she's only alive
If you only knew

I'm 15. (Or I was the last time updated this, some 4 years ago.) I was born at the very moment the decade ticked over to halfway. My middle name is (still) a secret. I am (was) head over heels in love with him, but I don't think he really cares (credit to myself, I gave that up a long time ago). I (used to) wish I could catch a falling star, so then people would have a reason to be interested in me (what) (but then my life would be really really hot.. and not in the terms of super attractive, more in the way that some space things like stars are hot). That's the part of my life that i'm willing to share, the part that didn't take me long to write (but now sums me up in a mixture of my past, my very weird 15 year old deep thoughts and beliefs, and my stupid sense of humour). I could write novel out here... (Maybe one day, that's still a dream).

February 15th 2015. 3:13am
(This is fully the original 'about me' post, only edits made in brackets, at 19 years old. I had a nostalgic moment and simply had to dig up the password.. at 3am. It's true what they say, old habits never break).

November 25 2010. 6:15pm

Tomorrow is the anniversary of meeting my best friend i've never met. Long story, but I was totally out of milk. I love you Lauren-Kaide. Even if we hardly talk anymore.

Music:Regina Spektor
Update:Me? Get round to writing a good enough story to post? No way.


story title
Status; Active
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Summery

story title
Status; Inactive
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Summery

story title
Status; Complete
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Summery

story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Summery

story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Summery
