
I was finally able to upload the first chapter(can I call it that? I mean... it's just an intro!) of my Cherry fanfic story! YAY!!About the name of the story... My brother was the one to name the story. I had a few names in my head but they all sounded too cheezy. So I went to my brother(who sorta knows about the story) and asked him for a name. He randomly said "Cherry Pie" So I was like, "That's...
August 7th, 2009 at 09:48pm

I'm getting there!

Well, hi everybody!Those who might read my journal know that I wasn't too sure if I should post my stories... and at the end of my last journal entry I pretty much said "screw it". I'm going to put one up. know that. But it's a long time coming.I've already done the Introduction. I've also finished revising and I've sent it to a few people to proofread it. I'm gonna put it on soon but I want to...
June 4th, 2009 at 02:04am

Fanfiction Worries

Hmmm...It is just me who's afraid of posting my own fanfiction stories because I'm afraid that they might suck? You know, I'm more afraid of my fancharacters than anything else. They might be a Mary-Sue!! Naturally, they have something weird about them. You can't have a story without something special in your character but I'm still worried about that... Hmmmm.Right now, I've written a few pages...
May 28th, 2009 at 01:54pm

School field trip

Today I went on a field trip with my art class. It was fun!After taking off on the bus, we stopped at MacDonald's to eat breakfast. We're supposed to eat before we go to school... but who does that? Some don't because they're too busy. I don't eat in the morning because I'm still half asleep and can't be myself awake enough to eat somethign bigger than a glass of chocolate NesQuick milk(which by...
May 21st, 2009 at 04:32am

Poems... lots and lots of people

It's like a baby boom for my poems!Not really.I just posted most of my old poems from 8th and 9th grade. I have 8 poems so far... Hmmm! I had more but they all sucked. ^.^ Now what I'm gonna do is comment each one of them... cause there are some things you need to know before you read them.Battle it out:Yeah... not too proud of this one. It was good idea to start but now I'm like "OUCH!". The...
May 21st, 2009 at 12:13am

Being the Newbie

Well hello there!I'm new to this site, so I'm not too sure what to do and what to say. This place seems really nice though. I've only been here for a little while but this place is really cool! I've always wanted to share my stories and my poems with people. Thing is I have a short attention span. I can never finish what I start. I always thougth that if I ever had someone to critic my stories and...
May 20th, 2009 at 04:15am