shutdown / Comments

  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    yeah it is being slow i though it was just my computer. I have highspeed. Check your inbox. I sent you mail. So whats going on
    June 28th, 2007 at 08:07pm
  • xxsuicidalmindxx

    xxsuicidalmindxx (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    my god - meeba is being slow =/
    i don't have a myspace :S
    I have bebo =)
    June 28th, 2007 at 07:56pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    wow you replyed thanks i feel so special. ^_^
    June 28th, 2007 at 07:14pm
  • xxsuicidalmindxx

    xxsuicidalmindxx (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks - - i saw MCR quite recently in London They were supporting muse though =)
    I'll send a friend's request =)
    June 28th, 2007 at 07:11pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    im good er yeah umm good.
    June 28th, 2007 at 06:45pm
  • S Chizzle x0

    S Chizzle x0 (100)

    United States
    hello (:
    i`m good, how are you?
    June 28th, 2007 at 05:33pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    Yeah very true. I would hate to be forced to go to a catholic school. I dont much like catholics. Not to offend you but my step mom is a friggin catholic and she calls me satan and trys to preform exorcisms on me. WIERD. Yeah i agree with the roman thing about they're like being a god of death or water or whatever. I think they came the closest to making sense. I cant really be sure whats after death but i say oh iwell and live a life of sin anyways. This heaven thing to me though is complete sh!t and i hate friggin church. I understand its holy and sacred and part of various relegions but worshiping and crap i dont get it. TO me it seems like these people need lives instead of laying on their pillows and confessing every cuss word they said and begging some god, that we're not even sure exists to forgive them and let them into heaven. To me just not believeable. Then all those storys in the bible. Noahs ark and stuff about a dude getting swallowed by a whale. I dont think the world ever flooded completely or a dude can get swallowed by a well and not be killed by its stomach acid its friggin bull sh!t...........i really believe in agnosticism. which leaves open the question of whether there is a God, atheism is a positive denial. I dont deny positvely (sp?) anything but i do doubt. Im a pretty big thinker. Like if there is a god who created heaven hell and earth then how did all the other planets get here. Maybe it tells in the bible but i never read it. When i was little my grandma read bible storys to me. They always to me seemed like fairy tales. I now am old enough to think really you know shedding that childishness and stuff. Its so stupied. Christianity and all. I dont even know if i spelled it right. It is nice to discuss with someone what i think openly without the fear of being cast out or whatever. It happens to much at school. Im called gothic. People who know me know im not....but if they hang with me they get called gothic too. Its because i dress in black and wear eye liner and eye shadow and they all of a sudden assume that im some atheist or goth. I have nothing against atheist. Some of them are really cool people. They mostly are not evil they just have a different selected religion. Christians and catholics and all those others. I know some religious people who believe in god some of them are pretty okay. The worlds just confused and not the world really just the people in it. I really feel for you there about your mom dieing. I wish my step mom would. Ha she says that since im on the computer so much im possessed because some church show this dude was talking bout "evil on the internet" and how kids were selling their souls online. Stupied shiz like that. Its like she worships the preacher which probibly goes against a christain or catholic relegion since your they are only supposed to worship they're god. It must really hurt to talk/type about your mom its so sad and losing her at such a young age. There is this kid who lives here and he walked up on his mom dead in her bed. He is really messed up he talks to himself. I talk to myself to but this kid has conversations with himself. Its strange but i feel sorry for him. The kids gonna be messed up for life and its his mom's fault for doing drugs. He is constantly picked on. That his mom was a drug head. F**ck leave the kid alone he lost his f**king mother. He doesent need a reminder. So what happened i mean to your mom or do you feel comfortable talking about it because if you dont i completely understand. So you're with your dad now. I have heard you talk about how abusive he is. I used to live with my dad because my parents broke up. My dad hit me to. If he got mad at somebody else he took it out on me. He threw stuff at me anything he could pick up. One day he threw a cup at me a glass one it hit me right on the forehead and put a huge gash in my forehead. That was last year. He dropped down on his knees and was like i did'ent mean to and i was like F**ck off. He got really mad and was like "im gonna beat your a** and i was like i dont care you cant hurt me anymore. And he could'ent because i had become mentally strong. I was'ent afraid of him anymore. After that he seemed to act differently toward me. Not showing love more like respect. Respect for something he could not destroy. Thats when i decided that all this sh*t they teach me in all these books about god and how jesus loves me. It was all bullSh*t. Everything and shortly after i ran away to live with my mom. My dad somehow got custody of me and he made my mom pay to see me during the summer. It was F*CKed up really... It seems to me like you have it way worse though i sympathize(sp?) i hated being in that situation and im not any more but its not through the grace of god. It was through me. I got myself out of that position. NOT because i prayed. NOT because jesus loves me. BECAUSE i finally threw all of that SH*T out of my brain about how if you pray and sh*t it will all be okay. Its a matter of luck people. Wow this was a long piece really friggin long.

    A/N: yeah we are just expressing out points views and beliefs. We are not forceing this stuff down your throat so if your offended by it dont read it.
    June 28th, 2007 at 04:24pm
  • High_School_Outcast

    High_School_Outcast (100)

    New Zealand
    I'm just glad that someone else has the same views as me!! I always just keep it to myself in the fear of offending someone or sounding like an absolute ......!

    H**y F**k! I fully just read that story! Its SO sad! I know what it's likt to lose someone with cancer. One of my good friends died of leukemia and my mom died of cancer too... I know exactly what it looks like just to have someone that close to you, well, just disappear.
    I don't really believe in God either. Mainly because of my mom, but also because i just don't see that some big power up in 'heaven' created everything!
    I understand why they believe in him but... I just don't.
    I get where you are coming from with the whole thing about the bible... It's in Hebrew! Who can read hebrew anyway! The Bible might not even say any of that anyway!
    I do agree though, that this is a very weird and broad subject, with good arguments on either sides... I don't believe in Christianity either, never mind the fact i'm forced to go to a Catholic School!
    Do you know what else? I think that the... Ancient Greeks? Romans? were on to it... if there is such a thing as a 'god' then i think that there is more than one and they all control various things... its more logical really.

    A/N: I hope we don't offend anyone by this conversation! We are just expressing our views and people are qualified to make their own judgements and have their own beliefs... Freedom of speech...
    June 28th, 2007 at 07:01am
  • Bring-me-Bullets!

    Bring-me-Bullets! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi - Rofl at your forehead - jk lol im continuously dyeing my hair but i get it around my ears and all - (because theyre so big lol) - hmm im rather bored today too - maybe i should get a myspace...
    June 28th, 2007 at 12:33am
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    yeah it makes since to me. I think that its mainly darkness after you depart or something. Its really confusing.
    June 27th, 2007 at 08:01pm
  • High_School_Outcast

    High_School_Outcast (100)

    New Zealand
    I'm with you on the whole God and Heaven thing... mainly because my mom dies when I was 7...
    I believe in ghosts totally but don't believe in purgatory... souls who have not freed themselves from sins?? What a load of .......!
    I'm pretty damn sure there is a hell, but i'm not quite sure what it'll be like... I just can't imagine that you will spend eternity burning in the 'fiery depths of hell'...
    I do believe in a second life... you know, being someone else after you die? I just think that you don't remember your previous life, and the sort of person you were previously jugdes how good your new life will be. See my point?
    What about you? What do you think?
    June 27th, 2007 at 12:44am
  • Stockholm Syndrome.

    Stockholm Syndrome. (100)

    United States
    I don't know.
    I think it just depends, if the thirteen-year-old is some kind of artistic prodigy, yeah, the school would snatch them up in a heartbeat lol
    My drawings? I just uploaded them...?
    Maybe you should try changing the file format or resize the photo or somthing.
    YAYY! Another Muse fan! X]
    I watched Muse walk off their bus, I was the only of six people standing there that was waving and screaming but Muse diddn't wave back. TT_TT
    Heaven forbid they acknowledge thier fans lol We got a slight smirk but that's it.
    June 26th, 2007 at 11:18pm
  • Catastrophic Dreams

    Catastrophic Dreams (100)

    United States
    yeah so whats up?
    June 26th, 2007 at 09:51pm
  • KatieBatieHead

    KatieBatieHead (100)

    hey I'm Katie. Whats up?
    June 26th, 2007 at 05:47pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    uh yeah obviously i changed my name AGAIN to MEDScantSAVEyouNOW
    i know im wierd but oh wells.......keep in touch ^_^
    June 26th, 2007 at 05:09pm
  • Bella-

    Bella- (100)

    Okay lol ;)
    June 25th, 2007 at 08:40pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    my username is all scrunched up and its kinda wierd but to many people were using ourladyofsorrows and i wanted something original i like it
    wat you think
    June 25th, 2007 at 08:30pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    yeah it sucks hey cant use profanity in comments anymore or we get terminated dont get terminated *crys*
    June 25th, 2007 at 08:29pm
  • Welshiee

    Welshiee (350)

    United Kingdom
    damn lol >.<
    June 25th, 2007 at 07:50pm
  • shutdown

    shutdown (100)

    United States
    well cliche medical disaster would'ent fit so it had to be cliche medical tragedy. *crys*
    June 25th, 2007 at 07:38pm