
United States
Joined date
May 24th, 2009


--Hello, My name is Mrs. Hugh Jackman. Yes, I am his second wife. No, I don't know what happened to her.--

Okay, so i've decided to revert back to Elizabeth, but I still love my Liz too so I don't really care what you call me. You can make something up if you want. I'm the kind of person that stands atop food court tables and enlightens people about the dangers of feeding marshmellows to fish (the price of water-based/amphibeous dentistry has skyrocketed), only to be 'escorted' out of the mall (Good times, good times). Umm, I'm 16, my favourite color is midnite blue, I enjoy long moonlit strolls on the beach and I'm looking for somone to light up my sky. Just KIDDING. MY aunt has an eHarmony profile like that though, so funny. I LOVE alternative music. Like Broadway (omg, i'm going to MARRY that band), All Time Low, and Norma Jean, oh oh and The Devil Wears Prada, a-ma-zing! Btw:

92% of the teen population
would be dead if Abercrombie decided
breathing wasn't cool!! Put this is your profile if you are
one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead