The Lovecraft / Comments

  • Yeah. I know what you mean.
    September 28th, 2008 at 06:38am
  • Yeah, I know what you mean, I just wish he would understand. He called me ignorant for being agnostic. He's a bible thumping christian. sometimes our views used to skew. But Elliot, my Homecoming date, is supposedly supposed to ask me out sometimes soon. He's a Freshman, so hopefully things work out there. I don't want to deal with Freshman drama. :P I hated it when I was a freshman.
    September 26th, 2008 at 10:02pm
  • Hey you!

    I wrote this one story...

    read and comment, please?
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • I hope you get better man!!!

    Well, we shared some mature words last night, at least from my end. he still won't apologize for what he did and he said I need to get over him crushing my soul. So whatevs about him. I got asked to Homecoming. :]] Even if things don't work out there it'll still be all good.
    September 25th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • Haha, pore you(:
    I tend to wait so long with paying back that they forget it:D
    September 24th, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • oh right. i forgot to warn you that it's a little more pop-ish than what i normally do...please keep your mind open lol. but i wrote it with my violinist, which is actually a pretty big change since most of my band's stuff is by my drummer, my bassist and i. well like, everyone imputs when we introduce songs, but the core of them are mostly the three of us; if you know what i mean? i feel like i'm being like, all attention-grabby and saying "i write all our songs!" or something >.< lol...
    September 22nd, 2008 at 05:01am
  • new song =] and i'm think about gettin shit-rich, just for
    September 22nd, 2008 at 04:53am
  • hahaha nothing's wrong with playing the sims. that's a fantastic game from what i remember. i think you should totally create an awesome girl in honour of me =P lmao! that's kind of weird to think about though...
    well that's great that it's getting better because of the guidebook. everyone, no matter if they're as good as you are, can improve. i'm glad that you're trying to figure out more techniques and stuff =] it's a good sign of maturity. haha of course you have a portfolio *slaps forehead* what kind of dope am i? *shakes head* sometimes i swear i'm on crack and can't even think properly...i'm excited for your new designs though!
    LMAO if i were to ever get famous, i would totally go to you before any awards show! =D too bad i won't be. a myspace artist page? i dunno man, most of the stuff my band's recorded is live, and i'm not sure if i wanna post that. lol i actually already have a myspace though, which is where i came into contact with some of best friends today. a lot of them are in the music business (which is how i met them) and it seems fun, but probably not going to happen for me. my parents are dead set against me going into anything art-related. lol i'll settle for living through myspace; i swear, that thing is just an orgy of music lmao.
    damn cutting art and math? i could never cut math class; it's too hard for me. i can't miss any of my math (or science) classes because i'd never be able to catch back up. thank goodness i dropped all my math classes or i'd probably be shooting myself right now lol.
    and even though it's so random, i wanted to tell you that i got my nails redone today =D haha i'm just really excited because i told the woman to do whatever design she wanted on my toes, and they ended up looking fantastic! alright random show and tell is was your day? did you spend it relaxing with games again?
    September 22nd, 2008 at 04:03am
  • He hates me I found out. He thinks I've been talking behind his back. Which isn't really true. I've just been telling people what happened between us whenever they ask. And I talk to my friends about it when I get depressed. I'm afraid he's going to sabotage every relationship I try to get into now. >_<
    September 21st, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • hahaha! awwww you always make me feel so special. charming, huh? maybe i should try seducing someone one of these days...=P just for shits and giggles. lmao!
    oooooo i'm happy to hear the drawing is going better! i'm excited! have you started a portfolio? because i think that'd be a good idea in your case =]
    bah! yeah i'm like disgustingly busy actually. it really sucks. senior year is suppose to be the most fun, but so far it's been incredibly stressful and horrid T-T so not cool.
    the worst part is that i'm actually taking it easier this year; not as many extra curriculars. but i feel like i'm working twice as hard >_< totally sucks.
    what about you? how's that school thing going? yes i said thing lol. yeah i know what you mean about wiping out when you get home. i've been doing it myself a lot. although today was FABULOUS! i actually didn't have to work, and i decided to make NO plans, because i wanted time for myself. so last night, i got home from work at 11:30, and just passed out. i woke up at 1:00pm today =] it was fantastic. i haven't gotten that much sleep or slept so well a long time. lol i feel terrific, and i might finally be getting over this nasty cold i've been suffering from for the past 2 weeks!
    actually i'm in such a good mood, i almost feel like going on a posting spree or something. putting up all the stuff i've written since my formula for songwriting? relationship + drama + break-up. really.
    anyway sweetie, how've u been?
    September 21st, 2008 at 03:01am
  • Sometimes I don't think I can get over him.
    September 20th, 2008 at 01:56pm
  • I'm just trying to get over a break up and getting a new boyfriend and then working on my Harry Potter thingy, it's getting harder, I'm getting a job soon.
    September 19th, 2008 at 10:17pm
  • Hey, you know, how come you and myself don't converse anymore.
    September 18th, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • hey sweetie, i'm so sorry it's been so long! i hate it when i do that >_< i'm just all over the place right now. i'm back in school (as you know) and i've got all those crazy university applications to worry about. plus, i'm one of those crazy kids who are waaaaaaay too involved, mostly because i don't know how to say no. so my schedule's pretty crazy with all those extra-curriculars, school AND my job. i'm sorry for not keeping in touch though.
    thanks for letting me know you've updated =D i'll go read it right after this!

    oh love, don't let the drawing technique discourage you. i haven't seen any crazy examples of your work, but i'm sure it's not as bad as you're making it out to me. you've got a beautiful artistic soul, and even though you're struggling a bit right now to express yourself, i KNOW that it's gonna fix itself sooner or later. hopefully sooner, but you's hard, but it's like writer's block, you know? it'll pass soon =]

    and i swear right now, that i will make more of an effort to keep in touch. i feel horrible that the last time we talked was the 2nd! that's just despicable. just come nudge me now and again =] ok girlie? <3
    September 17th, 2008 at 05:37am
  • do you know where i can find more information about the article you posted about the 12 year old committing suicide?
    im writing an essay for my English class about how in the past few months the suicides among young people are being blamed on "emo trends"
    September 16th, 2008 at 11:52pm
  • I don't really like my name, but a lotta people like it. People think I'm weird for it.
    September 14th, 2008 at 12:52am
  • Absolutely no problem. As I said before, they were lovely :].
    Hi, Jo. Nice to meet you :].
    September 13th, 2008 at 04:39pm
  • It's okay ^.^
    They are really good =D
    I'm Danielle..but go by Danii by alot of people.. So you can call me Danii =D
    September 13th, 2008 at 04:30pm
  • You stalk me! Lol. xD
    I really do like your designs. You should definitely make them someday. I would buy that red dress.
    September 12th, 2008 at 06:27pm
  • Haha, you're welcome.
    Gahh, i love your name.
    I think Joanne is a really pretty name.
    I'm Savannah.
    September 12th, 2008 at 06:23pm