Viva Las Vegas

It is 11:47 on Friday, December 25th.I am leaving for Las Vegas in about seven hours.I am incredibly excited.I won't have Brett with me this time, but I can feel that an enchanting journey lies before me. I mean this as much about my vacation as I do about my life.Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, or if your like me, have a lovely Chrimukkah. Enjoy whatever you celebrate and extend that love to...
December 26th, 2009 at 06:51am

July 27th, 2009.

I decided against creating a spunky little name for this entry simply because it is set to be an overall negative read. I had bad dreams last night. A large segment of my day was bad; I made it worse for myself. Let me explain.I permanently escaped a spur of scary dreams around noon today. I don't usually sleep in but I've been working so much lately that today it felt nice, with the exception of...
July 28th, 2009 at 06:31am

got to be startin' something

What an interesting concept, a journal.A concept that I am, admittedly, quite fond of. I lead a unique existence, you see, and I feel it may be, perhaps not of use, but certainly worthwhile to document a small portion of my mind. I have yet to see if anyone will choose to explore these tales, but even if no evidence of readership prevails, the bizarre sense of inspiration blogging has always...
July 16th, 2009 at 08:07am