
United States
Joined date
May 27th, 2009


Okay, so, I play piano. Total musician. I'm sarcastic and perverted, but who isn't? People have to be careful what they say around me. I blow out my candles on January 9. Soccer player. I'm also involved in my school's drama club and choir. I'm kinda a choir nerd. Get over it. Die hard Saints and LSU fan. I love all things Louisiana. My life motto is "Accept Diversity". I've got a neon yellow Humanity bracelet that says the same. Wanna know something else, just ask.

I went to New York in February to sing in Carnegie Hall :) best experience of my life, by far

I can be a bitch if you piss me off, just a friendly warning.

I can be fun and playful, but I'm definitely not immature. I know when to be serious and when to have fun.

I read...a lot. The best books ever are Impulse and The Crank Trilogy. My favorite TV series is Supernatural. And Radio is one of my favorite movies. Ever.

I've got a lot of friends, and single :)

But, anyways, I don't take shit from anyone, I tell it like I see it, and that's pretty much it.

I don't really have any reservations in music, except for opera, classical, techno, stuff like that. Never take my iPod. I will kill you slowly. I've recently become obsessed with The Maine, Rise Against, A7X, and A Day to Remember. Take that how you will. Matt Sanders' (M Shadows) voice makes me want to cry. It's beautiful. So's he :)

I'm just myself, take me or leave me.

I want a Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts with an emphasis on musical theatre :)

And, as an afterthought, I find John Ohh extremely attractive. :) Just saying

I give you all my pieces broken
In your hands, there's nothing that you can't fix.
My heart is frayed, my scars are open.
So, put me back together now, stitch by stitch.
Put me back together now, stitch by stitch