
So I guess im retard? idk but thats what one of my best friends called me and my other best friend. 1 im not retard. 2 i act retard to have fun so referr bck to 1. 3 if i so retard then why aree we still even friends?. 4 i take offense when ppl saw i knw nothing whenever im in higher classes then you nd doin better then you!.my other best friend was mad to and i can understand bcuz being called...
April 29th, 2011 at 06:49pm

People, I hate.

So have you ever been sitting somewhere and the girls to the table next to you are talking sh*t about some other girl who isn't even there to defend herslef? I really hate those kind of people just like the people who get mad if you say you hate a class (but they like) and you didnt knw they liked it. Some of the people at my school i would really like to punch because they run their mouth about...
April 20th, 2011 at 07:16pm