Sethor / Comments

  • (200)

    you never answered my questions.....
    but i suppsoe they were preety stupid hey?
    i tried cooking again.
    i tried crepes.
    now, before you get the wrong picture, ive made them before, and they've always been cooked.
    yesterday was a disaster.
    mum was out, so it was me and dora. and so cause mum left no lunch [ as always] me and dora had to make our own. i really wanted to make apple pie, but we had no butter! anyway, so we made crepes.
    i mde the batter.
    and for soem reason every single crepe we made was raw inside. even if we burned it to the crisp it was still all yuck and goeey inside. but caus we were soooo hungry [ it was like 4pm now] the maple syrup made it edible. We were like 4 hrs in the kitchen. and then mum came home early. and she got all pissed cause we were cookign on her 'good' non stick pan, but please, she wasnt supposed to know that! but cause she was hungry too, she let us go. but when she ate it [ the crepe] she threw it away.
    cause it was raw.....i still dont understand, they were never raw, they may look demented but they were never raw! And so me and dora smooothered them in litres of maply syrup just so that we wouldnt taste the crepe.
    anyway. thats all that happened.
    oh, did i tell you? i watched goong! do you know what that is? your dp is from a manga right? no?
    well goong is my 2nd favourite manga ever. it shaes its postion with hot gimmick. but hot gimmick hasnt got a drama.
    and so i fifnihsed my download. and now my computer is very slow. i tried online shopping and it toooook ages.
    anyway, hope all is well
    July 24th, 2009 at 05:04am
  • Raeble

    Raeble (150)

    Wow, that's a long story x3
    that's really cool~
    I guess.. once i've fnished all my stupid contests, i'll write a sexfic.. i suppose... Yu'll help me right? :S
    July 23rd, 2009 at 10:03am
  • Raeble

    Raeble (150)

    Well.. I suppose it's the experimental-ism (O.o) of the whole sex thing. Me and my fiance like Roleplaying (on paper), but i suppose it's a whole different thing to write one as a narrative. Dunno, something new? :P
    What started you off?
    July 23rd, 2009 at 04:19am
  • (200)

    how am i?
    well, what a self less question for you too ask..have i asked that yet?
    must use it so busy talking about myself. but anyway! its ME TIME!
    okay first off.
    im great! thats right, feeling all better now, and you know why??? cause i cooked
    thats right, you'll probably alreayd know, cause its the gossip of all mibba members you know, but still, i felt i had to tell you myself.
    guess what i cooked. guess guess!
    noo my friend. it was curry.
    yaya! im so proud of myself, im practically smilling all the way to my ears, which looks ridiculous, but whos looking eh?
    guess what!
    i wathced another documentary.
    but.....why do i keep talking to you about docs? i have to admit, they are good to talk about, but you havent once said what you thought! hmm.....perhaps a new topic is in order! ok.
    ill tell you know, docs arent that empty.
    omg, i still havent thought of a question have i?
    i know, this may be tricky.
    " why do we have nightmares?"
    jsut asking. soo what else. i swear my brain is empty without docs. it seems my brain ahs grown attached to them. you know yesterday there was this thing about architecture..
    no. must stop. okay. ill describe my room. well yesterday, i bought this perfume. i lvoe it! i also bought a jumper/ hoodie/ sweatshirt/jacket/ what else do you call it? i give up. any way. i did. and i watched harry potte,r which was shit, lets not go there. What else? yesterday, dad was home. at first i hated thta. cause i thought i wouldnt be able to go out. but it turned out he'd take us hed chip in some money too. i kinda felt bad for saying bad stuff later on, oh well, maybe after repreating the same mistake over and over again my brain will get the picture.
    what else? i swear talking to you is difficult! why cant you liek docs? do you watch docs? you know i watched this one about the first person t climb a mountain. i forget the name. very complex climb. It was sad, cause it showed how the first guy and his team all died. i watched that in geography class. i lvoe my geography class. my teachers awesome too. i ahve an assignment to do on teachers obssesed with mountains and not so much. Oh hey,
    cause i have this assignment, i have another question.
    this ones very tricky, i want you too think hard.
    " what's the first thing that coems to your mind when you hear the word CHRISTMAS?"
    for visual design. we have to design a christmas card and its due first week back.
    Which is soon. any way,i think this message was preety pointless. ever soo sorry. see? i need you to talk to baout all the documentaries in my head! lol. but thank you anyway.
    have a good day anddddddd OH!
    how are you? ;D
    July 22nd, 2009 at 07:08am
  • Raeble

    Raeble (150)

    I'm doing good..
    inspired to write a sex scene myself now
    after meeting all deadlines... ><
    friend? =3
    July 21st, 2009 at 01:56am
  • Raeble

    Raeble (150)

    Oh my dayys~~
    Your sex stories are great ^^
    I like'em =P
    A lot~
    July 20th, 2009 at 04:58pm
  • (200)

    this is gonna suprise you.
    hey sethor.
    what is up?
    i hope you're not having a heart attack, i know this xtra short comment may come as a shock, but don't worry, ill be back and armed with an xtra long comment soon.
    July 20th, 2009 at 08:59am
  • (200)

    dear sethor.
    is that your real name?
    or is it a band name? i think i've heard of it...somewhere.
    anyway. so. well, i'm glad i didnt freak you out because that would mean that i would have one less person to ramble onto, and then that would make it really hard for my brain to get rid of all the shit thats in it.
    on tv, theres thisadd on, i really like it, you probably havent seen it, cause its an aussie ad, but i like the background music. one of the lines are
    ' Just another perfect name'
    'i think i'll walk this way'
    lalalalalalal , i dont know what goes on after that line, but my most favourite line is
    ' And all my troubles, seem too'
    'fade away...'
    its really sweet dont you think?
    ANyway. my life ahd been such a broe lately. well, i went to play basketball today.which was fun. but the council decided that they should switch the basketball hoops for the netball hoops, ans that made things a bit tricky. you guys play netball too right? like not you specifically, but in general.
    anyway, so we ahd to play with the netball hoops, but we still scored. yay!
    but my brother slaughtered us, injury and all.
    which was preety embarrassign, but it wa good fun.
    so sethor. you know, whenever i coem onto your profile and type, im always typing about myself. It's always ME ME ME.
    and thats not very nice. althoguh you might not mind.
    but, i feel bad. so.
    hey sethor. can i call you sethor? even if its not your real name? cause i liek it. you know what would be even better!
    THOR. Or seth, but thats so ordinary. can i call you thor?
    sounds a bit manly doesnt it? ....maybe..nah. i ant think of anythign else.
    right. so because my head is absolutely empty. cause my brothers watching footy, and theres nothing good to talk about that, so...
    i was watching thsi documentary. accidentally came across it, and it was really cool. This one was about like special places. umm, i dont know, there not like a wonder of the world, but they're close enough you know?
    there was this place in india. a hotel. I think it was the Sarj or somethin.g and its sooo beautiful/amazing/huge. It was like...this huge palace like in the olden days, but turned into a tourist resort. It was originally made as a place where the british people and the indian people could meet as equals. You know about how the britsh invaded india right? The british people treated them like shit, but this palace was made as like a treaty or something. im not too sure. sorry. i ws too busy looking at the place.
    The next place was in germany. wow. thsi one was amzing. it literally was a palace. i dont know why. but the minute i heard the name germany i immediately turned to hate the documentary. how can there be something so beautiful in a country where hitler was born? i know, i hold a grudge agaisnt hitler. even if i never was alive to see him, i swear that guy deserves to slaps and a good kick in the dick. They say he was a ladies man too. You know hitler was a runner in WW1? can you imagine? runners were the guys that sent messages from one sargent to another cause they didnt have phones. i think he was in the triple alliance. anyway, can you beleive it? almost every runner was either shot or jsut died from sickness, but he lived, jsut so he could startanother world war. i jsut find that unbelieavable. Anyway, i sorry, im a history freak, i cant help myself, sorry. So the palace. it was like straight out of a fairytale. it had the navy roof tops. the cone shaped peaks or whatever. and it was amognst like big snowy mountains, so it looked all mistical. and the inside was just whoa.i might have well ahve found a unicorn as well.
    But yeah, apparently the guy who created it, like in the 18th century was homosexual, or maybe i picked up wrong.isnt that strange?he was some kind of prince, and he was a really good prince. you know, he used steel to build his palace?
    i mean,is that guy awesome or what? unfortunately he was kicked out of the castl, cause some idiot decided he wasnt being a good enough prince. And the next day, people fund him [ the prince] and his doctor dead at a nearby beach. which is soo freaky. i think he got assasinated.
    anyway. gosh. and i was sayign selfish.
    thank you for saying that i speak what i think, cause it probably as close to the truth as i ca get. sometimes i just write crap cause im trying to impress someone. i remember, when i was like 10, there was this guy i liked. and we were at the computer rooms, and he was a friend of mine yeah?
    so, i was on a comp and he was too, and so he looked over at mine cause it time to pack up, and i stil logged on. And cause he was looking, i typed
    ' the big tree is on the side of my house'
    really fast. and as i had planned, he was sooo impressed. which, has absolutly nothing to do with what i was saying before, but it seemed relevant.
    anyway sethor/thor, i think i prefer sethor. sounds better, thor sounds kinda shit now, even though i suggested it in the first place.
    i feel ive done my duty of filling your head with the silly nonsense that i wathc on tv. be unselfish.
    Dearest sethor,
    how's the weather?
    its shit cold here...but this is your question, so you can answer it yourself! and tell me of course, cause i
    take care.
    July 18th, 2009 at 11:23am
  • faithleilani

    faithleilani (100)

    United States
    it was really super good haha
    July 15th, 2009 at 11:08pm
  • (200)

    well its okay.
    ive been on practically every day.
    and i was thinking.
    good one sarah, you've officially freaked out person no# 5.
    you see.
    my most latest experience of freaking out a person [ you are exempt], was male. ive freaked out females too, but they are so complex, the stories would take forever, and im sure, you wodnt like that ;)
    so there was this guy. his name is ju young.
    [this was person no #4] and he's in 'grade' 12. Over here we just say 'year 12' but it seems ppl outside of australia have different wording, as i have learnt from faith. but.
    back to what i was saying.
    yeah, grade 12, i think he's turning 18. and my best mate ad a crush on him.
    and i go to an all girls school right. so. i really wanted to hook them up. But my rents would never let me out wiht them cause they were asian and im not [ i have rasict rents that think if they're not your culture, they're not worth you're breath].
    They go to church every sunday. ive never been in a church. i love churches though. my friends never let me go in them, cause they say il go wild, but ive never actually been inside, and i reckon they're some of the most beautiful things alive. I was watching a documentary on gothic churches from the 18th century yesterday in england, and what i would give to be inside them! They were the most beautiful things id ever seen. They had carvhings of everyhting with the clourful glass windows. There was this one church that was like 400 ft they said [ i dont know what ft is as here we use kilometres] but it loked really tall. And back in the 18th century many people didnt even reach 100ft in there lives, and it was a wonder how they managed to build something 400ft. It took them 38 years to build. And on the very top, there was a very thin delicate cross with thin carving spread through it. It was in the middle of the green meadows that you always see in england. I am seriosuyl going there one day.
    OMG. sorry. ive totally gone off topic.
    anyway.shit, i gotta check what i was writing.
    oh yeah. they go to church every sunday. and thats where sarah [ my mate] sees him. He was always being all annoying to her, and i think its already been discovered that when a guy decides to pick on you, it mean he likes you right?
    so... because mymate was totally sure he didnt, but she confessed that she liekd him, to me.Wait, does that make sense? O well. Anyway, so she likes him, but shes convinced that he doesn't. and i ahd no idea how to make him like her.
    So. because i had his facebook. i decided the only decent thing to do, was to give him a hint. I have realsied now what a big mistakethat was.
    I've onyl met him once before the message and i dont think he even got much of my name let know..close enough to messaging.
    But still. I sent him a message. And its soo embarrassing i refuse to telly uo the contents of it. But it was a mature comment and i told him he didnt have to reply to it if i had freaked him out. I had sent the message like, 5 months ago, so im preety sure i have freaked him out.
    But yeah, my friend said to never try again, and so id eleted him from my facebook, and have decided never to contact him again. i reckon id be preety out too if i were him. But if someone were tos end me an anonomous message, ir eckon id think it was preety fun. But. not to worry. all in the past now.
    see. now i bet ive freaked you out too!
    great. are you gonna be no#5?
    p.s i still havent come up with a question! seriosuly. its liek my brain gone on holiday for a few days.[sigh].What can you do?
    July 15th, 2009 at 06:24am
  • faithleilani

    faithleilani (100)

    United States
    ive been good
    tonight im going to see the new harry potter at midnight :D
    July 14th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • faithleilani

    faithleilani (100)

    United States
    hey hey hey
    how are you?
    July 5th, 2009 at 06:51am
  • (200)

    im thinking of an excuse to send you a message. but no proper questions have registered in my head. i thought of this one question and i thought it was preety decent and then i thought, nah, its preety pathetic, so im here, thinking of a question, there are always questions and when i need them i can't find them. while im at it, your answer to my question before was really good.thank you very very much. its really sunny today. see? thats how empty my head is. okay. i just had one, and it was sooo bad. ill let you know, but i bet you'll just look at it and wonder how your suposedto know.
    Q. Is mr garrat turley a carrot? I already know the answer, yes he is.Cute carrot though.
    im jsut going to blabber on your page so feel free to jsut stop reading at any tiem before i start talking to myself.Im currently listening to Superhuman. Its one of my favourite songs. I used to lay GTA [ grand theft auto] on this plane mission and i was always listening to it. So now, everytime i hear it i get reminded of those days, ive finished the game now, i finshed it last year.
    I'll now talk about myself, I am sarah. and my best mates name is sarah. i think thats super cool, even if it isnt. right now im supposed to do my essay which is due on tuesday, but don't tell anyone k? Cause then id have to go, and you wodnt want that would you?;) I'm actually known for my long long essages, so this could take awhile. Are you wondering why i choose you to blabber all about myself? It's becuase you gave me the best advice ive heard in a while. Apart from faithlelani, she's preety good at it too. But i've already blabbered on her page, so its your turn. Dont blame me, you gave the advice.
    Okay i get i've probably pissed you off by now. Sorry. But no questions actually come up that doesnt revolve arounf ym persona life, and if i were to ask you then you'd hav eto know all about me and that would mean an even longer message, which i dont think you'd like. would you?
    Well, i gatehr ive been dismissed by now and your probabaly wondering WTF is up wiht you? I'm sorry. hope i wasnt to strenuous to read, but you know, it does say above that i can talk about whatever i want here, maybe you should change that? Or maybe not, whatever takes your fancy, Dora [ my sister] wants me to lsitne to her introduction, for liek the 6th time. Thank you for reading.
    July 5th, 2009 at 04:36am
  • mannequin.

    mannequin. (100)

    United States
    Hah, trying to do the same. (:
    I'm pretty good, just woke up like an hour ago. Gonna go to the beach today. =]

    How's your day so far?
    July 4th, 2009 at 01:56pm
  • (200)

    thank you.
    July 4th, 2009 at 11:07am
  • Clockwork.Orange

    Clockwork.Orange (100)

    Hey i like your profile picture its apple seed isn't it!!! sorry for the random comment just thought i'de share!!
    July 3rd, 2009 at 11:53pm
  • mannequin.

    mannequin. (100)

    United States
    Haha, I guess so. :blush:
    Thanks for the story comment too! (:
    How's it going?
    July 3rd, 2009 at 10:12pm
  • mannequin.

    mannequin. (100)

    United States
    Hey. Thanks for the friend request. You like sex!
    Haha, I do too. =]
    What's up?
    July 3rd, 2009 at 09:43pm
  • serizenna

    serizenna (100)

    United States
    Yw and I'll read some of your stuff.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 12:17am
  • (200)

    what would you do, if you liked a girl, but didnt know if she liked you back?
    you said i could feel free to ask you anything, so i hope you don't mind.
    July 1st, 2009 at 07:36am