some times

i guess that sometimes has become a really overused phrase/word in my world.sometimes (there i go ;) lol ) you do things that disapoint others and sometimes the only person you hurt is yourself. and i have to say that although i make many choices and alot of the time i choose the wrong one, the main thing i wish i could do over is well everything.everyone wants to go back to that special time and...
June 1st, 2009 at 09:53pm

things you do as a stupid teen

there are many things in life that you'll regret doing as a teenager. whether you were doing theses insidious things out of revenge to a close "friend" or revoluting against a parent, everything comes back around...these are my personal best faults that were made during the ages of 13 to well now really...and im sure that ill be able to add more onto this list after a month or two.what can i say?...
May 23rd, 2009 at 02:45am

my first...

ive done alot in my life....recently ive started doing alot of new things... i have some weird habbits that have forbidden me to take part in normal things from day to day. but no fear, ive broken out of that shell or at least part of trying... :) so here are a few of the things ive doine here recently that will be my "firsts"1. colored something a color other than purple2. touched a...
May 16th, 2009 at 12:17am