
United States
Joined date
May 16th, 2009


Well, to start at the beginning, As most people do,
Annalee is the name I respond to.
I've been breathing for no more than sixteen years.
There are three things in this world I am dedicated to.
Art, Love, and My career.
We, as humans, change every moment. So, must leave room for variables.
There are millions upon millions who inhabit this wide world,
And therefore, no one is really unique as we'd like to pretend.
However, I do believe in individualism, and characteristics that make us who we are, So being an individual, I do have my own thoughts and/or opinions that other may share, but not as much as the mass majority of society might.

Moving on, let me pull you out of the darker bit of me, shed some light, and let you in on the shadows.
I am an artist, first and foremost.
I paint, draw, write lyrics/poetry/stories, dance, act, sing, in no particular order, all self taught.
I'm also able to strum a few notes on an acoustic guitar and play you a few keys on the piano but have not enough talent to give any other praise than just a fair mentioning.
Every moment of my life is entwined somehow with music.
My taste is utterly chaos, and can't be placed in any form just as solid rock/pop/classical ect, ect.
Striving to keep chivalry, an open mind, and the art of proper conversation is a big thing for me. And I respect anyone who lives with any of these in your life.
I am a very loving person, and in honesty, it is my downfall.
I live for tomorrow's but approach each day logically, knowing what must be done to last until tomorrow.
And lastly I would be nothing without people to keep me sane.
Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, Ville Hermanni Valo, Jhonen Vasquez would be a few more common names.
More unknown would be, a lovely young girl named Jericho.
When I moved away from the sea, she was the first girl to befriend me, and show me what life could be like. As everyone who has been young does, we've created all sorts of mischief together. And over years of learning as well mistakes, she's been a large part of who I've become, and so I thank her.
Harley Rose has been the closest thing to family outside of my own blood line I've ever known. I get so confused and hopeless about everything, and feel like I'm being trapped within a labyrinth of myself, of sorts. She's the one that reminds me while your searching for a way out, you can always look, see the sun, feel a breeze, and make it out alive.

I thank you so very much if you committed yourself to actually read all of these words attempting to explain me.

"Applaud friends, the comedy is over." - Ludwig van Beethoven.