Devil with a Halo / Comments

  • Well I'm very glad I'm helping you. I just don't want you to be so depressed. I love you. You know that.
    Ah, I see. I know exactly how you feel. I've done that. And it does feel good too, even if you're not all that sad. I get that completely. But the thing is, even though I understand it, it freaks me out when my friends say they cut. I just don't want you hurting yourself. I know you're worth more than that and I want you to know that too. I really hope you do.
    It's gonna be okay. It all will be.
    Oh, btw, we are hanging out. Soon. That is not a suggestion.
    August 31st, 2009 at 04:15am
  • sorry, i've been away for a little while. awww, that sucks though. it's always a little nerve-racking to be going to a new school. the adaptation, all that shitz. hmm... but i'm not ready at all. starting in just 3 days and nothing is prepared. WHO CARES XD.
    August 30th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • i have it i really think it has a good ending it gets a littel confusing but dont worry u will love how breaking dawn ends and for vampire academy i like it but i also figerd out how they are going to end most of the last book if u dont like the third book dont worry when they finish u will love the seaires and how r u ???
    August 29th, 2009 at 10:30am
  • No problem.

    Oh, right. That's cool. I have a friend who said she'd pierce my lip for me, but my Mum thinks it'll get infected that way. So yeah.
    August 29th, 2009 at 03:49am
  • Hun...please. Just try to think on the bright side for once. I mean, you have me, and so many other people who wanna help you. You don't have to live in misery. I don't mean to sound mean, but your problems aren't really even bad enough to make you feel this way. I understand why you do though. But you need to let it go. The more depressed you are, the more made fun of you are and the more less understood you are. And that just makes everything worse. You really just need to calm down and think about this with a straight head. I mean, you'll make friends at your new school. You still have old friends who will help you if you let them. You are going to figure out your life if you just sit down and think about it. Trust me. Not everything comes easily. Not everything is perfect. You can't expect to have no problems through an entire life span. So just have to let them go, or they're going to build up and ruin you forever. There's no use having panic attacks when your ex talks to you, or cutting yourself because you're not going to the same school and can't figure out your religion. You might think it will make people help you more or something, but it won't. If you just talk to them in the first place, you won't have to go to drastic measures just to show them the pain you're in. It's not worth treating yourself like shit. None of it is.
    And, just so you know, I wouldn't stop crying for a week if you died.
    August 28th, 2009 at 05:28pm
  • Oh, that sucks, but snakebites are beyond awesome. I envy you for that.
    So, did you like pierce 'em by yourself, or get it done?
    August 28th, 2009 at 12:05pm
  • Oh, I wish. My Mum is totally against facial piercings other than ears. <.<;
    I'm gonna have to wait till I'm like 16 or something by the time she CONSIDERS it. But I might get it done one day.. that'll only mean being grounded for three months.

    Anywho, did you say you already got your piercings or you're gonna get them? 'Cause if you already have them you better put a picture up. -grins-
    August 27th, 2009 at 02:49am
  • k hey i just read vampire academy its so good anything new with u
    August 26th, 2009 at 09:59pm
  • Ah, yes. Pessimistness. Damn. All I have to say is...uh...stop being a pessimist? Never mind. Dunno what I'm talking about anymore.
    August 25th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • Ahaha. (;

    Oh, it's okay I only know a bit about piercings and tatts myself. Spiderbites are located side-by-side in one area. Like two piercings on your lower left lip or something. Like this;

    ^ Haha, bizarre picture. :/ But I want them on the right.
    August 25th, 2009 at 08:16am
  • Lol.
    Oh, shit. For real? Haha, you lucky bitch. I've been wanting spider bites for so long. But snake bites are sexy too. Lmao, sexy rocker smiles always look better. (;
    So, how've you been lately?
    August 24th, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • Babe...I know you feel that way, but it will get better after time. Just give it some time and I promise you you'll stop feeling so horrible. And stop bringing up your past. Getting stuck in the past only makes it worse. Trust me.
    *sighs* I had this whole thing written out to say to you a few days ago, but it wouldn't post. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And I love you no matter what. Even if the rest of the world seems like it's out to get you. (which it isn't, by the way.) Anyway, this whole thing is just in your head. Let it go and just live your life. Trust me. You deserve better. *hugs*
    August 22nd, 2009 at 08:29pm
  • hi what up
    August 22nd, 2009 at 04:23pm
  • man i am bored....atleast i have my coffee frapachino thingy mabobber! So, i am thinking bout going veggetarian sounds cool.
    August 21st, 2009 at 02:18am
  • hahaha XD. yeah, i love summer !! ...cause summer means vacation and vacation means no more school (no homework). there's so much to do. yeah, swimming is pretty fun, i gotta agree on that =D.
    August 21st, 2009 at 12:13am
  • I have a bad habit of either taking a picture of half my face, or with me biting my nails. :/
    Heh, please. I bet yer smile is cuter.
    Thanks a bunch though -hugs-

    Oh, I wish I had ADD, I get so boring sometimes 'cause I'm constantly talking about one thing.

    Thanks, you don't know how much that means to me, hon.
    Mm, I know, right. I can't stand the heat. I'm an autumn/winter person > Ilovesnow&leaves.
    My Mum tried to get me to work, I just stopped eating until she gave it up. But I've been kinda looking for a job and all. I hate working for free.
    That sucks, working in summer! Blegh. <.<;
    Well, atleast when school starts you won't have to do all that work.
    August 20th, 2009 at 10:55pm
  • Oh, btw thanks for all the picture comments, love!
    They made me smile like an idiot, and that's something big considering my week has been crap. <3
    August 19th, 2009 at 11:20pm
  • No problem-oo.
    Oh, thanks.

    So, how is your summer going?
    [i]I should warn you, I'm not too great at being random, or small talk :/[/i]
    August 19th, 2009 at 11:04pm
  • Hey,
    your poems are beautiful. You have a great talent.
    And I read your profile, you seem different than most people, in a good way.
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:25am
  • lollee yeah. it was an okay day after all. hmmm... you been enjoying the warm weather outside ??
    August 18th, 2009 at 07:27pm