to apologize (hope i spelt that right), cause your awesome and i understand, haha onion is a weird word have you ever noticed that??

    OMG i havent seen the Harry Potter movie yet but im going to soon, cause i want to see it haha, i read the books so its gonna be sooo good.

    You are NOT! a horrible friend, you just get distracted easily, like me haha. We can have some weird freaky connection that way we can always talk, we could have the weird connection that twins had, that would be freaky if we were like long lost sisters lol.

    Dont worry bout being lazy, i am too; GO LAZY PEOPLE! I have cool pjs too, and you wanna kno something weird, its not weird but i dont care lol. I just woke up and i was in my pjs then my friends decided to turn up haha embarrassing kinda, cause it was like 10:30.
    I Like Talking To You Too!

    I made chocolate muffins yesterday and i put alot of smarty type things through em so the it was multi coloured it looked so awesome, and it tasted yummy too haha. A horror movie, aye sounds like funn but i unno what to put in it, maybe something that will make you jump haha like zombies and then these ninja people. Haha i have an obsession with ninjas at the moment, me and my friend are gangsta ninjas haha weird.

    Lollipop, Lollipop, oh la la la la la lollipop. pop. haha i feel like a lollipop. BYEEE
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • Dude I saw harry potter and I loved it!!!!!!! I love Malfoy too!! He's so good :)...well, I mean a good actor :p.

    How are you?? Sorry I would write more but I forgot what to say
    July 18th, 2009 at 04:25pm
  • Mmmmkay. Well I'll be sure to look up FAGOTTREN on youtube. Not now, because I'm watching tv. LOL. But soon, definately. And awww, I love you, you skinny little ranga girl. And tbh, no joke, I think orange hair is beautiful. If I didn't have black hair, I'd definately want orange.

    Haha, OMG. I am sooooooo in love with malfoy. Hahaha. Did you like the movie then? I thought it was awesome. Man, it was sooo intense. I jumped so much at the end when harry and dumbledore are at that lake, and harry reaches towards the water, and then suddenly the hands grabs him. MAN, I jumped OUT OF MY SEAT! That was creeeeepy. Draco was so disturbed in this movie. But sooo hot. DROOOOOOOOL. Aww, ron with the love potion. Haha, ROMILDA VANE! Oh god, I hate lavender. She is sooo annoying. Aww, and I felt so sorry for Hermione. DAMMMIT! Lol.

    Dude, I STILL haven't gotten that email! What is this? What has this world come to?! HAHA, just messing round.

    That's odd that your sisters not talking to you... Wonder why? Have you asked her, maybe?

    Oh god, I hate school drama. I am sooo over it all. It's so pathetic and low. And I honestly don't care for it much at all. That's probablyy why no one tells me anything. LOL. Rachel. I am so excited for rachel to come back. I know things have changed since she's gone, and things will almost definitely change when she comes back, but hopefully it'll be for the better. I love rachel sooo much. I don't think ( I HOPE) our friends group won't change. And nothing between me and Dean should change. :) But I can't wait to see her.

    GOD, NO NO NO NO! I hate schooooool. DAMMIT. I'm gonna wagg. :) Wanna come with me?

    Haha, my cousins are kinda cool. We played xbox, and marbles and we went ten pin bowling. It was actually heaps fun. :) And one of my cousins is really small and SOOO cute. And they've gotten older and more mature, so they're funner to hang with now.

    Love you heaps. x
    July 18th, 2009 at 02:35pm
  • HAHHAAHAHA yeah thanks.
    *goes zombie and stabs you.
    July 18th, 2009 at 11:30am
  • HEY THERE! : D
    dont worry about it.

    *coughs and splatters all over you*
    July 18th, 2009 at 10:56am
  • YO YO YO.

    Hmm, I couldn't find fagrotten on youtube... maybe a link to one of his videos would help? Haha, he sounds cool. I love EVERYTHING disney.

    God, I hate it when I'm talking to people and it all just ends up about the Jonas Brothers or Twilight. Harry Potter is an exception because EVERYONE loves harry potter! Lol. But yeah, I try to keep conversations just a little original.

    WOOHOO! I'll check my emails as soon as I finish with this comment. Dude, you're so creative and cool. I mean, while I sit around at home lazing on the computer, or staring at the floor thinking of something to do. You're out and about making a horror video or something. It's so cooooool.

    Sickass.. XD

    Haha, nah I don't see your sister much. It was just kinda like, omg there's emma! And then no more said really. Lol. I've like, never texted bec in my whole life, so there you go. LOL.

    Oh god, I am dreading school aswell. I actually hate school. I mean, the people are cool. The work is NOT cool. If school had no work, that'd be great. School is just an easy excuse to see friends everyday without having to go to the trouble of actually organising something. LOL.

    I actually haven't been up to much at all. I think my cousins are coming down sometime today. So I'm gonna have to hang out with them all day. And then the next day (sunday) I think they'll still be here, so more hanging out with them. AND THEN MONDAY! GAHHHHHH!

    Mmm, write back? XD

    July 18th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • Heyyy again!
    I know!! It's been forever haha!!
    How have you been?
    Oh and I love your layout!
    It's awesome :]
    July 17th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • HEYY! Omg Im sooooo sorry for the late replyyyy!!!

    My phone crashed and MY interent!!! It was crazyyy!! I had no contact for like EVER yesterday....it was soooo sad. I couldn't type or I couldn't text or call any one (Well, i can only text on my phone cause the send button broke on my phone!!!!!!!!!

    AND AND Harry Potter came out yesterday!! Im seeing it this weekend!!!! My whole family LOVES HP so were gunna see it together...a little family outing lol.

    How are you love??? And like I said...IM SOOOO sorry bout the late reply!!! Oh! And BTW, LOVE the new layout!!! <3
    July 16th, 2009 at 07:00pm