coco. / Comments

  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They liked it!
    May 11th, 2010 at 02:40am
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I told some of them, and they all saying when can we read something. Only one of my friends has read Red Darkness lol.
    May 11th, 2010 at 02:32am
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    May 11th, 2010 at 02:20am
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahh thanks. I'm working on a het no kink story at the moment, basically so I can show it to people at work, I think they would be shocked if they read some of my stories lol.
    May 11th, 2010 at 01:57am
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's nice of you to stop by, by the way I'm working my way through your stories there all smashing I must say :)
    May 11th, 2010 at 01:49am
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey sorry for the late comment back, I've been busy and haven't checked my Mibba. I'm good thanks for asking what about yourself?
    May 10th, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I never check my mail on my iPod xD It always says like sixteen even though I know it's way more than that. I get all excited when I see I have an email, always thinking it's a story notificication, but most of the time it's just stupid thing. Long comments are the best comments!

    It's just a comment for your topic, so it'll be back on the first page of the Writing Contest thingy, so hopefully more people would join. You're contest is the first I've ever joined, and I'm really excited. I've never been a competitive person, but I'm so eager. I'd love to start a joint frerard with you! But I've got like five stories I need to tend to (four, really.) I hate the feeling I get when I put off updating a story for a certain amount of time because I'm still writing drafts for all the other story chapters. I can go for weeks on end 'cause I'm like the worlds worst procrastinator. It's like when I'm at school, all I wanna do is write write write, but when I finally get home and [i]can[/i] write, I only write like a few paragraphs then get distracted. In fact, I was editing the first chapter of my entry for your contest when I decided I should come and reply to your comment. I'll never get anything done in life xD

    That nickname reminds me of the cuppy cake song- 'You're my honeybunch, sugar plum, pummy ummy umpkins, you're my sweetie pie.'

    My friend who's a guy has hair like her's too. It just flops around and sticks up in the back. We always tease him about it, but he got his hair cut recently and so his bump it disappeared. I hate repitition with a burning passion, which is probably the reason I don't like many songs now-a-days. I'm right with you there, Miranda should just stick soley to acting- forever and ever.

    I always forget what I write too so even if I'm not feeling lazy I'll still shorten it. I have a horrible memory, too. I write stuff on my arms so I won't forget xD

    I can't stand the feeling of two much sand, it's too, gritty and textured. I hated getting it i between my toes, even though there's no possible way to avoid that, like even if you wear tennis shoes you the darn sand still manages to find it's way in. I hate when the sun heats up the sand too so it's all hot and burns the bottoms of your feet. Ouch.

    It's like, "Hey what did you do today?"
    "I fought a baby dragon for my mail today!"
    "O rlly? I killed the troll who lives under the bridge in order to get here!"
    I want Unicorns. I love Unicorns.

    I think their make up is the worst. Like, it's painted so it looks like their smiling even when they're not. The clown in It is named Pennywise, and he's fucking creepy. He lures kids in and eats them, just like that. It makes me shiver just thinking about it. Yeah, a serial killer clown. But Mime's do have those cute little beret type hat's. I guess I'm going to have to get used to them because I want to live in France/Italy one day.

    I have mine on password protect, but I'm still so paranoid that they'll unlock it somehow. That's awesome that he was fine with it, even though my brother is only seven, I'm sure he would've found one of the stories I was reading and tattled. Around nine and ten I was obsessed with the book series [i]Warriors[/i] so I was like a rolelay freak for that. I joined a bunch of sites, and one time I left it open on my computer when my mom came in. She freaked and yelled and flailed her arms and whatnot, and told me not to go on those anymore. I still did. It wasn't until I was 11/12 when I came across MCR fanfics, more especially, Frerard fanfics.

    I'd be skinned alive then thrown out to the sharks if they ever found out, too. They're not very fond of homosexual's. Like when I was in the car with my stepdad I asked him what the song 'We will rock you' was about because I needed to know for an assignment. He said 'Gay pride.' and I was like O_O 'Why do you think that?' Then he was like, "Why do you think? Queen sung it. Queen is full of a bunch of fa-homo's". I was [i]fuming[/i]. He would've said faggot's if my brother wasn't in the backseat. (Every time he's around now I blast We Will Rock You just to piss him off). They also got to my brother. When he was watching LOTMS with me, it came to the part where Gerard and Bert kissed for like half a second and he was like, "Why did they just kiss each other? Boy's arent supposed to kiss eachother." He sounded disgusted. I just wanted to shout, "It doesn't matter! Love is love and it-" and then I would go into an hour long rant about it. So instead I jsut stuttered out an, "Uhm, they're just playing." (It sounds dirty thinking back on it). Oh and, no, they don't know I write/ read stories on the internet. At least I hope not

    My computer is my baby. It has everything. I also don't want them to search it 'cause I have this folder full of frerardy goodness and I write my chapters on word. I have a picture of a seagull I drew taped to mine. It's a pretty seagull. OH, I also forgot to mention Sims. On my aunts laptop, I have Sims 3 installed, and I made Frank and Gerard. They're relationdhip id pretty blatant. I know for a fact she's not homphobic because we had a conversation about it, but it'd still be a bit wierd to see that you're niece made two guys have sex and cook and clean and adopt babies on a simulational game. My computer still has a good few years left.

    P.S: Long comment returned with most likely loads of grammatical errors :D
    May 10th, 2010 at 02:45pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I hate missing comment notifications. Like on the last comment you sent I saw that you left a really long comment like forever ago Dx

    Anywho, bump is just a random comment to get your topic back onto the front page of the forum list. So maybe more people would enter, or comment, or what not. And you're welcome honeybunnnchkinzz. (completely random, i know)

    I hate when they play the same Progressive commericals back to back. I think she wears a bump it :o Same with me! It's just like, 'eh forgetta bout it'.

    I haven't been to the beach in years, and I really wanna go just to walk around. The water is usally dirty depending on where you go, like in Galveston it's pretty yucky. I like looking for seashell's though. :D I hate when anything crunchy get's in my food, it makes me spit it out immediately. Bleh.

    You live on Elm Street? Oh lordy. It would suck so bad if all fiction became non-fiction and all non-fiction fiction became fiction. Just imagine what the world would be like: dragons everywhere, child molesters with claws in your dreams, monster's in the closet. Horrible horrible.

    I hate their noses. Those big, red tomatoe balls. Have you seen IT before? That movie haunted me for years on end, still kind of does, in some sorts of ways. Mimes are freakier. They don't talk or anything. Just sit there and put themselves in imaginary boxes. Freaky.

    Yeah, I hate when my iPod does that. I really just use it to read frerard's or play games at night when I'm supposed to be sleeping. And if I get any idea's for one of my stories I write it down in there.

    If my parents ever did a thorough inspection of my room I'd probably be dead. I have like four notebooks where I prewrite the chapters stuffed into this open compartment in my desk, just sitting their like nothing. I have food stuffed in there to snack on too XD My iPod is full of incriminating evidence. I even doodled some f n g pictures somewhere in my sketchbook, too. I'd be skinned alive. I'm pretty sure my parent's are homophobic, which annoys me to no end.

    I don't have a laptop, but I have my own computer which is kind of the same. But I want a laptop 'cause there so much more portable. I might ask for one for Christmas. My computer is like a bajillion years old anyway.
    May 10th, 2010 at 01:28am
  • ghostbrainz.

    ghostbrainz. (100)

    United States
    Thanks for telling me. (:
    May 8th, 2010 at 08:24pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I know! Like whenver you get into the shower it all goes down the drain and you're like 'Woah, where did all that come from?' But there's pee in pools too, but since it's more confined it's like everywhere. Ew. I love Spongebob anytime

    He came in their dreams, but it happened in real life too. Like if you were watching the sleeping person you could see them struggling agaisnt nothing. But when Freddy like scratched them or killed them you could [b]see[/b] it happen. I'd freak the heck out if that ever happened to me.

    When I was younger I always use to get them for my birthday or christmas, and i always hated them, but I couldn't say anything because it was a gift! I just hid them and never touched them again.

    Clowns should disappear for all eternity.

    My house isn't old enough to be all spooky creaky, but there's some spots it'll creek.

    Don't worry about the typo's, I understand. (:

    (P.S: I shortened it 'cause I was too lazy to write it all again and I forgot ost of what I said xD)
    May 7th, 2010 at 01:43pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I made like the longest comment and it didn't send it D:

    I gotta go write it again )':
    May 7th, 2010 at 01:37pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I made a sand castle on the beach once, it wasn't a very good one, though. And you know how people sometimes bury other people in the sand with only their head above the sand (well that happened in Spongebob xD), I tried that too but I couldn't dig that far down. I just made a big hole and watched when people sometimes fell in it xD

    The only reflex game I'm good at is Guitar Hero. I can play on Hard :D Dancing is not for me :|

    Yeah he was a child molester, the kids told their parents and the parents burned him up :P Then he came back after their kids. (Sorry if I ruined it for you!). It was a good movie, I got to see it at this place where you can eat [b]eat[/b] while watching it. I was gnawing on my burger and fries like a maniac. (I chew on things when I'm nervous) It'll be Fraid(prounonced like said) D. Crougar next time.

    Anything with enunciated or like exagerated big, round eyes scares the crap out of me. I'm terrified of clowns, too. And deep cuts or really bad wounds. I can handle everything else in life, at least I hope so.

    My house doesn't creak that much. Only the doors. I hate my door because whenever I leave it open it'll just like slowly close it self and I'm always like D:. If I have my window open it'll slam closed really [b]really[/b] hard too.

    I've always wanted creaky stairs so I know when someone's coming up, but it'd be hard to sneak out or back in. Hmmph.
    May 6th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I made a mudpie once!

    Coconut; i love that xD

    That sounds like something my friends would say, too. I love when people give us weird looks, so we can just rub it in our face and go 'HAH'. I suck at Dance Dance Revolution.

    Yeah he was a gardener and took kids to a secret place to let them color and, well, you get the drift. It was kind of funny looking back.

    I hate those dolls. My friend had a whole like cabinet dresser thing full of those. I refused to sleep by it. They're freaky.

    P.S: I see that xD You just changed it again
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:43pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I don't mind at all! I love searching through different layouts. I change it like every month, once I get bored of the one I currently have. I don'y wanna change my username though xD It's one word of this long nickname my friend gave me. Well, it's not really long.

    [i]Sick Invisible Mudpie Catcher[/i]

    I just call her Doll. (The one in the house picture is the friend I'm talking about.)

    The Lovely Bones! I remember when I went to go see that. I had four other friends with me and we had to scoot into three seats in the very front of the theater because it was so full. My neck hurt like crap after the movie was done 'cause of looking up. I didn't cry during it though, I was laughing too because my guy friend was sending perverted text messages to another guy friend. His reaction was hilarious.

    I saw Nightmare on Elm Street. There were a lot of sexual joke references, and I mean a lot. I guess it was because the dude [i]was[/i] a child molester, but still. It was kind of freaky. I never saw the original entirely, but I heard it was kind of better because Freddy seemed like more natural.

    Dead Silence? I've never heard about that before. What's it about?
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    Love the new profile you got going :)

    Bambi always makes me cry.

    I'm flattered. I might keep it, who knows what I might forget like thirty years from now.

    I'll be sure to explain everything well! It's kinda confusing. I have this little notebook where I'm writing down notes and crap to keep track.

    I cry at like everything, even horror movies xD I'm a wimp!
    May 3rd, 2010 at 11:28pm
  • fairywings

    fairywings (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You should be really proud of it as it was beautifully written and I will smack anyone who says otherwise lol
    May 2nd, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • fairywings

    fairywings (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooh cookie thank you and your welcome, even though you made me cry I will forgive you
    Thanks for the add
    May 2nd, 2010 at 06:42pm
  • dandygrrrl

    dandygrrrl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks for the comment, and boo hiss that Terry has turned up. There will be some majour and rather weird plot twists.
    May 1st, 2010 at 03:33am
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    We didn't get a pledge sheet, but our teacher wants us to keep them so we can show our kids once we get older. I'm not keeping mine. Nuh uh. I don't want my kids to know how much of a loser I was xD

    You took it very much correctly, dear.
    But not as much as the Fox and the Hound. You should really see it though, it's so awesome.

    I would research it on my iPod but it's just faster on the computer. I researched a buch of things. There's like Trimsester's and midwive's and ultrasounds and it's all so confusing x3
    I've got the layout made already though, I love making layouts so much. I have like five for stories I'll probably never write.

    Yeah, that's what she said. She thought it would collapse on us or something, too. That'd have been horrible D:

    Thirty year age difference? Dang, that's alot.
    I might read it, but I don't like sad things (I cry at like [i]everything[/i] though) so I'll probably just skip to the end, too, if I ever do read it.

    P.S: I get to go play with my aunts new kitties tommorow! I'm so excited :3
    April 29th, 2010 at 11:49pm
  • mudpie.

    mudpie. (100)

    United States
    I think I've got a lot to say in this comment so heads up :P

    That 'Me Book' sounds like a project I'm doing right now. We have to make like a scrapbook about our lives and decorate it with loads of pictures and writing 'cause it's for ELA. It's rather easy for a major grade.

    My favorite Disney movie is The Fox and the Hound. I am overly obsessed with it and Lady and the Tramp xD I love the ones with talking animals.

    I don't know how they can enter their entries so quickly. I'm still planning the entire thing out (it's gonna be 3 chapters, btw.). I had to research a bunch of things about pregnancy and stuff. If my parents ever get a hold of my History they're gonna be pretty suspicious O_O

    P.S: To that picture you commented on: Nuh uh, they both ended up dying in the end. Tragic really and no, that's not me. My friend jumped into the picture. I have no clue what she's laughing at, no one else was with us. We wanted to go inside but there were so many houses around it, too many witnessess (sp?)

    To the comment on DSSCTM: Nuh uh, I've never heard of The Dove Keeper before. It looks like a Frerard, is it any good? I'm up for new Frerard's anytime (as if I don't read enough already! xD ).
    April 29th, 2010 at 01:56pm