What hurts the most

Ok, Well as everyone knows I dont live with my dad. I live in Minnesota with my mom and her husband. Well his two daughters came here for the weekeend. Yeah fuck right? No....Not really. Well, first it was going AMAZING my mom and me were not fighting for once. But whatever...We all decided oh monday yeah lets hang out and all this "Family stuff" Well I made a cake Friday night ebcasue it is my...
May 25th, 2009 at 11:58pm

Know what?

Know what I dont get...Anyone....Why is it people are so...heartless at time...I mean everyone is...Ok some people are starting to like "Oh here goes another Oh I hate my life no ones cares story" If all you are going to do is bitch...Leave I dont want to hear your shit....But anyway...Ok lately....As you could read me and someone broke up...I ranted enough about that so what ever...My friend...
May 23rd, 2009 at 02:17am

You know who you are

Ok, the last thing I said was kind of harsh but every word was true. I should have made it a lttle nicer...And I agree with what people wrote YOU. You say you dont love me...And you say yuo CANT love...but I think thats bull shit...Yeah you prob DONT love me...and I dont care...Do what you will on that subject but I think its stupid when you say you cant love. You are so used to haveing people not...
May 21st, 2009 at 08:42pm


Ok, So I dont get it! I was nice, I fucking cared, put EVERYTHING out there, made compromisses that i am 100% against, let you drink and do all the shit you wanted to do, and all i asked was that you talk to me and idk maybe love me like yo said you did? so what these last few weeks i was only a fuck for you? you TOLD me you loved me and you TOLD me maye we could be together again and you dont...
May 21st, 2009 at 01:26pm