I Think Ur A Contra / Comments

  • PS Thanks for the comments on the story. I'm glad you're enjoying them.
    And I am [i]always[/i] writing 'Tony' for Michael's name. I thought I got all of those, but I guess the little bugger slipped in. XD
    And NUH UHHH. Shifty I am but a mere 14 year old girl, I so don't write the scripts! File Shifty
    No, really. I wish I wrote the scripts. If I had been writing, Tony and Tim would have gotten together like four seasons ago. File
    December 10th, 2009 at 09:30pm
  • There IS?! Crazy *fan girl squeal*
    December 10th, 2009 at 09:27pm
  • No, there isn't. *throws a tantrum* Cry
    Next week's episode should be new. It HAS to be. *whimpers*
    And it's alright, I understand. Cute School has its hectic points, I know. Last year I was a fucking wreck towards the end.
    Thanks sweetie. Arms
    December 8th, 2009 at 10:12pm
  • I adored that. And when Tim said "No girl..." He looked up at Tony with a little smile as if to say, [i]"Can't you guess better than that?"[/i]
    And then Tony gives him a look which basically plays out to, [i]"Does that mean you're doing it for me?"[/i]
    And then Ducky intervened before Tony tackled him to the ground and made out with him. File

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Cute
    November 25th, 2009 at 11:25pm
  • Mmmm just thinking that is soo hot. Happy face That would have been nice tehe
    SHHHH. That is NOT a happy thought. And NON-happy thoughts get banned. Grr (ever since 7x01 Truth or Consequences I've been really protective over my Timmy and any mention of death, dying, or mortality MUST be derailed Cry Cry)
    Besides, Tim and Ziva are friends. That's been clear since nearly day one.
    November 20th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • He should've, I know. But if they had done that, then they wouldn't have been able to resist each other and they just can't air porn, as much as I wish they could. So they had to be like, "Hmm, if the elevator is stuck, then it's got to be Tim and Ziva because Ziva would just kill Tony, and Tony and Tim would just sex each other, and really, Gibbs is too cool for that." File
    November 19th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • *chants*
    I like this chant Naughty
    *crosses fingers*
    November 18th, 2009 at 01:50am
  • I see a lot of Gibbs's slaps in their future. I think that's probably why he's making Tony go with Ziva a lot more...if you notice before in the earlier seasons Gibbs always used to have Tony go with Tim but I think he started noticing the lusty glances and satisfied smiles and touchy-feelly and was like "HOLD THE PHONE" and started sending Tony with Ziva. lmfao

    I don't think I've seen the video but I can't watch it right now so I'm not sure.
    November 17th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • OHH right. I totally knew that. >_>
    It is adorable. In Love And aww thanks. tehe I can see a lot of low muttering and huffing breaths and crossed arms in a McNozzo future. XD
    November 14th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • Cute
    I can see that. It does need to happen. Oh my God, Tim always blushing makes my insides squirm with happiness. In Love In Love
    I don't think they'd "fight" more...but they'd definitely be jealous more. Especially Tim. Tony would smile at someone he was talking to and Tim would be all "huklskasklamsas D:<" and then sigh because he didn't think Tony was paying attention so he'd turn to talk to the attractive witness and get his statement and then you'd see from Tony's POV that he was watching Tim and then HE'D be all "ausuhailjslaskask D:<"
    And then Gibbs would head slap the two and all would well. tehe
    November 14th, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • Oh my God, I didn't know that! That's so awesome! I hope Obama keeps to his word and repeals Don't Ask, Don't Tell. In Love
    I'm not sure either. Think
    I think so too. And it makes me soso happy to know that Michael agrees. And if Tony and Tim were to date, nothing would change except the fact that they, you know, kiss and stuff. Shifty I can see them being really relaxed about it though, nothing really changing except they use one car instead of two when going to the office. Cute
    However, if Tony and Ziva went out...I dunno. I can just imagine Ziva being like "OMG TONNYYYY" every time they're in an action scene and then lots of fighting over stupid things and then some angry fast non-explicit sex. and it'd be really awkward and I would not want. Twitch
    November 13th, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • Wait, Don't Ask Don't Tell is being considered to be repealed? Shocked
    But you are so right. (Even though I'm not sure if Don't Ask Don't Tell even covers them because they're not technically [i]in[/i] the military...they make allusions to it though so maybe it does. I'm not sure)
    I honestly hope they just ditch the whole tony/ziva thing they're thinking of doing because, to be honest, I really don't think Michael's heart is into it at all (in fact, he's even mentioned that he doesn't like the thought of a relationship between Ziva and Tony) and I don't think it would be believable.
    And besides, it's obvious the writers are giggling as they write down happy tales of slashy romance because there's been a HELL of a lot more love between Tony and Tim then Tony and Ziva. Either that or Michael just gets the script and then highlights all the parts and flips them into a McNozzo love. Either way. I am satisfied. Happy face
    November 13th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • yes, yes, yes, YES HE WAS *flails*
    Not like I'm excited or anything Shifty
    I especially like the part where Ziva was like "You're jealous" and Tony replies "Yes I am" which I think was supposed to be like Tony wanted a girlfriend or whatever but Michael Weatherly just made it seem like he was IN LOVE with Timmy. Because he is. *sighs*
    I also love how he rifles through his desk without a second thought in order to know and get closer to Tim and also how he calls like an old husband to make sure he got the order right. I also love how when she put the phone to his ear he just kind of sighs and says, "Tony?" Like he was EXPECTING tony to call. *flails*
    I'm gonna stop before I like die from all the excitement but MY GOD BOYS. Just get together already! Twitch
    November 13th, 2009 at 01:52am
  • True. Even if I did love his chub. He just gets more and more gorgeous with every season. Happy face
    That's so true. And their relationship [i]definitely[/i] evolved this season. Shifty tehe Naughty
    That is a very good point. tehe
    November 10th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • I know, but you're totally right. He's definitely been growing up and getting looser and more comfortable with himself as the seasons go on and I lovelovelove that about a show. Happy face
    I'm sorry if that freaked you out. tehe I tend to just ramble on about these things shamelessly so just tell me to stfu if I get too explicit. XD
    November 9th, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • Hahaha, touche. Tony is pretty much the opposite of straight-laced. And I think Tim puts on this facade of being straight-laced because that's how he was raised to think but he really doesn't. You know what I mean? And it's so true! Before I wasn't that kinky but ever since I've gotten into NCIS I've been thinking about bondage and BDSM and dom/sub...Shifty
    Hahah, that's so true.
    November 9th, 2009 at 02:12am
  • Yess! I mean, they totally allude to it every now and then. And I doubt that Tony is exactly straight-laced when it comes to sex. Throw that together and you get so much kink. Happy face I swear, this fandom has turned me so fucking kinky. lmfao
    Ooo! If you do, definitely link me Cute
    November 8th, 2009 at 05:21am
  • Unngh he so is. He looks like that innocent little choir boy type who's never seen or heard anything dirty but I know the truth. I can see past that facade. tehe And oh goodness, there really isn't.
    Haha, you'll be eagerly waiting for a long, long time then xD
    November 6th, 2009 at 10:40pm
  • Ahaha, I know, but they were in a jail cell being watched and Tony isn't /that/ kinky (Tim probably is though Shifty) so I wanted it to kind of be like, a pre-slash sorta cute thing. Like he realizes that when he's running and screaming Tim's name and watching him all flexible and then trying to comfort him that, oh my goodness, maybe things aren't quite as straight as Tony once thought.
    Maybe in another one shot tehe
    November 5th, 2009 at 04:03am
  • tehe Thanks hun.
    And I put that part in not only because of the way Tony was totally staring and ogling McGee rather than being the lookout like he was supposed to, but because my stomach totally flipped during that part and I don't really care if it was supposed to be a funny scene, my mind went so many places...
    Sooo that was more of a personal "lemme-write-out-my-thoughts" type of thing. I couldn't resist. tehe
    November 4th, 2009 at 11:38pm