shutdown / Comments

  • i miss ya! im me on aim sometime -- blackmariahxo
    October 29th, 2008 at 02:31am
  • I hate my step mum to
    September 15th, 2007 at 02:13pm
  • I lost my grandma to cancer back in 96. It was hardcore, I mean she was on chemo, then radiation. and so on. I still miss her even now.
    August 31st, 2007 at 12:31am
  • You go to Photobucket and copy the URL and put it in. That's how I do it. Thanks for the comment on my story.
    July 19th, 2007 at 12:54am
  • sorry i have not been on for a while. Gods. I really need to finish my story chapter its at the sadest part and i am really sorry please continue reading im fixing i today i promise im really sorry i have kinda slacked have'nt i.
    July 5th, 2007 at 09:32pm
  • thanks for the comment =]
    July 5th, 2007 at 03:43am
  • yeah i like your pro. and yeah i like mcr, panic at the disco, howie day, bare naked ladies, uhhh and really any kind of
    July 4th, 2007 at 07:38pm
  • Hi. I'm Sam. :] Yes i am still looking for a female writer. I'm sorry for not replying sooner, but i'm grounded off my computer, something you will hear often from me. I'm at my girlfriend's replying now. Yes well hit me back, and i'll really try to reply soon. :) What's your style?
    July 2nd, 2007 at 09:38am
  • yea...!!!!!!! i love that book!
    June 30th, 2007 at 10:26am
  • the word is [i]waring[/i] and it's a word.
    it means like raging or something.

    that is so old and cliche.
    how about think of your own reasons next time, hey?
    but still. that chain letter isn't going to make me change my way of thinking.
    k? k.
    June 29th, 2007 at 10:20pm
  • Haha, hey. Uh. [IMG] image code here [/IMG]
    June 29th, 2007 at 10:02pm
  • it goes pretty well. . . .with lots of eye candy to feed my horn
    June 29th, 2007 at 08:01pm
  • me bored 2 its raining here so i can't really do anything
    June 29th, 2007 at 07:16pm
  • heh. Yeah i know what you mean. One of my best friends died of cancer. It was a little while back. I miss them though. My aunt is in acoma. Well she was. She was diabetic dont know if i spelled it right. She passed out and fell and broke her leg. She got to the hospital and they put her on morphine. The nurse that was supposed to check on her did'ent and my aunt went into a morphine acoma. She woke up but now she is brain dead. Yeah sucks. I did'ent like her much anyway its not really a loss. Its mean that i say that i know but she was always so judging of me. My grandma was like really sad. Then my uncle stacey died of a OD. i dont know what kind of drugs he was on but i had to go to his funeral. I sung helena for him but no tears. I could'ent cry i barely talked to the guy. My dad got mad cause i wore black to his funeral. ITs a funeral.

    Anyways we are like taking up lots of space. Truth to tell it does'nt bother me unless someone decides to like get involved in our conversation and tell us how wrong we are. I hate it when people tell me im straight up wrong. My dad gets mad when i go up his house and get on mibba. He has to read my poems to make sure they are appropriate. Heh last time he tried to do that i told him to screw off. Its none of his bizz. He wants to know why my poems are all about death. I tell him my poems are autobiographys. I bet he does'nt know what an autobiography is. I only right about things that in some degree have happened to me. Of course my poems are exaggerarted. I like talking to you your not an A** like other members on this site. Yeah i kinda feel sorry for you having to read my storys(comments) i try to make them short but i got lots to say. I hate our dads then. What your dad does is wrong. I know the emo thing that too i get mocked for. By all the rednecks in this town. POSERS. i cant stand them. I dont care what they are poseing to be. I still hate them. Why be fake. Theres enough fake things in this world. Love is becoming one of them. They want to know. Why are you emo. Your just doing it for attention. F*ck no we're not. It cause our llives are loaded down with problems you guys pose to have but you dont f*cking understand it. Why do you think i cry when i could be f*cking around having a good time. Why do you think i sit alone. Its not so funny now is it. Are you gonna laugh now. Have you ever seen your mom beat down in front of you. Or sat at home wondering where your drunk dad is and if he's gonna beat you in your sleep again. Are you the one that hides your arms because they are so scarred. Scarred with your problems. We are people to. You on the other hand. Your not people. Your fake. Fake lives fake problems fake friends. Posers arn't real people. They dont know what real is. (directed at posers)

    Okay that was a nice emotional piece. I had no idea what i was doing. I write so much but when you right your feelings down they cant be stopped so easily.
    I cant stand posers. Its like they are making fake the serious lives we lead. People look down on us because we wear black. Isent it wierd though. All the popular people with perfect lives are all whores. its really strange. Im strange too. Look how fast out conversation turns. Heh from after life to abuse to posers. Heh back to the after life yeah there are so many questions. Guess i'll see when i die. If i go to hell. IF there is a hell. I want be sorry. Maybe a little. But still. If im gonna live its gonna be a life of sin. We cant all just roll over on our religious backs and exspect god to rub our bellys. [good dog].....................If thats how we're gonna live. SO afraid to sin. Then how can we exspect to live life to the fullest.

    Yeah my step mom patty is a freak. I hate her. I really do. I dont hate many people. Not singled out. I do on the other hand hate groups of people. Posers, gangstas, etc. Yeah thats pretty much my feelings. I like having conversations with you. respect you greatly. I know we only know each other over the internet but i wish you could live with me *smiles*. It seems like your stuck though. Either your dad or foster care. I was in foster care for about a month. It sucked. I wish i had an attitude as confident as yours. Not afraid of what others think. Not afraid to be an indivisual.(sp?) im trying not to make this one so long.

    Yeah if you think of it in the bible it does'ent say anything about other planets. So whats the christian theory that this is the only planet. Maybe science is the only truth. But still in a way its not. Worlds just a confusing place
    June 29th, 2007 at 06:42pm
  • what?
    i have never talked to you before in my life, and you come to my profile to diss my favorite band in this whole world?
    then you start saying that homophobia is gay?
    it's not, and i would really appreciate if you did not diss what i think and believe in.
    especially my favorite bands.

    ps. where on earth did i spell warning wrong? that word wasn't even in my journal..

    I had no clue that it was your favorite band. I really do have the right to express what i feel. If i hate that band i hate that band. You commented on my proflie and in one of your journals i assumed it was the word warning except that it was spelling waning so i was joking around since you corrected me. In fact you have talked to me b-4 because you commented my journal. You corrected a grammar error. So if you dont want me commenting on your stuff then in return dont comment on mine because most of the time i try to be friends with people who comment on my stuff. Thanks for the correction though *sacasm*
    And if you took the time to notice i said no offense. This site is about critizism thats why they allow comments. Whether its positive or negitive. Im not going to apologize because i feel no remorse. I think this should be the last time we share words on this site so with all due respect please do not comment on my things any more. Homophobia is gay in my opinion i am a very straight person and i stick strictly to guys. But of course it is your opinion to whether or not it is gay. I was actually (*correct my spelling please*) *sarcasm* reply to a comment made by exclamation girl.
    June 29th, 2007 at 06:09pm
  • I agree… I don’t have a phobia or aversion for Catholics, mainly because some of my friends at school are Catholics to a degree. Don’t worry about offending me… It doesn’t happen too easily… My step mom is a DEFINATE cow but she’s not as physco as what yours sounds like! She sounds FREAKY!
    I can’t make my mind up about heaven… what about those people who have done wonderful things for the world, like… umm… the creator of GreenPeace? Don’t they deserve something good after they kaak it(die)? I agree with you on the whole Bible stories thing too… Jesus walking on water? Jesus rising from the dead? Those miracles??
    You’ve got a good argument with the whole other planets thing… why did this ‘god’ decide to have us live on this planet? Why did he make all the other galaxies? The questions go on!
    I just pretty much don’t care a lot of the time what people think of me… Well, it is human nature to care a little so I do, but not enough for it to effect me. I get hassled at school too. Yes, I do have awesome friends, like Ellen and Bob, who stand with me through it but still… people are mean.
    I don’t get called goth, I get called emo. And not in the supposedly ‘good’ way… Good way? Since emo is in right now, if you are an emo poser you’re cool, if you’re a REAL emo, and I hate that f**king word, then you get hassled, picked on, gossipped (pp? p?) about and all that cr*p… I wear heaps of eyeliner too and wear as much black as the situation allows, which my step mom hates. She thinks its making me in to a bad person and that it will lead me astray. WTF!?
    People are really judgemental (huh?) and like to put people in cliques, which is where the problems are formed… but yet we continue to do it. Why? No idea.
    I wish my step mom would die too… that and my dad… they are both f*gs and deserve it. I swear my step mom thinks I must have some secret girlfriend (I’m straight) on the internet or something!
    It’s not too bad to talk about it now… I’m a lot stronger about it now… thicker skin, you know? Things don’t get to me as much… I definitely talk to myself too, but you’re right, he probably will be like that forever. You know what? He’s probably talking to her… he must be seriously traumatised…
    I’m sweet with talking about it now… especially with people who genuinally (/sp?) want to know. Yeah, well my mom died of cancer, some fancy word too which means cancer of the head and neck. It’s not that common either… and it’s not that easily treated.
    Yeah, I live with my dad and step mom… and her three children. Yeah, my dad is an absolute f*g. Hardly any of my friends know at school because I don’t tell them… Mainly because they’ll make me go to the school councellor which I don’t want to do. Mainly because the councellor is useless and because I’ll have to move away from all my friends, which I can’t deal with.
    I hate hearing about other people getting abused by their parents… I know what it’s like and I hate thinking about what it’s like… Yeah, I got the brunt of what my dad was angry about. It starts with quite muttering… which leads to talking= complaining= aggrevation= anger= violence. It sucks.
    My dad doesn’t throw, he uses his fists. Mainly my stomach and legs but, you know, whatever he can make contact with. Then he storms off and comes back ten minutes later apoligizing going on about how it’s not my fault or his… about how he’s stressed and can’t… blah blah blah…
    My dad doesn’t love me anyway and he has no respect for me either. He doesn’t trust me either. He thinks I’m a whore who will get pregnant if you let her out of the house.

    I just… wish I had somewhere I could just go. Just leave to.
    Well, I do. I can go with my Grandparents, but they live hours away and I would miss my friends too much.

    I tried to make my reply as short as I could. Didn’t work very well did I?
    Need to make our replies shorter... or message this to each other privately!
    June 29th, 2007 at 06:33am
  • hey watz up
    June 29th, 2007 at 12:47am
  • what?
    i have never talked to you before in my life, and you come to my profile to diss my favorite band in this whole world?
    then you start saying that homophobia is gay?
    it's not, and i would really appreciate if you did not diss what i think and believe in.
    especially my favorite bands.

    ps. where on earth did i spell warning wrong? that word wasn't even in my journal..
    June 28th, 2007 at 09:38pm
  • k guys im getting off here 4 2-day see you tommorow. Remember im off on the weekends so i wont be here. I will put my new pics on sometime this week so dont 4-get to check em' out. continue our debate on after life tommorow highschooloutcast. Love everybody so long
    June 28th, 2007 at 08:24pm
  • whats your bebo. Ha i dont have a bebo i shall make one though.
    June 28th, 2007 at 08:08pm