X-ShanShan-X / Comments

  • kiss me; i'm irish

    kiss me; i'm irish (100)

    United States
    thanks for the welcome my irish sistaaa lol :)
    January 31st, 2012 at 12:07am
  • FefeGurlFoLife x3

    FefeGurlFoLife x3 (100)

    United States
    Please update "Accept youself Before Accepting Others". PLEEASE ?! Im in love with that story :D:D ;D
    January 24th, 2011 at 09:35pm
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    A friend of mine used to read like sooooooo fast when she was in like grade 7. But she's not reading as much in her free time so we're at the same reading speed. :P

    Yeah so I got an 85% for my science experiment and my teacher wants me to go to the whole Regional Science Fair thing that's like 4 hours away and I think I'm actually going to go :P I mean that might look good on a resume right? lmfao I hate my job now -.-

    How many piercings do you have? :P I want one of those helix piercings on the top part of your ear. And my mother's given the okay to do that so I'm getting it in a couple weeks when my boyfriend and I go to Niagara Falls :O

    I'm very picky about books :P I've read all the Lord of the Rings books and those Da Vinci Code book and stuff like that but I can't just pick up a book and enjoy it. Which is why I too think that my boyfriend reads weird books about science fiction and shit like that xD
    January 24th, 2011 at 12:33am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    Yeah. It’s too hot here to have your legs covered in the summer. You’d literally have heatstroke. So you’ll see people in almost obscenely short shorts. XD
    I wear chapstick. That’s it. But that’s not really makeup. I only wear it because otherwise my lips get dry and cracked. Then they bleed all over the place and that’s just unattractive.
    I can see why the smosh video got taken down, though. It was pretty, uh, obscene? I don’t want to use that word, but it’s actually pretty adequate. I wasn’t offended or anything, but I see how someone could be.

    It’s awful, isn’t it? The other day I just kept twitching and I couldn’t stop. It was like I was on crack, only I wasn’t on crack.
    I was up until 2 that day, and then I got really tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, though, I was all sore from shaking for such a long time.
    2 pm isn’t late? Maybe I’m just backwards.
    D: WHY? Are you going to go with her?
    Yeah, like you’ll just be walking along and all of a sudden you’re thinking about something important and you have no idea why. There wasn’t even anything to remind you of it anywhere on your journey.

    It’s my favorite song by them, but I can’t even listen to it because I didn’t download it before it was taken down. (This is about to delve into the musical history of ACM, so you can feel free to skip it.)
    This was recorded when they were still known as Sincerely Me back when Brian was still in the band before they wrote I Was Wrong and changed their name to A Cursive Memory. So, this was back before I’d even heard of them when this one was written. They were still in high school, and I was probably in middle school. Probably about sixth grade or so. None of them were even eighteen yet. I remember I first heard this song on Myspace back when it was in the peak of its popularity (I feel as though this places a date on this effectively), and it’s been one of my favorites ever since. I also heard I Was Wrong and Deal the Cards at about this time, and while Deal the Cards is an older song with the musical feel of Blink 182 and I Was Wrong is more of a mix of the All-American Rejects and the Beach Boys, they are still obviously both by the same band. Actually, now that I think about it, they all may have been on the Lights, Camera, Action EP that also contained the song of the same name. Once they started writing songs for their first album, Changes, though, they took all of these off of their Myspace, and they haven’t been seen since. (You may now resume reading, assuming you skipped my rant.)

    I have no idea about anything about torrents. I’m computer-retarded. I’m 80 when it comes to technology. I have to get my brother to do computer stuff for me. It’s kinda pathetic, actually.
    Do you own the not studio version?

    Exactly. If you can trust him, he’ll not be doing anything untrustworthy already. He’ll come pre-trusted when you marry him. I understand the purpose in the case of an arranged marriage back in the day when people didn’t know who they were marrying, but now it’s just stupid.

    I have seventy six first cousins. Take a moment to think about that. I haven’t even met all of my aunts and uncles, let alone their children or their children’s children. It’s so awful. Family reunions are like a circus. It’s everyone who can make it coming to Illinois (usually we can’t make it) and chilling at the park for an entire day.
    The little boy my mom babysits loves reading, too. He can’t do it by himself yet, so he just sits there and looks at the pictures until you read it to him.
    Or if it’s an only child of a new marriage and the parents were told the baby would die before the age of one and he’s still perfectly healthy. That will spoil a little one, too.

    Usually people are all up in the Christmas spirit. They start wishing you a Merry Christmas way back in November. This year there was just nothing.
    What did you do for Christmas? Just hang with your family like I did?
    Not even my aunt was into Christmas this year. She burned her hand pretty badly and just sat there glumly the whole time. I had to resist the urge to call her a Scrooge.
    That would be terrible! I love Christmas. One of my favorite movies is the Grinch! It’s a wonderful season, people just weren’t into it this year.

    … that’s really adorable.
    Yeah, he can always come back when he’s done. It’s just a matter of time.
    I’ve heard that the ghosts people see can either be terrible or just kinda there.
    I wouldn’t have enjoyed that too much. Especially if I had just about gotten to sleep. It probably would’ve made me cry.
    How do you think you knew?

    Yeah. The idiots have to work somewhere, after all. It’s just a shame they let such stupid/harebrained people work with children.
    The judge actually said that he was sorry for the man’s loss but if he didn’t put him in jail it would set a precedent and then anybody who wanted their kid gone could just lock them in the car.

    I love how that happens. She was in my Group 4 Science project today, and it was actually kind of fun. I expected it to be a boring event since we were researching DNA technology and how it relates to Chemistry, Biology, and Physics in addition to its applications in the real world in the areas of economics, morals, ethics, politics, and society. It was a super long research period for a fifteen minute presentation. We were at the school for over ten hours.
    My friends and I all like to be comfortable and warm so there’re a lot of hoodies and sweatshirts in our group.

    That sounds so sweet! I’ll bet the older one doesn’t believe him, though when they wake up. Kids are like that.

    Exactly. It’s the only real pitfall of Christmas. Especially when your friend tells you to get one so you have yet another matching pair of shirts. It’s actually really funny how many shirts we have in common.

    I know I’d be really mad if I saw it on YouTube and all of the comments were making fun of it and stuff like that.

    Yeah. I took my doggy for a run every day of Christmas break, but since it got so cold, neither of us feels much like going outside.
    I should start being less lazy soon since winterguard finally started so I’m going to actually have a life and have things to do after school rather than just go home and take a nap.
    January 16th, 2011 at 05:33am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    I know! My friend bought me this pretty orange bracelet in Ireland. I still wear it a lot, even though half of the elastic is worn out.
    Psh, screw what’s cool. I wear sweatpants and t-shirts everywhere I go, though, so obviously I care a whole lot about my appearance.
    Smosh’s new video got reported. Although, after I watched it on their website, I can understand why. It really was pretty inappropriate. Too sexual to be put on Youtube, you know?

    I went to bed at a reasonable time last night, and before I knew it I was still pacing around my room trying to tire myself out and it was eight in the morning. I can’t stand it. I’m so tired, but my mind is going a thousand miles per hour and I can’t do anything about it. I even took some medicine last night that always makes me sleep. Didn’t work.
    I’ve missed the past four episodes of Glee, also. And I’m super sad about that because I love Glee. I’ve just been so busy with school.
    Thank you!!!!
    That’s actually really funny. It’s the same thing that happens with me and my best friend. She’ll want to find something and I’ll just Google it and BAM there it is. Except for this one song I really want by ACM called Your Smile Never Fades. It’s completely amazing, and it was my absolute favorite song by them for about a year, but I never downloaded it and they don’t sell it anywhere, not even online, so I’m kinda outta luck.

    I was on this website today making sure that nobody can steal my identity from what’s on it, and it think’s I’m married and in my fifties. I am neither. It’s really funny, actually.
    I don’t really care about getting married. I mean, my friend and I always talk about us marrying these two guys, but it’s all just talk. It’s nothing. I mean, why bother getting married? All it does is save a little time when doing your taxes and stuff. My opinions will probably change, and I am fully aware of this, but for the time being, I’m not too hyped up and ready to get married. I’m young, I’m free, and I don’t need anything like that wasting my time and my life. [/rant]

    I hate the slime that children drag everywhere they go. You can tell when someone has a kid because everything they own is messy and dirty from said child.
    That’s a problem. Especially when you are female, like those they hate. It gets really old really quickly. Kids just get worse and worse, until a point where the horror just sort of bottoms out and they become humans rather than animals.
    I am, too, so don’t worry.
    Yeah, that would certainly be a problem. Their parents wouldn’t be happy if you let something happen to their child.
    The only little girl I know is terribly tiresome. She’s so nitpicky and just plain spoiled. I prefer little boys because you can throw them around a little and they don’t go crying to mommy that you were playing too rough. My cousin likes to be thrown up into the air, for example. He never complains or cries about it or anything.

    It’s snowing right now. Snowing. Terrible, cold, wet snow. Dislike dislike dislike. I can’t stand the snow. It’s so cold. And it’s not even supposed to get warm enough to melt it until tomorrow afternoon.
    Christmas day didn’t even feel like Christmas. In fact, I’m still waiting for Christmas. Nobody even wished me a Merry Christmas at the store when I was shopping on the 23rd. It’s not ok.
    I think this year was just a non-Christmas year. And I hated it. I hope it’s so much better this time around.
    Yeah, it probably is, since it’s so far north. I live farther south, but the weather down here is hot all the time. Unless it’s RANDOMLY SNOWING. In which case it’s cold.
    I like until you said snowing at Christmas. I prefer the heat at all times of the year. I would like it warm in the summer and then just a tiny bit cooler in the winter, but still nice. Like, jeans and a t-shirt weather.

    He misses you! That’s what it seems like to me.
    Creepy. I don’t like the idea of ghosts. They just give me the heebie jeebies. Like, it’s not scary really, just a vague, creepy thing. Hopefully nothing really scary happens. Weird is ok, but I draw the line at scary and spooky.
    I’ve never had a ghost experience so I can’t really compare with you. My house was built in the 70’s. We bought it from the man who built it with his own two hands. There’s a lot of groaning in the walls, but that’s because he did the plumbing himself and was a terrible plumber. Also, there’re creaks and cracks in the night, but that’s the foundation settling. When we bought the house Frank – the guy who built the place - said we’d have foundation problems. And he was right.
    This is probably not what you were aiming for, but when I read that I just kinda pictured you doing something and a little old lady coming up and bugging you until you asked her to leave. It made me smile.

    I know. It’s a shame they hire such idiots to work with little kids who fall asleep on the bus and have heatstroke.
    It happens every year. There’s really nothing that can be done about it because it’s not like you can just make it quit being over a hundred degrees out.
    It really is terrible, but we’ll hear about it again in a couple of months. This one man left his kid in the car because he heard his wife scream in the house for some reason and he was gone before he got back out. The guy got put in jail because if they didn’t, it would set a bad precedent, even though it was just a terrible accident.

    I’m the her oldest daughter. This girl who’s probably been my friend for the longest is my little twin. It’s funny because we’re so alike personality-wise, but we couldn’t look more different. She’s tiny with super curly blonde hair, while I’m more than a foot taller than she is and everything. It’s so funny.

    It’s probably on a cycle, and we’ll get the one with the trucks next year. Or something. I really like the bears, though.
    It’s probably on Youtube. I just thought of this. I will have to see if it really is or not.

    I got her this Smosh shirt that she’s been wanting for a while. It says friendship always wins across it. It’s pretty cool. The only thing is that now I want one, too. I’ll just have to wait until my mom decides to get me one, though.

    I liked it. I think my teachers are really good sports for not getting all mad that people make fun of them.

    We would, because this would be somewhere around ten comments. Give or take a few.
    That’s quite alright. I’ve been busy, too. You know, family stuff and taking back bad gifts after the first XD
    But it’s quieting down now. I think it’s going to pick up again soon though because guard season started on Thursday and that’s the busiest time of the year. Hope you had a good Christmas and new year, too!
    January 10th, 2011 at 03:24am
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    I still liked it :P lmfao

    I don't understand why boys hate Criminal Minds so much! I mean they're probably jealous of the sexiness that is Derek Morgan/ Shemar Moore. ;D What an idiot (No offense intended), who can make fun of Reid? He's too freaking awesome xD

    Nothing wrong with reading :P I need to do more of it but so far all I've been doing is my dumb science fair project -.-

    What's Hush Hush? :P
    January 9th, 2011 at 02:42am
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    Yes. Yes I am xD and thank you :P

    Yeah it probably was. I mean the whole movie just sounded like freaking Pocahontas -.- and I love that movie. The graphics were so amazing :O like my mind was blown. Oh and those freaky butterfly/rhino/hammer head shark creatures were pretty awesome. I wanted one xD

    So your boyfriend got you Criminal Minds? :O Mine got me like all the Harry Potter movies lmfao. He wouldn't want to spoil me with more CM than necessary because he freaking hates the show lol
    January 5th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    I saw them at this little odd store and I just needed them. I had two old ones, but the new ones are so much better. They’re smaller, and copper, so they’ll never need replaced like the tin ones I had that were starting to rust. I was so excited when my mom showed them to me.
    Exactly! And then you get fat. XD
    Those are really good, but I like the chile limon chips better. Might be a regional thing.
    Have you seen the I love Marc and Nathan video about Pringles? I’ll link it. If I can find it. Nevermind, I think they took it down. It was pretty tasteless. It included a scene of them dancing with Pringles in a graveyard.

    Yeah, I stay up too late and nothing’s on but infomercials. So I just watch those rather than nothing.
    Haha, yeah. That happens. When two people who don’t sleep get together, there’s even less sleeping that happens because you’ll both keep each other up.
    Yay! I love that show so much. I keep missing the new episodes, though. And they aren’t on E’s website, or hulu, or that other one my mom checked. I would like to see the new ones, but I’ll just have to wait until they become reruns.

    That’s ok. Nightmares rarely do make sense. My friend texted me yesterday saying that she had a dream that I got married and everyone was wearing that paint stuff like they do when playing football. Strange. I am neither getting married nor am I all that into football.

    He must be the cutest, yet still slightly awkward, child ever.
    I don’t really like kids, though. They’re messy and loud for the most part. Just another thing to make your life difficult. I take care of my cousin, and he’s a handful. He’s 15 months old.

    Yeah, she looks like she’d still be pretty just waking up in the morning and stepping outside to get the morning paper.
    They look like they’re probably really good friends. Especially since they make it a point to work together so much.
    Haha, yeah. They’re old people. I always forget that so many of the worthwhile actors and stuff are old.

    It really is. The forecast changed, and it’s cold today. Dislike. So much. The cold has never really agreed with me. It’s too biting. I prefer the heat. The cold makes my fingers all stiff and I can hardly move them.
    I would prefer warmth all year round. But, I’ve always lived in generally warm places, so that’s understandable. I can’t believe Christmas is Saturday! It doesn’t even feel like December, yet, let alone Christmas. This is not fun.
    Dang. Then your master plan for getting your boyfriend to not go back isn’t working!
    Yeah. It’s pathetic. I mean, if you’re going to create children, the least you can do is make sure nothing bad happens to them. At least the people who let their kids die in cars get arrested and go to jail. That happened on a daycare bus once, though. A worker just left a toddler asleep in the back for hours, and they died. That would be the worrying part, because so many people use daycare. They can be so irresponsible.

    Yay! Well, hopefully that’ll work out for you. It would be funny, and there would be no harm done, really. Just a lot of minor inconvenience.

    My friend, who we all call Mommy, has been playing Christmas music since November. Christmas is her favorite thing ever. I got her some Christmas silly bands for her present. She really enjoyed them, and then another friend got her a Christmas scarf. Since Mommy does so much for us throughout the year, we all feel the need to reciprocate during the holidays.
    The one with the polar bears plays all the time here during the holidays. It’ so cute, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the one with the trucks.

    I just got my friend’s present from her birthday back in October. I’ll tell you what it is once I give it to her. She has a Mibba, too, so I don’t want to accidentally give anything away too soon.

    Here’s one video. This one’s from a while ago. I dunno if anyone put one up from this year yet.
    Here’s the YMCA one…
    And I think that’s all of them that have found their way onto youtube. There’re probably more on Facebook.

    Goooooood. I just looked at the length of your other commenters, and I was like “oh. Well. Yeah. There’s that…”
    December 23rd, 2010 at 06:58pm
  • Bellandblue

    Bellandblue (100)

    New chapter! Get on it!
    December 23rd, 2010 at 02:29pm
  • Bellandblue

    Bellandblue (100)

    That's better woman!:P
    December 21st, 2010 at 08:12pm
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    Oh my god. CHRISTMAS LIKE MAKES MY LIFE. And my birthday. Which is tomorrow :P Canada's big on Christmas :P I have 3 weeks off school hahaha

    That's sweet :)

    I know so many people who didn't like avatar :P Personally I loved it. But I mostly payed attention to the colours and shit. It was really pretty :O
    December 21st, 2010 at 05:56am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    Oh dear. It appears I have extended the length of your page by more than intended. My apologies.
    December 21st, 2010 at 03:57am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    Of course! Cookies are wonderful. Everyone should have them. I just got three new cookie cutters. They’re all dinosaurs. I got a T-rex, an Apatosaurus, and a Stegosaurus. I am content.
    Oreos are delicious. They’re probably the best pre-packaged cookie you can buy.
    I had some on Wednesday during a party in my last class. They were the off brand, though. Still good.

    I need sleep to live. I stayed up until five in the morning today watching Billy Mays on infomercials. That man has the ability to make me want to buy anything, no matter how little I need it. There’s just something about him.
    Ah. I turned my alarm off for the break. I shouldn’t be needing it any more this year. Man, that feels nice. I like the way that sounds.
    That sounds like this one guy I know. He’s really upset at his brain because he can’t sleep, and Ambien doesn’t even work for him anymore.

    I watched the first Pokémon movie again the other day. Still makes me cry. It’s just so sad, but it all gets better at the end, so it’s ok.
    I’ve been slowly watching the whole Harry Potter series with my mom. That sounds really lame, but it’s not really. I mean, I like those movies, so it’s a pretty good activity.
    Helena Bonham Carter is a wonderful actress. She does so well at playing evil, but also at playing a mom. She’d be a wonderful mother, I think. She’s just so nurturing.
    They are pretty great. I was watching an interview with Tim Burton in How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and I realized how amusing he is. I was listening to him, and he made some quirky comments that just made me giggle.
    She is really pretty. I love her facial expressions, and her eyes are just beautiful.

    Ok, it’s going to be 80 degrees tomorrow, but the weather for Christmas is in the 40s. What. Is. This.
    It’s terrible because I went for a run today with my dog, and I put on my long sleeved shirt because it’s December, but I got outside and had to come right back in and change.
    I don’t like rain all that much. It just makes everything muddy, and since it’s already so warm here, the added humidity is torture.
    Yeah, hot weather is dangerous. People here leave their kids in the car all the time in the summer and then are surprised when they come back outside and their kids are dead. It’s not that hard to figure out that a car gets really hot. Like, 130 degrees in the summer. You can’t just be trapped in that and live. People are not too smart.

    That’s really cute. I dunno, I’m a sucker for sweet stuff like that.
    It should snow where he goes to school once he’s with you so they tell him classes are postponed. Then you two can go outside and have fun and he’s still not expected at school! Everyone wins.

    It’s not Christmas until Elvis sings my family Blue Christmas. I love Elvis. I gave my friend that CD for her Christmas present. I didn’t spend a dime on anyone at school. I gave them all stuff I already owned.

    Oh dear. Our school does this thing every year where the teachers put on a talent show for the students. It’s really not bad at all. It’s probably even the best assembly of the year, every year. It’s always sold out. There hasn’t been a year since I was a freshman that the assembly hasn’t been sold out by the time it was put on.
    Some people every year put it on Youtube. I should go find some “greatest hits” and link them. It’s always good for a laugh.

    You shouldn’t feel embarrassed for them because if they didn’t want people to laugh, they shouldn’t have done it in the first place. It’s really their own fault. XD
    December 21st, 2010 at 03:56am
  • Bellandblue

    Bellandblue (100)

    Dude! New chapter. Hurry up!
    December 21st, 2010 at 12:35am
  • CheshireWolf18

    CheshireWolf18 (100)

    United States
    Write more :) write more :)
    December 20th, 2010 at 03:46am
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    Finally someone gets it. Intelligence is very sexy ;)

    That's sad :/ I went to Toronto for The Devil Wears Prada/Silverstein/For Today/Counterparts concert and on the way there, there was like no snow or any Christmas decorations D: It was horrible.

    Woah, change your avatar to.... 'AVATAR'! like the movieeee lol xD
    December 12th, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    Depressing stuff that is.

    Yeah :P I had a Reid profile coming at sometime. I thrive on incredibly sad and slightly pathetic. Which is probably why I have this strange obsession with him xD

    WHAT?! Not that Christmasy? Pfft. I'd leave.
    December 9th, 2010 at 02:20am
  • sensiblehearts

    sensiblehearts (100)

    I agree, cancer is lame :/

    One of my mom's closest friends passes away from breast cancer about two months ago and in science class we just spent like an entire week talking about cancer and how like 1/4 of the class will get it.

    But don't worry to much about that if it's just making you sad talking about cancer :S

    I'm goooood. There's lots of snow here :D
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:38pm
  • CheshireWolf18

    CheshireWolf18 (100)

    United States
    Hey I changed my about on my mibba and it doesn't show up on my profile page
    December 6th, 2010 at 10:56pm
  • CheshireWolf18

    CheshireWolf18 (100)

    United States
    Yay! Can't wait :)
    December 6th, 2010 at 10:37pm