Do you think this is true?

The business of poetry is to harmonise the sadness of the universe ”-A.E HousmanI don't know. I mean, when you write poetry, does it make you feel any better? Does it make you feel better about yourself and to others? I mean, whats the point in writing it since its not going to solve any problems?They say that when you write on paper, it's like your boxing; you let out your anger or your...
May 22nd, 2009 at 03:41am

My Best Friend, My Worst Enemy,...My Sister

I don't really understand my sister. We are always together, like conjoined twins, and we would go together all the time. But then, sometimes, she can be a real bitch to me. I guess its because she is almost fifteen years older than me that she thinks she has power over me.We shared a room together for the last eight years. It surprises me that she hasn't moved out yet; her being thirty-one years...
May 21st, 2009 at 07:12am