Why do people have to be such - on the internet?

Seriously?I was just on tumblr and I unfollowed someone for being incredibly rude to people in the same fandom as they are, and now they're sitting there bitching at me, making fun of me. Dude chill with your fucking negativity and go find your zen.I just don't understand bullies on the internet. It just gets me all riled up and it's stupid. Why am I getting so upset over something on the...
July 30th, 2012 at 09:06pm

Urge to Purge

Let me start off by saying that I don't have an eating disorder, despite popular belief I am not anorexic. I can't even count how many times people have asked me if I'm anorexic or say something like, "God you're so anorexic! Eat something already!" I do eat. I eat a lot. But usually at night. I don't like eating during the day. And lately well... something's changed about eating for me.I grew up...
June 9th, 2012 at 04:57pm

Sherlock || Tumblr || + *** me your stories

Have you seen Sherlock? I'm figuring you have if you clicked on this journal.Either that or you were roped in by the promise of whoring.If you haven't seen it, by god man GO WATCH IT. The first series is on Netflix!For those of you who have no idea what this show is, it's pretty straight forward. A modernized Sherlock Holmes. It's amazing. I can't even put in words how great this series is. I...
May 15th, 2012 at 03:37pm

Not sure if hitting on me or just a compliment.

So there's this girl, this REALLY cute girl, in my bio class. Her name is Shawna, and she's just gorgeous and funny and adorable and a;dkjdskjfl I just want to cuddle her.I've had a crush on her since she transferred to my school halfway through the year. We finally started talking about two months ago.Yesterday she posted on my facebook: I love you and your tumblr <3!She stalks my tumblr. Does...
May 14th, 2012 at 07:57pm

I seriously f*cked up.

I don't even know what I was doing. Seriously, what the fuck?On thursday I popped five Xanax during school and then had a breakdown.So I ran and told my Biology teacher because he's like an uncle to me. He took me to the nurse and they cleared out the whole office because apparently I was a medical emergency.The dean of students came in to talk to me, to tell me I was getting suspended and...
May 13th, 2012 at 07:49pm

That is not your girlfriend, why is she in your bed?

My brother's room is right next to mine and this morning when I woke up I heard a girl talking through the wall. I just figured it was his girlfriend, Emily. I heard someone shuffling downstairs and she's usually hung over, looking for aspirin, so I went to go find it for her. Now I wasn't wearing my glasses so at first I was like, "Oh, Emily dyed her hair." And then I realized it wasn't Emily. It...
May 6th, 2012 at 06:03pm

What point of view do you like to use for stories?

Personally my favorite is first person. It's so much more personal and you really get to dive in and become the character, whether you're reading or writing. But sometimes first person doesn't work.I don't like first person POV if the story switches back and forth between characters POVs sporadically. If there's a set pattern, like every other chapter, that doesn't bother me so much. What really...
May 5th, 2012 at 07:15pm

I think it's about time to confess this to you guys

I was a regular around Mibba for about 3 years, from 2009-2011. I took a short break from Mibba and from writing in general. Now I've been through a lot and my writing muse has awakened once more.I'm getting off on a tangent here. For those of you who remember me, my name is Harley. But it's not really. I started writing under that name in 2010 I think it was. You see originally I was just a...
May 3rd, 2012 at 05:12am

When people don't swap you back

That's irritating as all hell. I mean seriously, man? Why? I just read your story and put in a lot of effort to give you legitimate feedback and you completely blow me off. You said you comment first and then you don't comment me back.It's lame.It happens so often here too. I can't count how many times I've been cheated out of a comment swap. And it's not like my comments are shit comments, I mean...
April 30th, 2012 at 04:45am

I'm back, baby!

So it's been about a year since I've been on here, maybe a little longer. Crazy right? How could I leave Mibba for so long?Well, I cheated on mibba with tumblr.But now Mibba and I have decided to be friends again, so booyah.A lot has changed since the last time I logged on here.This is what I looked like last time:This is what I look like now:I know it barely even looks like the same person in...
April 26th, 2012 at 01:22am

My Mibba days are coming to a close.

It's sad but true. Those of you who even remember who I am may have realized that I'm barely even on Mibba as it is, and usually it's just to post a story.I've been a proud Mibbian since May 2009, and over the years I've had wonderful experiences here. I've met so many amazing people, gotten lot's of writing advice, improved my writing tenfold, and over all just had a ton of fun. So now you're...
February 28th, 2011 at 04:55am

I have to draw a comic for Sex Ed. class.

What on earth was Mr. Dr. Hancock (fitting name for a sex ed. teacher, don't ya think?) thinking?! He even told us that we wouldn't have to do projects for this class, and now he wants us to make a comic about conception. I'm sorry, but WHAT THE HELL? Then he says it has to be school appropriate. Excuse me, Mr. Dr. Sir, but this class isn't even school appropriate, how do you expect us to draw...
February 18th, 2011 at 01:13am

That horrifying moment in a young girl's life when she walks downstairs to find her 20 year old brother and her father watching Justin Bieber on TV.

Damn the Grammy Awards for giving me a heart attack! What's worse is they just sat there and watched it, they could've changed the channel, but no. No, that would require some effort. Gahhh, boys will be boys.Anyway, you know what I've realized about myself? I'm like the biggest Tumblr virgin ever! I finally get a facebook and now everyone has a tumblr and I'm just likeI still don't even really...
February 14th, 2011 at 04:16am

Here's a fun new game, I call it "This is your reaction when you find out the world's about to end!"

OH MY GOD HARLEY'S SPAMMING THE JOURNAL SECTION!Sorry folks, but this was just too much fun to not journal about. I came across it on someone's tumblr, can't remember whose it was though... Anyway they had this thing that said "Go into you gifs folder and the third one will be your reaction just before the world ends." Because yeah, we all know you have a gif folder... doesn't everyone these...
February 13th, 2011 at 04:30am

This is why I didn't want a facebook.

Because my mom stalks everything I post.So I put up this funny picture of a creepy @ss moth that says, "I will rape you in your sleep!" and then tagged all of my close friends in it.Well of course my mom has to go and have a fit about it, telling me it's so "inappropriate" and that I "have to take it down right this instant". Seriously? It's a joke mom, and honestly I'm not a little kid...
February 13th, 2011 at 01:26am

This video is beautiful and will probably make you cry.

Now I spent a lot of time thinking over whether or not to put this on Mibba, but in the end I decided that yes, I would. Well, obviously I mean I am writing this... OFF TOPIC! Anyway, the moment any gay bashing starts, this journal gets deleted. I suggest if you have a problem with that, you go and click your browser's back button now.Please be respectful. If you don't have anything nice to say...
February 12th, 2011 at 01:15am

I get that you're grumpy, but did you really have to be such an @sshole?

So about two hours ago my dad tells me he's going to get dog food and walk the dogs and that I need to have my room cleaned, and then we'll go grocery shopping.I say alright, and start cleaning. When I finish I hop in the shower, and he gets home right when I'm done. He tells me to finish getting ready and then we'll go. So I throw on some clothes, do my hair and makeup, stick in my contacts,...
February 5th, 2011 at 11:03pm

Got pulled over, pig's tryin' to get me to roll my window lower. Don't you ever interrupt me while I'm readin' a book, pig.

Why do I always end up doing this? Every time Julian Smith makes an epic new song I end up whoring it on Mibba, granted though I think this one really relates to the world of Mibba. It's not as epic as Racist Coffee, but hey, it's still pretty catchy and who doesn't love flashing lights?His raspy voice kinda reminds me of Batman...I put too many youtube videos in my journals, is that considered...
January 27th, 2011 at 03:08am

Isn't it awesome when a guy can come out on facebook...

...and within less than an hour his status has 43 likes, some of which came from other boys?But yeah, I don't know if I spilled this on Mibba or not, but I have committed the ultimate sin, I CREATED A FACEBOOK!Oh god! And no, I'm not going to friend you. We can be Mibba friends, but that's it, Harley likes personal things to stay personal- AND WHY IS MY SPACEBAR BEING STUPID? This is like the 15th...
January 25th, 2011 at 10:25pm

Does anyone else think it's weird when authors under 17 rate their stories NC-17?

I mean I'm not saying it's a bad thing, if your story has got material that may be inappropriate for kids under 17, then by all means give it the correct rating, but isn't it a little odd? I say this because I was thinking about it the other day when I was writing a story containing a rape scene. At first I was going to click the NC-17 rating, but in the end I settled for R because I just thought...
January 25th, 2011 at 12:31am