YouClickedYourHeels / Comments

  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    I watched it ALL! It was incredible!
    So here's the tweets that got ALL over Tumblr:
    And here's the picture that Matt said his girlfriend gets the reference or whatever:

    And Vinny was like "daamn!" or whatever. And Lisa was all like "Haha, twitter's funny tonight" and then, well, you know tumblr, once someone posts something huge, it spreads like wild fire.
    So then he deleted his twitter.

    And then a little while later, Kendra was all like "Trying to get in touch with one of the best dudes I know. I really regret that last post."

    So yeah (: hahaha, it was kinda funny. XD
    May 1st, 2011 at 04:55pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    You are welcome! And I hope they get out of there soon. It's a very entertaining story to read it...I love the way you portray both Alex and Lorraine. Can't wait to see what happens next!!

    And it's totally fine girl! I thought you knew more about them...that's why I was asking. However, it would be hard to write a story when you don't know very much about the band. haha. Thanks anyways!
    April 29th, 2011 at 03:18pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Emily! I was thinking that it would be VERY cool if you wrote a story about TSS with me in it :D That is if you want 2.....I always enjoy reading your stories. You're an amazing writer and it would be awesome if I could be in one of them. Anyways...just a suggestion :)

    I understand you might be busy finishing up your senior year and all so don't hesitate to say no if you don't want to.
    April 28th, 2011 at 08:01pm
  • n.oxious

    n.oxious (100)

    United States
    I didn't O.O
    April 27th, 2011 at 02:34am
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Awwww thanks girl!! I appreciate it :) haha. I actually don't know how I wrote a 5 page blog in microsoft word about my experience. I think it was just because I was so excited and wanted to tell you everything that it was easy to write about haha.

    I was freaking out on the inside when they were coming up to meet us. I'm kind of suprised I didn't start crying or something like that, but they're just so easy to talk to. They seem so interested in what you have to say, especially Jack, which makes it much easier to talk with them. They really do care and you can tell when you're meeting them. But yeah, I can totally see how girls that freak out and start screaming and stuff can get annoying.

    And thanks Emily. Really, I mean it. I really appreciate it. You are too :)

    Just a side note: I'm kind of glad that we were in the front for The Summer Set though. I'm in love with them now. <3 haha. That's another nice thing about going to concerts. Bands you don't know that well you end up loving after the night is over. That is exactly what happened with TSS. I knew who they were and I had a couple of songs of theirs on my ipod but didn't know any of their names or anything like that. Now, I have more songs by them on my ipod, know all of their names, following all of them on twitter...yeah lol. They're amazing. They also have a new album coming out this summer called "Everything's Fine." They are going to be touring with We The Kings this summer so my friend and I are thinking about going :) They also had a shirt at the concert that said "things got really really awkward last night with The Summer Set." Rachel and Magi got it and I wish I bought one as well because I love it, but I already bought an ATL tour shirt at the concert and one shirt is really expensive.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 10:29pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    I'm going to send you another video link haha. I just wanted you to see what he says before they sing Therapy at every concert during this Dirty Work tour. Unfortunatley, no one posted him singing it at my concert but he pretty much says the same thing during every concert. So, what he says at the beginning of this video is like what he said at my concert.

    After watching it, I think you will see why I started tearing up. lol.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Here is a video of Alex singing Teenage Dream/Remembering Sunday from the concert.

    his voice. <3

    I can't wait to hear what you thought about my experience from the concert!!
    April 14th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    So.....I think that's it. I'm sorry if this is extremley long haha. I know April 6th will be a night I will never forget. It was incredible beyond belief. I can't stop thinking about it. I think Meagan and I have concert depression b/c we haven't stopped talking about it and can't believe it's already over. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading! :)
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:06pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Time Bomb, Damned If I Do Ya, I Feel Like Dancing, Jasey Rae, Coffeeshop Soundtrack, Let It Roll, Six Feet Under The Stars, Lost In Stereo, Poppin Champagne, Break Your Little Heart, Sick Little Games, Weightless, Teenage Dream/Remembering Sunday (It was so awesome to hear Cassadee sing the bridge with Alex), Therapy (w/ the full band. This was by far my favorite performance of the night. It was just incredible to hear them play that song with the entire band b/c I'm so used to hearing Alex play it on his acoustic guitar. It seriously gave me chills and what Alex said before he played the song brought tears to my eyes. Tons of people recorded it so hopefully it will be up on youtube and I'll tell you what he said....if you want to know that is lol. He said something like always believe in yourselves and it's time to grow the fuck up. It sounds a lot better when he's actually saying it though haha). And then their encore was, of course, Dear Maria. The entire night was just so incredible. It was BY FAR THE BEST concert I've ever been 2. ATL KNOWS how to put on an amazing show. I was sad when Alex said that this is our last song. It seemed to go by so fast. After the show, Rachel, Magi and Annabell went to get merch. We already had ours so we were waiting for them but security kicked us out. The security there are total asses. One of the security guys was actually screaming at this one guy for wanting to get merch saying "I'll kick you out and you can go to jail!" Then Vinny spoke up and was like "hey hey hey all they're doing is buying merch. Chill out." Or he said something of that sort. It made me happy how he was standing up for us like that :)

    new comment
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:06pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    After Hey Monday's set eveyone was anxious because ATL was getting ready to come on. Meagan and I decided to sit down just so we would save energy for ATL lol. I saw Jeff and said hi to him and he waved and said hi back. Then ATL's intro started. Everyone was flipping. It was SO amazing. I got chills. During ATL's set, Evan walked past me again to I guess to watch ATL. As he was walking back to his sound booth I got his attention and told him hi and gave him a hug. Meagan thought I was crazy for doing that but I don't care! IT'S EVAN KIRKENDALL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. OMG. I'm hoping he didn't think I was a creep or anything for wanting a hug lol. I'm just glad I got to see him. ATL's set was SO SO SO amazing. We knew every word to every song. It was great. They opened up with Time Bomb and then played Damned If I Do Ya. Then they played I Feel Like Dancing and during the middle of that song Rachel and Magi found us. They said it was crazy up there. They've been to many shows like that but this was by far the worst. Some security guard punched Annabell in the face, and some guy stuck his hand down Rachel's pants. Crazy right? But we had a blast singing and dancing all together. I loved Jack and Alex's conversations in between songs. Jack was like: "This is the first time we've played in Oklahoma City." Everyone starts screaming. "Why are there no bras on my microphone stand! There is usually about 20 right now." After Jack pointed that out I swear everyone started taking off there bras and putting it on Jack's microphone stand. I think by the end of the night, there were like 30 bras up there. Alex also called us cute and perverted. lol. When they were getting a drink in between songs we all started shouting "take it off! take it off!" And Alex was like "I will not take my shirt off! You guys are perverted!" haha. It was great. I don't know if their setlist changed or not but here is what they played if you want to know. :) I'll try my best to remember the order they played them in lol.

    new comment
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:05pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    There were already people up at barracade, so my friends, sister and I had to be in the second row right behind them. Meagan and I got merch while we were waiting. Vinny was super nice. Everything was awesome until they started letting everyone in. I didn't realize it was going to be that crowded. I could hardly move, and the concert didn't even start yet. The Summer Set finally came on and they were amazing. Brian was super sexy. As they were playing their set though, everyone was pushing and shoving. I found out the hard way that if you start jumping up and down you easily lose your spot. This girl beside me was trying to push me out of the way saying "I've been here for 5 hours so I'm going to get my spot!" I just couldn't believe how aggressive some people were being. It was crazy. We soon realized that we wouldn't be able to handle all of the pushing/shoving, etc throughout the entire show.. It was crazy during TSS...I couldn't imagine what it would have been like with ATL. I got pushed back to the third row...away from Meagan, Magi, Rachel and Annabell. Long story short, after TSS's set was over Meagan and I decided we wanted to move to the back because as cool as it was to be up close and personal with them, we couldn't handle being pushed and shoved the entire time. So with some other people's help, we got to the back and purchased our third bottle of water. It was REALLY hot in that venue. Everyone was drenched in sweat. We made sure to drink plenty of water so we wouldn't pass out. I texted Rachel letting her know that Meagan and I moved to the back. We sat down in the back until Hey Monday came on and then we moved closer so we could see them better. Even though we couldn't see them as well as we would have if we didn't move, it was way more fun (at least for us) being back there. We could jump around and sing as loud as we wanted without worrying about someone elbowing us or taking our spot. Hey Monday was incredible. Cassadee has such an amazing voice live. Sometime during their set, Evan Kirkendall just so happened to walk pass me and when I realized it was him he already went back to his sound booth. I kind of flipped out a little because we were really close to him. It was really awesome to watch him can tell he knows what he's doing and is very good at it.

    new comment
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:05pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    I don't think it really dawned on me that I was actually getting to meet my favorite band until they started walking towards us. My friends and sister looked at me and said "don't freak out. it's all good." I was trying my hardest not to. Alex walks towards our direction and then just stands there waiting for someone to come up to him. No one was coming up to him (I think it was just because it was Alexander William Gaskarth and everyone was in shock that we were standing less than a foot away from him lol). But Meagan and I went up to him first since no one else was. I walk up to him and give him a hug. (he gives amazing hugs <3). The conversation went like this:

    Alex: "hi!" Me: "hi Alex, I'm Kelsey and this is Meagan." Meagan: "can I take a picture with you?" Me: "I wanted him to sign my iphone first." (I wasn't trying to be a bitch lol. I just wanted him to sign stuff first and then take pics lol). Alex: "hey don't fight!" Meagan and I just smiled at him because we didn't really know what to say haha. He signs my iphone, but he signed it pretty big. I was thinking in my mind "Alex, I want Jack, Zack and Rian to sign it to. You should have left room for them!" haha. It was all good though. Meagan and I got a picture with him together. I noticed when he's taking pictures with you that he pulls you in really close to him and wraps his arms around you tightly. I don't even care was an amazing feeling :) So we said bye to him and was waiting to see Jack. There was quite a few people surrounding Jack and Meagan and I noticed that there was no one by Zack so we decided to go up to Zack while waiting for Jack. He was def really sweaty and his hair looked like he just got out of bed lol. However, they were sitting out in the heat all day so it didn't surprise me that he looked the way he did. (which of course was sexy as hell). I introduced myself and so did my sister. He was like "I'm Zack." and then Meagan was like, "yeah...we know that." and then he started laughing. I knew he was just being polite. I asked him when his new spring line was coming out and he said April 12th. I believe I already knew that answer...I just wanted to hear it from him haha. We took our picture and told him thank you. Then we noticed there was less people by Jack so we decided to wait and finally got our chance to see him. We introduced ourselves and Meagan got her picture with him. He was so tall that I couldn't fit him in the camera so he had to lean down to fit in the picture lol. I got my picture with him (which is my favorite btw). After we got our picture taken we talked to him for a while. Here was our conversation:

    Meagan: "So guess what?" Jack: "What?" Meagan: "We're Lebanese too!" He looks at us for a minute and is like "I can see it." and does this hand shake thing with us. Jack: "Are you triplets or sisters?" (Idk why he asked that b/c Meagan and I were the only ones there lol.) Meagan: "We're sisters." Me: "I'm a twin though!" Jack: "Where is she?" Me: "She's at home. She doesn't like you guys." Jack: "What a bastard!" Meagan and I start laughing. Meagan: "Yeah, I know right..she is." Jack: "hahah you called your sister a bastard!" (He was also signing our phones while we were having our conversation. I love how he puts smiley faces and stars by his signature). Then I noticed that I still had the Pops bag in my hand. Pops is a popular restaurant in OK that has thousands different flavors of Pop, so I decided to go there to get them something. My mom thought it would be a good idea to get them something from OK. So I showed Jack what we got them. I pull out the beanie I got Alex and tell Jack that it's for Alex. And he was like...."well I might wear it to!" And then I show him what I got him, which was a beer holder container thing that has a zipper on the side. He seemed to like it....he kept on zipping and unzipping the zipper lol. I told him that I got blue since it's his favorite color. We explained to him what Pops was because he asked and he seemed really interested in it. He even asked us where it was. And I told him it was like 30 minutes away from here. I wasn't really sure though. Then Jack was like: "We could have gone there today instead of sitting outside alll day!" And then I tell him that there is also letters in there that Meagan and I wrote for the guys. Jack gives the bag to Colussy and then Jack starts telling Colussy what Pops is and how they should have gone. It made me happy how interested he was while talking to us. He's a total sweetheart. We tell him bye and go say hi to Rian and get pictures with him. We introduce ourselves and he does the same thing Zack does and says "I'm Rian." and Meagan was like..."obviously." He starts laughing as well. After we're done, we wait for our friends to meet Jack. I realize that I never had Zack or Rian sign my iPhone so I went up to him and asked him to sign it. He says sure. Then I say: "I'm sorry if there isn't much room. Alex took up a lot of space." Zack: "There is plenty of room!" He signs it and hands it back to me and then being the total klutz I am, I almost drop it, but then I caught it (thankfully). Zack: "nice catch! But that's why you have a case for it." Me: "Well now that you guys signed it I don't want a case for it." Zack: "Well you can get a clear one." Me: "Good idea!" We said bye again and I was glad he gave me that suggestion, but I went to 4 different places today to find one and they didn't have any :( I was handling my phone with care b/c Zack's and Rian's signatures were wearing off. I'm going to go to the mall this weekend to get one, but for now my dad put a screen protector on it and some scotch tape to hold it in place. It looks really tacky, but it will do for now lol. I can actually touch the back of my phone now without worrying if there signatures will rub off. Then I asked Rian to sign it. As he was signing my phone he was talking to Jack about googling something inappropiate. I'm not sure what he was talking about, but he said something about sticking something up your ass. Yeah...I have no clue lol. And then Alex overheard and was like "hey! That's inappropiate. Let's not talk about that." I don't know why he said that but maybe he thought we looked younger than we really are, so I guess that's why. I found it pretty funny though. Then they had to leave, and was like enjoy the show.

    new comment
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:04pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    btw....I sent the same message to some others so I forgot to change where it says "(yesterday morning)" haha the day of the concert was Wednesday...4/6/11. Just so you won't get confused lol....

    okay now back to the story
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:03pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Hey Emily!!! Thanks for the comments on my pics! You are SO sweet. It totally made me smile :) And this might be really long. Just wanted to warn you lol.

    So the morning of the concert (yesterday morning) I decided to check the m&g list again because I never looked at it since they put it up. I found out that it only had 1 m&g pass by my name when the list first was put up I had two. I knew I turned the form in on time and I bought two tickets so it made no sense to me that I didn't have 2 m&g passes by my name. Needless to say, I was freaking out. I was already freaking out because it was the day I was going to be seeing them, but this just made it ten times worse lol. So throughout my three classes I had that day I felt naesous the entire time, couldn't really concentrate, etc. Please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way during the day of a concert haha. I couldn't even eat. Anyways, I just needed to know whether my sister could go in with me to the m&g. I knew she would have been devistated if she wasn't able to. We met up with our friends we were going with around 2:30. There were 5 people total in the car, and we had a blast just talking about different things. It was great. I still hadn't told Meagan that she may not be able to meet them because I knew if I did..well that wouldn't have turned out so good. Then on the way there I got a message from Admin saying that she just sent the updated list to Flyzik. It just wasn't updated on THC, so my sister was able to come in with me. I was relieved.

    So when we got there there was already tons of people in line. The people that had m&g just stood around by the door waiting for Flyzik to come get us. We got to The Diamond Ballroom around 3:50 I believe so we still had a while to wait. The m&g email said that if you got there after 4:30 then you wouldn't be allowed in so we made sure to get there early so that wouldn't happen lol. So as we were standing there, waiting, Meagan just so happened to glance to her left and who does she say? Yes...the one and only Alexander William Gaskarth with his shirt off. She got my attention and when I laid eyes on him my heart skipped a beat. Why does he have to be so damn sexy?! Omg. So we waited outside for quite some time...maybe close to 2 hours or something like that. It was fun to watch Rian and Colussy ride around on their little motorcycles. haha. And it was SO awesome to see so many people wearing Glamour Kills merch in one place at one time.
    Then the time finally came to meet them. Flyzik came out of the doors we were all standing by and I like flipped out. I didn't scream out loud but I was screaming on the inside. He was standing right in front of me. He was so much more hotter in person. When I gave him my picture ID I told him I liked his Mickey Mouse sticker on his clipboard and he smiled and said thank you. He was really quiet but really sweet. Matt gathered us up after we all got in and told us what we could and could not do. It's awesome that there isn't many rules. We just got to hang with them for 25 minutes. I know it said 40 minutes on the m&g email, but we only had 27 people in the m&g so I guess they schedule how much time we get to spend with the boys based on how many people are at the m&g. So he told Colussy to bring the guys out and we had to wait for a good five minutes until they arrived.

    new comment
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:02pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    Hey!! Soooo I just wanted to let you know that I uploaded the photos from the m&g so you can check them out :)

    It's pretty early in the morning and I can't sleep because I keep thinking about how incredible last night was. It was THE BEST concert I've been to and the BEST night ever. All Time Low knows how to put on an AMAZING show. I'll tell you all about it later today b/c I really need to take a shower haha. I feel gross from jumping around and sweating lol.
    April 7th, 2011 at 03:43pm
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I just totally understand your story and I absolutely love it! I can connect with Jade and Bailey, that's why, lol.

    It is fun to write realistic stories. I feel like writing stories that are a little too much fiction just aren't that....great? Idk how to explain it, lol. Like it's it scifi or anything like that I'll love it. But it's either, really real or totally a different world you created. Idk, I'm strange. And I totally hope all my readers agree with you. Oh, just so you know, after 6 months of wait, I finally updated Mixed Feelings of Elation tonight and I feel kinda proud of myself to break my writers block.

    Omg, I totally agree! My AP class has helped me succeed in all my other classes so much. It's helped me do all those things that you said because I know how to study and what's important. It just helps make school work easier because my knowledge feels more well rounded. I totally agree with you though, I see people in my grade that just don't know how to study so when it comes to taking tests, they fail and they don't know how to change that because in the "average" classes, everything is handed to you to do. And I can say that because I'm in "average" Bio and American Lit.

    That just sounds terrible. My school had a bunch of layoffs last year and I think we're getting budget cuts next year, but our schedule has never been changed. Although there's talk about making our days 8 periods a day which I KNOW I will hate. And my districts doing this weird thing where they're converting the 2 middle schools so one will only have kids for 6th and 7th grade, and the other will only have kids for 8th and 9th grade while the high school only has 10th thru 12th which I think is the stupidest thing on earth. the only reason they're doing that is because one of the middle schools is over crowded and it wud cost too much money to close one down and all this other stuff that's just stupid excuses in my eyes.

    Kinda sorta, sorta kinda. I've been trying to I just don't have the time! My AP U.S history class won't even be near the present era so I have to learn 100 years of history on my own and I have not had the time at all. Have you started?

    Lol, I should have made that connection. But dude, I'm from Chicago! And U of C is a good school for sure. That's awesome though! I heard that U of M has a great journalism program.....or was that the University of Missouri? Idk, if's either of those, lol. I agree though, Chicago is a little more competetive which is weird that you got accepted there, lol. It's not necessarily that you're not good enough. My counselor told me this because my dream school is Northwestern University which is in Evanston (right next to Chicago), and my Guidance counselor told me that schools get so many applications that they have to pick and choose and sometimes it's not that your not good enough for not getting accepted, there was just too many kids applying. You probably already knew that, lol. But you chose your school and that's awesome!
    April 3rd, 2011 at 08:14am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Wow, I suck, lol. I'm sooo sorry it took me this long to realize that I hadn't even replied to your comment on my profile! But, good news, I finished Take A Sad Song and Make it Better and I just started on the sequel!

    Aww, thanks! I really try to keep it realistic despite it being fiction. And the differences really starts to show in the next chapter I have planned though and I'm really, really excited for it! I just don't know when I'm posting it cause I like to be a chapter ahead when I post and that's not working out right now, lol. I guess I'm just trying so hard to keep up with my annoying desire to detail everything yet keep it real and not skim over it all.

    School is insanely hard! It's my own fault for taking hard classes, but I think I've gotten better with time management recently. I just need to start getting motivated. The moment 1st semester ended I just kinda stopped caring.

    That does sound like loads of fun! I can't wait for my senior year! Wait...5 classes a day? How does that work? I'm always curious how other schools have their schedule because I have block scheduling which is 4 classes a day and another 4 the next day and the cycle repeats creating an A day/B day schedule. But other than that, those AP classes must be killer. I only took 1 AP class this year and I'm taking hopefully 2 next year, it depends.

    So have you thought about colleges? Would it be creepy of me to ask what colleges you were looking into? Well, idc, I'm asking anyway, lol, what colleges are you looking into?

    Well I hope you can forgive me for taking forever to reply!
    April 3rd, 2011 at 04:25am
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    I'm apart of their fan club...the hustler club and when you order tickets through pre-sale you get the chance to earn a m&g pass. To be honest though I did not think I was going to get it b/c it took me like 15 minutes to get the tickets and it's the first 40 people who buy tickets gets m&g. But I'm beyond happy!!! And still can't believe this is really happening!!
    I couldn't wait to tell you :D

    And know I will be taking tons of pictures!!!!! :D haha
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:27pm
  • Kelseylynnf

    Kelseylynnf (100)

    United States
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:54am
  • xxoomwauhzxxoo

    xxoomwauhzxxoo (100)

    United States
    no problem! i lovee your story and im so glad i found it =]
    March 27th, 2011 at 10:52pm