BabyGirl19 / Comments

  • Ink125

    Ink125 (100)

    hey, just wonderin how you and the baby are doin.
    October 12th, 2009 at 11:12pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    Mom's going to help me =) Yeah. I've picked different electives from you too...and french. my happiness changed my mind.
    July 24th, 2009 at 12:19am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I'm staying James Madison/Ashworth...BUT I'M STILL HAPPY
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:20am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    true. very true. we're looking into south joliet school. I CAN WALK TO IT
    July 20th, 2009 at 06:07am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I'm staying homeschooled...i just don't like people and if i wanna date i'll go flirt across the street *wink* *wink* xD i'm kidding. so what have you been up to? anything new? we never started our co-written story xD do you still want to? i have ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! watch that. i love that song!!!
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I CHANGED MY USERNAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do you think about it? i'm so upset that i have to get ready for school in August DX NO I DON'T WANNA DO GERMAN MOMMY...actually I practice everytime my friends sign in xD oh and i'm getting a 50ish year old teacher. i'm worried. what if i get molested? >< my lungs have been hurting a lot and hopefully i'll get to the doctor soon. I've been thinking of going to a physical high school...idk though ><
    July 18th, 2009 at 06:13pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    Ello =D we haven't commented in a while. Right now I'm sitting in bed on limewire, really exhausted. I wanna go back to sleep >< it's 9:14AM though and mary's working. so there goes that. I think she's working at least. I have to clean the bathroom today...I wish I could text you. but if I did that and you reponded you would have to talk to everyone else and I would never do that to you. I'm in the white ups shirt and your old vegan pants =D I got a pair of your tommy's, a orange and white shirt (kinda tye-dieish), and your white,red, and black hoodie. I haven't really been doing anything. Kills me. I need to work on packing. and their going to crack down on me with my school =( They make this place more and more like a cage everyday...and I found out that I'm goth but they won't let me go full scale. I don't want to have to rebel against that one, this summer, I can't rebel neither. I'll be too busy. Damn it I hate this. I promised so much...
    May 30th, 2009 at 03:23pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    mum, dad, and I. Mamz and mary are going farther south. Mail?????? like in the mail box or? cause I can't get it in the mail box. mom and dad would murder me now that they know what it is all thanks to gore mcball baby. *rolls eyes* it isn't that bad. one year olds throw fits, by the age of two/three they should be done with it. one year olds just do that. she's still learning too. hanna's found nicer ways to stop her from throwing fits without giving her what she wants. I'M GETTING MSN RAPED!!!! there's 4 people blinking at the same time...><
    May 27th, 2009 at 09:35pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    That would make my day =D I have no idea what you can do at this point, I can't ask you to try to make amends with mom and would be wrong of me to do so. We're leaning more towards Chicago then Florida, matt's going to be so upset =( I wanna go back up north though, that's all I ever do is please everyone else except myself. Well, I missed Romeo on >< he's on 4am my time....can you believe it's 4 am here when it's 11am in Berlin? and I have fantastic news that I'll message you on vf. Norman is doing better and Abby doesn't get spankings -.-" You do NOT spank a one year old, maybe a three year old, but not one. she's just curious about stuff and when people say no she throws a fit. she'll learn.
    May 27th, 2009 at 02:32pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    It was partly your decision, you just decided to lip off at mom and dad at the wrong time. I was really looking forward to that and I was let down. It sucked.....sorry if I seem bitchy, Abby's pissing me off....>< Norman isn't feeling good and I'm trying to protect him and there so goes crying again DX I'm not feeling so great neither and I'm waiting for Dannie to reply to me.........idk if he/she a boy or a girl, i know that Dannie is pansexual......that's all I know about that though. it's really hot....................................................................................I've heard the ending is a bloody mess. I'm waiting for it to go instant on netflix if it ever does. Just cause it won't buffer in one day >< i'll start it tonight at midnight and wait until midnight tomorrow night/morning/whateverthehellitis. I'm so sore...I think i'm getting sick >< and i mean the flu sick cause i'm sore and fatigued and it's hot and i'm dehyrated..I'M DRINKING WATER LIKE A FUCKING CAMEL!!! when's the last time you listened to Kelly Clarkson? Sounds like life is become the perfect fairy tale you've always dreamed of and I'm happy for you even though it doesn't sound like it, I am happy for you. If one of us has to be happy in the end I'd rather it be you. You don't need to be here in the ruins of what was that was brought down by the fires of love and hate. I have something on my profile I want you to read. it's right above the comments but after the three days grace quote. ok? I am glad you're happy. don't think that I'm not. =)
    May 27th, 2009 at 01:23am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I just never got to see it...that's why I'm jealous. I always got up to the part where they put her in Mag's tent and then it freezes or won't buffer. damn enet XD I'm making cookies with johanna and she's doing her laundry while we do this. They're just regular chocolate chip. Nothing special. Ink would be yelling at me about the eggs...>< we both agree on the whole chick thing with it though. Don't use sissors to clip your nails. I got a finger nail in my eye and it sucked but I got it out. now my eye is twitching. the smacking isn't working.I MADE NEW SETS!! and i made strawberry lemonade. it's tasty. my oven buzzer's about to go off. oh and norman's really quiet, it's amazing. so when am i gonna see you again? I just had that thought last night while watching across the universe. I think that it was a chain thought, the beatles, panic at the disco, i've got friends in holy spaces, you used to sing them in the shower, and then you popped in my head and now when am I gonna see you again? I miss you and your cooking antics of trying to burn the kitchen down with grilled cheese sandwhiches XD Things are still pretty quiet even with Johanna, Chuck, and Abby. We party hard at night though. as soon as the sun goes down we get out the jack daniels and I pull bands outta my closet (don't tell Brandons sister i have the used in my closet...) and naw jk. i don't have bands in my closet or under my bed, nothing...and the only thing we have Jackie D's is bbq sauce which is damn yummy. it's got the taste of whiskey but it's not in the sauce. promise. I'm thinking about going more veggie and less meat. I'll still eat meat, just not as much as mom and dad normal...I can't do that. not when we're with a income of $30 to $50 an hour. what have you been up to? how are you? how is the baby? how is Brandon? how's the firefighter thing coming along? you do anything fun lately? I love the clothes mom and dad got me from walmart. The green shorts will look great with the dr.pepper shirt or the tank top. =D
    May 26th, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I NEVER GOTS TO SEE IT ALL >< DAMN IT!!!! I'm jealous now. tell me what you think of it. Yeah she does. can you chat?
    May 26th, 2009 at 05:32am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    UM. we're going to the park maybe and then maybe we'll go out to eat. idk. I really don't wanna do anything...I'm not feeling good today. my head hurts, my molars are slowly coming in month by month and i'm nausiated. You remember getting ur molars. right? I'm not saying anything though because abby's teethin and has a feaver so...yeah >< I'd love to go to Athens to the mall...I need to get some food for my bamboo. i think norman has worms...he's itching his ass on the carpet but i don't see any in this crap...idk. i need to give him a's my turn. but i'm not doing anything until my papers are done, i've touched my bass, and mary's cleaned the bathroom. I've lost my voice from singing. I tried to stretch my voice back into the opera voice i used to do........yeah. plus just singing. i haven't sung in 4 months. not like that. i should go to CVS today. if mary gets her ass out of bed. I need tooth cream. it's killing me..............DX some new head phones would be nice too but idk about that. I'm not made out of money....i have $19. I should just put that in the bank and stop spending. Cd prices have gone up...again. it's $14.42 for one cd ><
    May 25th, 2009 at 04:31pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    Yeah. My headphones are jerk off's tho x_x She is potty training's taking time though. you can't rush that kinda thing. by the age of two she should have it. I've missed having someone to talk to and hug and laugh with. I'm glad she's here. we've got 5 more turns on mario party then after that i hope i can get a shower in >< i'll have to at 9:10Pm which is about half an hour before bed. I stay up anyways and i'll prolly blow dry my hair. i haven't showered for two days. Mom gets on live ops at ten and i wake up at 9:30. so i screw myself over. they aren't bad parents, dad's just pissing me off. Mom's really good to me though =D Mary's being a lazy bitch, and Johanna's a high light of somedays. I'm going to have to work on school in June >< but by the end of it i should get a break........................hopefully. Mom said I would get a summer break, she didn't say how long though. i don't care though.......i know i should but i don't. i'm already insane...i've twitched twice today. I've smacked my eye twice today too. I have Tegan and Sara stuck in my head....
    May 25th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    being a crazy bitch. keep this on the D.L. but me and matt are gonna start a riot. we're stick and tired of our parents and not saying what we think. we'll be smart about it but we're ready to take ourselves back. after this I'm a full blown wild child. I'm not going to regret it neither. This summer is our time to show them what we're made of. we'll do it one month at a time. i told matt i'd help him with his guitar to the best of my ablility. which is notes and frets and stuff. idk how to play the strings though. i know it's a strum but i'm not sure about it. i've found online guitar lessons for him though. I almost wanna start smoking things summer. or bringing coffee home in front of mom and dad. do something crazy. i don't care if i get yelled at. that's all they ever do to us, i'm a screw up when i'm trying so i'm done trying. instead of being a screw up i'll be a fuck up. it has a bunch of 80's pop and rock plus some techno and Green Day. stuff like that. I got it to work =D Hell yeah, it gives me something to do on the weekends. reminds me that I have to go get the Wii after hanna's done giving abby a bath from the rice. what do you have planned this summer? dad's trying to talk mom into letting me wear makeup. thank god. I'd love to...just hide my real face...i wanna start cleaning up a bit. nicer clothes, better hair, makeup, purfume or body spray, and I wanna be a girl. I want darker clothes, i want a unique outside instead of just an inside. I wanna let my bizarreness out where the world can see it instead of through art and poetry and lyrics and music and stuff like that and abby's in nothing but a diper 0_0
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:22am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I went to bed. I'm back now though. I found your old mp3 player...the white one that uncle Jim got you =) it's got good music and if I can find the software i'll add more to it. i think the device is full though. idk. i think u were only allowed 100 songs...i don't remember. it's been a few years. last time i listened to it I was playing ps2 in the living room in pa at the town i teared up. i miss the town house...and pa. but that's where things started going down hill though....with the family. =( and now that we're back in GA it's worse....Johanna's here though. I've attached myself to her hip and I'm writting stories and stuff so that's good. I have to finish chapter 2 to the Ryden/Rydon i'm writting with a's a funny yet serious chapter. you should check it out =) I'm only co-author though so you'll probably find it in ryan ross;; stories. She's in my friends or comment XD It's called 'so young and desperate for attention' is it wrong i'm not in there cleaning up lunch? i do it everyday. i think one day off isn't too bad. and besides....i forgot to check the mail >< i've taken letters and packages to the post office..just forgot to grab the key so i decided fuck it. I've been away from my instruments for weeks......but matt's texting me novels. I love it =) I miss him a lot. I can't wait to see him this summer =D I played piano for a while this morning....i finally mastered silver and cold on the piano. the begining at least. it took a year...mein gott XD you have to listen to that song. I love it. I have a mtn dew voltage....idk why people don't think i can handle energy drinks of any kind. i'm not hyper at all...i'm quite upset really. I wanna go play bass >< I can't carry the amp or the guitar down the stairs neither. Abby would play the amp and distract I wouldn't be able to concentrate. it'd be a mess. plus today I listened to escape the fate...which is something i haven't done in forever. I started listening to techno again too. less screamo, more techno. i've been listening to panic at the disco and the beatles too. plus i've been listening to the things i was listening to last chirstmas, last year........anyways, If I didn't have bass guitar or piano i'd wanna go blind. I remember things by looking at things. like I almost wrecked on my scooter from having memories of that one time you were gone for 4 hours with Brandon...I never felt so unwanted in my life because you were gone for 4 hours and then you were on the phone with him for a few more hours and it's like everytime I saw you you were talking to him. if you wanna know it all....the reason I've been so mean to Brandon is because when you met him and started disapearing I felt lonely, unwanted, unloved, in pain...jealous.....and i apologize for everything I've done to you and him. I think too much....I really do. and when I think i have memories and then I start to cry. *hugs* happier topic. I'm almost done with english ^^
    May 23rd, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    I'm on. i'll make a room
    May 23rd, 2009 at 05:26am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    can you get on chat?
    May 23rd, 2009 at 03:03am
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    You want honesty? i'm sure you do. the truth is i'm sore and tired and bored and I feel so outta it. Like my 'home' is being invaded by people i don't know and yet I know them. I'm also nausiated and my head hurts. I've been listening to Tegan and Sara for an hour >< I just switched it. Matt stopped texting me prolly cause I went all moody on him. he can be a bitch but I still love him...he is my twin. we're still best friends but idk if we can really ever be twins again. I'm boobs just vibrated XD he texted me. My phones laying on my chest. I should get on myspace....see if I can't stalk Romeo's chat on his profile and find Amy. explain why I haven't been on the last few mornings and let her know it's me. that'd be bad if she thought i was a molester. She still has to write her part of the story and have you thought of anything for our co-story yet?
    May 22nd, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • Before_Fluffy

    Before_Fluffy (100)

    United States
    sorry for the sudden leave. I had to yell at mary for sqwerting the dog but do it quietly cause mamzie's in bed. I love you too..I also suddenly left cause I'm scared at the moment and i need someone...and no one's really there so I use my music as a sheild.
    May 22nd, 2009 at 03:37am