The Lovecraft / Comments

  • Haha, I completely agree with you. I don't see the point.
    But of course it is better than getting pregnant, but there must be other ways to entertain yourself then pretend someone have sex:D
    September 11th, 2008 at 06:41pm
  • OH.
    i can't believe you lost EVERYTHING! my heart is breaking for you *hug* i think you deserve a hug more than me! like honestly, my art is sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane! wow...that's'm speechless. and that's a feat lol. i feel horrible. i'm so sorry to hear about that stupid virus. that totally sucks.
    and yeah...i guess the break-up was inevitable. it just sucks, since the guy (who is in a band) is still going on tour with my best friend. and my best friend, although understanding and an amazing guy, still wants me to come with him on the tour. lol. difficult, eh?
    ahhhhhhhh you rock my world sweetie. i love how amazing you always make me feel about my writing. honestly, i have some self-esteem issues regarding my work (i think it comes from being the youngest child and always being compared) but you always make me feel awesome and creative. thank you so much <3
    anyway what's going on in your life love? how've u been?
    September 2nd, 2008 at 04:43am
  • and because you always make me feel so amazing, i'm gonna let you know i posted up a new song. it was written a little prior to the horrendous break up i'm going through right now, but it was by just a little bit. i kind of like the vibe behind it, and the music is great, but the lyrics could use a little work. but imagine the instruments in your head please =] hahaha. <3
    August 28th, 2008 at 09:03am
  • so ok, i lied. i don't have more time to spend on here lol. i'm sorry it's taken so long to reply. but i'm trying to cut back on my computer time mostly because school is rolling around again, and i don't want to be quite as addicted to here as i find myself being sometimes. lol sorry. but i did comment on less children! =D that story lifts me up so much, honestly. like it's such a horrendous topic, but like, it's surprisingly uplifting and encouraging...and just like, so happy! it rocks my world.
    ahhhhhh are you feeling better yet? i didn't realize the mountains could get you sick like that. maybe it's just because i live in the wilderness known as canada, so i'm use to all the crazy weather changes and stuff like that? huh...something to think about. anyway, how've u been hunn?
    August 28th, 2008 at 07:02am
  • Ai revenit la the peace background, finally! In legatura cu asta, o sa imi comand de pe bestial niste patchuri cu peace sign .
    Tu ce mai faci?
    August 24th, 2008 at 10:17pm
  • Thanks. I probably need that. My sister, who loves me, despite that we're merely claiming each other as family, hugs me all the time, even though she's got her own problems, and it feel so good to feel secure for once.

    Paranoia, stress, insomnia, strange pains... it's kind of taking over. And I start school tomorrow, so I'm probably going to get depressed sometime soon, if not already.

    I'm not one to handle stress very well... this is going to be a very rough school year, indeed.
    August 20th, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • Ohh.. Okay.
    Thanks for letting me know.
    It's the first story I've put on here, and I didn't know that.
    Thanks for telling me before someone found it! :)
    August 19th, 2008 at 10:41pm
  • I don't think anything anyone can say will fix this hole.
    I'm done.
    I'm so DONE.

    Where do you go when there's nowhere else to turn? The arms of a friend become very distant, and especially when you are looking a truck in the headlights.
    August 19th, 2008 at 07:13pm
  • n'aww you're just afraid to admit that you have no idea how to change your background image.
    pun pariu ca ti-a adus o groaza de ciocolata si defapt asta este miezul problemei. eu daca as merge in belgia as aduce multa ciocolata cand m-as intoarce. sau poate pur si simplu nu m-as m-ai intoarce as trai in belgia intr-o casa facuta din ciocolata belgiana.
    vorbesc prostii cand sunt plictisita.
    cu masina e mai rau pt ca stai pe scaun si nu te poti ridica sau misca. doar stai pe scaun. si stai pe scaun. si stai pe scaun. si stai pe scaun.
    August 19th, 2008 at 04:35pm
  • the kitties are still there.
    pe tine te doar capu? am venit ieri de la mangalia la timisoara pe caldura torida, cu babe, copila de 10 ani si bebelus in compartiment. 18 ore. >_> am murit si-am inviat de nenumarate ori, inca nu mi-am revenit.
    oricum, plec la bunica miercuri si o sa am ocazia de a ma saramuriza 8 ore in scaunul de masina de data asta. :cute: absolutely charming.
    August 18th, 2008 at 06:57pm
  • Si eu imi doresc profilul inapoi. Toate poeziile alea le mele nu erau salvate si in calculator.=sad face=
    Si daca imi schimb numele in Innuendo acum si mai pun un . o sa isi dea seama adminii ca sunt tot eu mai ales daca ar trece prin profilul meu.Si totusi nu am primit niciun ban sau vreun mail de la cineva sa ma atentioneze.
    Nu, imi pare rau nu am auzit de carte. Dar cu titlul m-ai facut curioasa. Poate o sa o caut. Eu am acum bani ca am castigat la festival premiul 3 adica 5 milioane. Adica o sa iau 1 milion eu. :D Dar stii ca nu pot sa ii folosesc pentru ca ii pastrez..
    Vreau sa ma apuc de o poveste si sa o pun maine pentru ca este despre Queen si este maine ziua bassistului, John Deacon, si vreau sa o postez maine.Mai am in plan inca o poveste Queen, dar prin septembrie, asta daca nu se intampla nimic cu profilul meu.

    Si mie mi-a fost dor de tine. Ma bucur ca ti-ai amintit de mine si mi-ai lasat mesajul.=hug=
    August 18th, 2008 at 09:43am
  • hey you!!!
    just stopping by to say hello! haven't talked to u in awhile...kind of miss our sort of deep conversations. don't worry, totally my fault. haven't been on here a lot with the two jobs and everything. buuuuuuttt good news! today was the last day at one of my jobs, so now i'm down to one simple and easy coffeeshop job! =] so it means i'll be on here more often! yay! lol.
    how've u been sweetie? hope you've been doing ok, because i do miss you
    August 16th, 2008 at 06:10am
  • Thanks, I will.
    August 15th, 2008 at 05:16pm
  • "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"?

    Someone's watched one too many episodes of Full House.

    I'll try to simplify it for you--I don't care how many years of experience a band has, or what they have alledgedly done for the world of music. I DO NOT LIKE METALLICA. There are a lot of people in the world who don't like Metallica, and no one's going to shut up just because it upsets you.

    Get over it.
    August 14th, 2008 at 09:39pm
  • I didn't threaten anyone, and if people are allowed to say how much they love certain bands all of the time, then I should be able to post something about how I don't like them. It's not like I threatened anyone.

    I see journals on here bashing some of my favorite bands--some a lot worse than what I had to say. And they are a band--they have put themselves out into the world for other people to judge, whether they like them or not.

    And really, I don't care how many years of experience a band has--I'll still hate their music if I think it sucks. They're big boys--I don't think they'll give a shit if one chick with an online journal says something nasty.
    August 14th, 2008 at 06:08pm
  • Adica eu iti multumesc *blush*
    August 14th, 2008 at 08:49am
  • Soooo, I'm back si mi-am Robert Smith-uit profilul. Mi-am luat Canvarsi de la Brasov pentru ca da, am fost si acolo. M-am bronzat si ma ustura pielea ca dracul, si mor si nu ma pot imbraca pentru ca simt ca sunt un porc parlit. Am inotat la Sovata si am fost la Sighisoara si Bran.Mi-am luat un tricou, adica am tras de tata sa mi-l cumpere, cu un tip si o tipa la altar si scrie Game Over :rofl: si el e suparat si ea e fericita.
    O sa trimit poze. :file:
    Tu ce mai faci?Esti plecata pe undeva? Daca esti dar raspunzi maine sa stii ca eu plec la bunica sa o ajut sa redecoreze casa asa ca o sa vin luni sau marti. Ai grija de tine. Pup.:arms:

    Ps. Vad ca in sfarsit folosesti css-ul cu helau chiti de la mine. =laughs=
    August 7th, 2008 at 11:22am
  • n'aww.
    the kitties are cute.
    August 3rd, 2008 at 01:59am
  • ACK! that sucks! seriously! oh well at least you get to go to the mountains =] haha you're not allowed to drive until you're 18? wow i was technically allowed to drive a year and a half ago, but i haven't bothered to get my permit >.< damn am i
    and thanks for the comment on Hearts On the Run =] i love how awesome you make me feel. it was written for the guy in my life right kind of linked to my journal post...i'm just not really sure what to do. because i've tried to talk to him about it but we just end up yelling and screaming before we even get halfway into the conversation...*sigh*
    and i'm glad to know that you finally realize that you love that cute guy, but you're not in love with him =] it took a lot in me to admit that to myself, and i'm really happy to know that you know yourself. it's always complicated, and it's just hard. do you know what you're going to do?
    and AHHHHHH thanks for letting me know Less Children was updates! I MUST GO READ!!! so yeah...end comment!
    August 1st, 2008 at 07:51am
  • people should know better not to flatter me like that.
    and I love the kitties.
    : )
    July 31st, 2008 at 04:14pm