vichy / Comments

  • Oh my Chloe. You make me smile more than anyone else ever has. It is so amazing to me that the INSTANT you got back in touch with me that day, everything was automatically better. I don't cry out of sadness anymore, in fact after reading that AWESOME comment today, I just felt invincible. Like nobody could touch me, because YOU are my best friend and YOU are the one that makes all of the bad things in my life go completely away. You have never met me, yet have been there for me EVERY step of the way since we became friends. I have opened my life up to you, shared every single detail and secret with you, some of which I won't ever dare speak of to anyone else, not because I'm afraid to or of what they will think, but because they simply aren't deserving enough to know about it. You my Chloe, are so very special to me, more than you will ever ever ever know.

    Your comment for Like A Prayer today meant the absolute world to me. Thank you so much for standing up for my story, that wonderful oneshot I poured my heart into because I wrote it for two reasons: for you, my darling wifey for her birthday, and two, for a contest in which I was granted the gift of an amazing prompt for that story. I did my best and I won in your eyes. When it comes down to it, I now realize that's the ONLY thing that mattered. I didn't fail you, and that to me means it wins. I love it so much because you love it so much.

    I swear, your time away came at the absolute worst time. It came when I got my new phone, and didn't have your number for contacting you. It came when I needed you the most, two different occasions that left me reeling and reaching desperately out for you. It was a scary feeling, needing you so much when you simply couldn't be there. I am not blaming you at all, I know you were away and with family and had no clue about what was going on with me. This week really made me very aware of just how much I need you in my life. It was a very big eye opener, not that I didnt already know this, but I know now just how much I truly rely on you for EVERYTHING.

    It also made me very aware of the distance that seperates us. I became very aware that you live on the other side of the world but, It's crazy, because once you messaged me and IM'd me, I felt closer to you than ever before. Distance doesn't matter when it comes to me and you, because you are the closest friend that I have. I wouldn't trade this wonderful friendship that you and I have for ANYTHING else in the world.

    Though I didn't get it til I woke up the next morning, but the instant I got your message I sighed with relief because I had your # again. Suddenly you didn't seem so far away anymore. The instant you got online I burst into tears simply out of sheer happiness, because you were there in the midst of a particularly heartbreaking moment and the one thing I kept repeating over and over in my head was "I just want my Chloe. I just need my Chloe."

    And sure enough, you were all I needed to just believe in myself again. That's what you do, you motivate me when I am stuck and you keep me going. When those who I trusted and loved betray me, you are right there for me and when they have me down, you rush right in and make the situation seem so much brighter because you are there for me, always.

    You, my Chloe, are my everything.
    I was so sad when I went to sign off of my msn today because this new mobile msn doesn't tell me when people sign in and out, and when I signed out is when I saw you were there. It was too late for me to sign in and explain I had to go back to work. I *JUST* missed you. I was very saddened by it, simply because I didn't even get to tell you hello. I can't wait for you to come home. Our wifey time has been slashed dramatically over the past few months, but just knowing you will sign in in the morning before school or work is enough for me because you are that wonderful to me.

    I can't wait for you to come home, my darling.
    I am counting the days, and I think we're at... 3 days? 4 days?
    I can't be sure, but I am sure that you make me feel invincible.
    As long as I have you, I am wonderful. I love you. <3
    April 11th, 2009 at 05:05am
  • My latest Twitter: "I. Need. My. Gerard. Plain and simple. Thats exactly what I need, and she's away. I think this is what they call a breakdown. I cant be sure"
    April 8th, 2009 at 10:43pm
  • New rule.
    You aren't allowed to leave me again, ever.

    Ever, Chloe.
    Bad things happen when you leave.
    I need my Gerard :(:(:(
    April 8th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • I deleted the story.
    I messaged you a copy though.
    I regret ever sharing it with the world.
    April 8th, 2009 at 03:41pm
  • My Like A Prayer didn't make top ten, Chloe.
    I am so crushed. I put my entire heart into it.
    I wrote it for you, and I feel like it wasn't good enough.
    I'm sorry, love. I tried my hardest. I hope you can forgive me.

    I love you. I need you.

    This has been such a hard week, of course it has to happen the minute you leave. Your absence makes me realize how frightening it would be to lose you. I am falling apart. I can't wait for you to come home.

    April 8th, 2009 at 06:54am
  • My latest Twitter update: "I miss my Gerard. These have been the longest ten days of my whole damn life. :("

    love you.
    April 7th, 2009 at 09:40pm

    April 5th, 2009 at 10:50am
  • AWWWWWWWWW. I signed into msn just ten minutes ago, and I think it was then that it hit me that you are gone for a whole ten days. TEN DAYS WITH NO CHLOE. No wifey talks. No 3AM's. No "Logan and Fank". NO WIFEY TALKS. :(:(:(

    I will cuddle with Herbert the entire time.
    I miss you already. Try to have fun!!! YAY for wireless!!!
    I love love love you, my dearest.
    More than you know <3
    April 3rd, 2009 at 08:10pm
  • thank you for commenting my story a while back :) I appreciate it =]
    March 29th, 2009 at 10:24pm
  • I love you, my Chloe.
    March 28th, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • Death to Twilight. Just sayin'.
    The midnight DVD release party at HT tonight was NOT FUN.
    Oh God. I am EXHAUSTED.
    And then there was a mishap w/my register... ahh. I nearly died. It was not cool. It was all straightened out but still... it nearly made me have a heart attack. Not cool. *dies*
    March 21st, 2009 at 07:52am
  • AHHH, I made you feel like having sex, and I'm pretty sure you didn't even get to read the actual sex yet? I had this ridiculously awesome streak of amazingness flowing out of me once you left, I was like YES! Finally, I wrote everything I had been stressing over in, and it worked out very well, I think. I'll save that as a surprise for you, though. All I have to do is the actual ending itself, which won't be too hard (unlike Frank) or take too long (unlike Gerard).

    Oh, I am dirty minded girl.
    How are you wifeys with me again?

    And I bet your cake was yummy, I'd have made you Spongebob cupcakes if I could have :( Distance sucks. And not good sucking like Gerard does, no sir.
    March 17th, 2009 at 06:14pm
  • Happy birthday, my lovely wifey <3
    I love you. <33
    March 16th, 2009 at 10:11am
  • So my Chloe...
    I have news?
    I can't disclose info here though.
    I can't wait to talk to you. <333

    I will leave you with this little note, however...
    March 14th, 2009 at 06:10pm
  • CHLOE!

    I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. >_<
    School. Exams.
    I hate it. -_-
    March 14th, 2009 at 11:23am
  • Oh, shit... I just read All Time Low's new bulletin and this is what it said:


    We just added a bunch of new shows in Japan and Australia with Set Your Goals.
    Make sure you guys get your tickets ASAP! Ticket info for the Australia shows are below:

    with A Year To Remember

    with Values Here

    with Mary Jane Kelly

    with City Escape

    with Built On Secrets

    with Enolas Secret"

    ....I'm figuring you can go to two of those!?
    AHHHH I'm feeling such excitement for you!!!! <3<3<3<3
    March 13th, 2009 at 06:36am
  • My Chloeee.
    WOW what a dreeeam!!!
    That will totally happen one day.
    The random tour I give you, the cookies you fall in love with, and getting confused as to how to spend American money.

    Oh God. <3<3<3

    I miss you.
    March 2nd, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • "Learning to Fall" is almost a year old!!!!!!!!
    Can you believe it!?!

    March 25th is when we began it...
    II'm feeling so sentimental right now realizing that.
    We need to do something veeery special for our anniversary!!
    February 28th, 2009 at 09:30pm
  • Don't share that really special video with anyone else, k?
    Just don't. It's special. Please?

    I miss you.
    I wish you were here.
    February 28th, 2009 at 06:46am
  • hahaha we need to catch up!
    but yes, i am going to see the used and i am BEYOND PSYCHED.
    its going to be a beautiful moment.
    also thrice is going to be there, and taking back sunday.
    which is SO COOL.
    its basically all my favorite bandssss.

    by the way, have you heard my chems new song?
    its just a cover of an old bob dylan but still its pretty good.
    weird to hear something new after so long!
    February 28th, 2009 at 03:47am