About Me

My name is Alyshia (as you can see but don't call me that >.>). I turned 16 a couple months ago and I don't get what's so great about it. >.>

I love to read and write. It's almost all I do. My favorite genre to read is fantasy because I've always wanted to disappear into a made-up world. Unfortunately, I struggle with writing fantasy.

I also enjoy movies and such, which is surprising because I usually hate television. My favorite things to watch are movies by Tim Burton and books turned to movies (though they often disappoint).

I am a major animal lover with two cats and a dog (and hopes to one day adopt a rottweiler and a bunny).

I'm a vegetarian since birth and I believe in equal rights for all despite race, sex, sexuality, religion, and etc. (And any "God" that denies otherwise doesn't sound very trustworthy to me. >.>)

My favorite type of music is rock/alternative and sometimes punk. (MSI rules!)

I have absolutely no respect for people who become so obsessed with things that are mush-for-the-brain like Twilight and I can't stand anyone trying to argue that it's something more than a simple dragged-out plot-line of a vampire liking a human girl. (Anything that makes her "special" is just to add to the feeling of them being "meant to be" so get over it. >.>)

[ [ I was known as Nya-Nya on Quizilla for over a year a half and now I've come to Mibba to start writing again ^^ (I also had another account on Mibba by the username of "Nya-Nya" but I've grown out of that so....) ] ]
