X-ShanShan-X / Comments

  • Oh my god! Thank you for the shout out!!!! I friggin love yathank you so much please keep writting :)
    December 6th, 2010 at 02:21am
  • Who doesn't get excited about pizza? xD
    Yeah I'm not so sickly anymore :P which isn't exactly a good thing because we've been talked about Cancer a lot on science class and it's getting me depressed -.-
    So do you know if your friend has a tumor yet? I mean the waiting must make it even worse I suppose :/
    December 5th, 2010 at 06:23pm
  • Exactly. Sometimes you’re completely compatible with someone, but just as friends.

    I’m going to make my best friend a big batch of sugar cookies on Sunday. She’s been being so great to me lately that I need to repay her somehow, and I feel like cookies are a viable response. But she’s allergic to nuts so I can’t give her my famous butterscotch with walnut cookies. They’re wonderful, but I’m just going to make her the sugar cookies from this one recipe my grandma gave my mom. They’re really good, too.
    Gross! I have to say, though, my favorite cookies are prepackaged. I love Oreos. They are the best thing ever.

    Once winterguard season starts, I’ll have even less of a life than I do currently. I’ll be too busy with practices and stuff.
    Haha, I don’t really do that. It’s only nine here. I generally am asleep by four. If I’m not, I’m just so tired whenever I wake up, no matter how late I sleep.
    Ooh, I’ll have to tell my mom that because she really wants to see it.
    It is good. I highly recommend you watch it. It’s one of the best movies I’ve seen all year. A couple people didn’t like it because it’s really not that much like the old movies.
    My mom’s seen all of the star trek episodes, and she can recite quotations from pretty much all of them. She even manages to keep the different serieses (seri? Seriae? Series’s? Whatever…) straight.
    I just introduced my parents to the worst fanfic ever written. They both laughed.
    I absolutely loved it when I was younger, and I never really grew out of it. It’s been something I’ve even made new friends over. Just solely Harry Potter.

    Exactly. It was twenty degrees the other day. Today? Seventy. Really weather? Really? I hate it when the weather does this, and it does it every year. I wish it would decide to get cold or decide to stay warm.
    I’m sorry. Cold rain is just about the most uncomfortable type of rain.
    I only ever wear two. I wear my letter jacket because it’s really thick and warm and it denotes my seniority, and I wear my purple plaid jacket because it’s pretty and purple is my second-favorite color.
    Yep. I remember one year it got up to a hundred and fifteen for two days. People literally died on the sidewalk from heatstroke.

    That would be adorable. I’m a sucker for romanticism, so I love stuff like that.
    Hopefully it does decide to snow for your Christmas.

    My mom bought this Curious George book for my baby cousin, and it came with this awful Christmas CD. It sounds like the guy that sings is trying to sound like he’s in some form of a rock band, and the girl who sings sounds like an untalented version of Kimya Dawson. It’s terrible, and she was playing it today for the first time. I’ll admit that I laughed. You know who sang Christmas songs well? Elvis.
    December 4th, 2010 at 04:34am
  • Ok well I have a boyfriend who I love and I really believe in my heart is my soul mate there is no other explanation for how we met but anyway I started to suspect that I might be uh bi. Sorry it's just new to me like admitting it ugh so ya lol sorry nervous and well I think I got a girl crush I look forward to seeing her everyday my boyfriend knows I just feel unfaithful to him I don't cheat I would never cheat I love him more than anything but I would also regret never trying the "woman flavor" as my bf And I put it. He knows that will happen but he is to worries that I might leave him for a woman. I know I won't but ugh I don't know I just ugh... You know how I feel most likely? Ha sorry I sound like a whiney whore....excuse the languege
    December 2nd, 2010 at 09:26pm
  • thanks for commenting me back :) honstly i didnt think you were going to or even worse think me a creeper lol. well ya i did actually want to ask you for some advice if you wouldn't mind. I get on like everyday after school on my ipod lol and am on till midnight usually. But thank you so much and keep writting lol you have awesome gripping stories lol i stayed up all night night last night reading the "Threes a crowd one" and am hooked :) huge fan thanxx
    December 2nd, 2010 at 02:30pm
  • I kinda have an even amount of both girl and guy friends, but boys are still really confusing :P

    Awww :( that's sad.

    I'm good for the most part. Got sick again :P but other than that, pretty good.
    December 1st, 2010 at 04:07am
  • Yeah, I can understand the whole wanting a friendship thing. It worked out before, why can't it do so now? Wow. Usually when I make people talk about things it just gets more and more awkward until I can't stand it anymore.

    I wish I'd gotten more than three of my brother's cookies. They were pretty good. Even though mine were better.

    It's on its way to you right now!

    That's so odd! What, do they just expect everyone to get a digital copy? NO THANK YOU. That never ends well. Files get corrupted, the computer gets a virus and has to be wiped, or the flash drive just plain gets lost. It's a bad plan. It's not a good idea at all.

    I haven't seen that movie yet. I don't really go see movies. I don't have a life. I loved the potter movies. I will be known as a Potterhead to the next generation as surely as my mother is known as a Trekkie to this one. The movies and books are just so good. In fact, if it comes down between two colleges to go to, I'll see which one has a Quidditch team or a HVZ program.

    I can't take the cold. Any colder than about fifty five or so and I need a coat, not just a jacket. It's terrible. However, I can wear jeans when it's ninety degrees out and be just fine.

    Hopefully it snows where you are! That'd be really cool. Er, cold...

    Anyway... Try listening to Elvis Christmas music! It's the best thing to entice the Christmas spirit in everyone. Especially if it also happens to be snowing.
    November 30th, 2010 at 02:21am
  • Ack. I'm sorry. If I ever found out something like that, I'd have to set said person straight, because I thoroughtly do not like either of the people I used to be with.

    I had one older (like, so much older than me that it was almost creepy) and one younger (only by a year).

    YUM. My brother made cookies for our mutual friend two days ago. They're already gone. We're such fatties XD.

    Aw. That's upsetting. If you want, I could send you the code on mine so you can make your own.

    I downloaded it. Whether legally or ILLEGALLY *cough*, you'll never know. But I think the answer is obvious. It takes a lot more love for me to buy a popular band's CDs.

    I'm not a huge fan of Robert Pattinson. I'm a Potterhead, so I prefer to think of young Rob as Cedric.
    Speaking of people downloading things, I need to talk to that guy to see if he'll get me that Batman movie.

    I'm going to go get a job next weekend. I've decided.

    That would be obnoxious for me, raining a lot? I've never lived anywhere that was not sunny and hot most of the time, so I'd probably die from lack of vitamin D. Or something equally dramatic. It's been cold here, recently. Well, cold for here. Which means about fifty or forty degrees. It's supposed to be up in the seventies next week, though, which means that I can wear short sleeves again next week for the last time this year. Last year it snowed on Christmas, which was really cool, and I hope it does it again this year. Does it snow much over there?
    November 28th, 2010 at 08:39pm
  • I suppose that's true :P But they are also more understanding sometimes. You know, being girls. Boys just don't understand us! :O
    November 26th, 2010 at 01:37am
  • I hope it isn't. I guess it really doesn't matter so much if a random French lady hates me, though.
    That sounds so convenient, having someone you can give your broken stuff to who likes fixing it and giving it back to you. I hope you take advantage of this.

    All of the boys I'm currently not arguing with that I actually talk to are younger than I am. By only a year or two, though.

    I made cookies the other day. They were butterscotch with walnuts from this really old recipe. We didn't have chocolate chips, so I used butterscotch ones instead, though. They were eaten really quickly. I'm going to make more tonight if it cools down. Or maybe tomorrow because it's supposed to be really cold all day tomorrow and it's been super hot today. Like, in the eighties. And that's strange because it's November.

    To be honest, in order to make mine, I took someone else's code and put in different numbers and stuff until I liked the way it looked. I was satisfied for a while, but I'm getting bored of it.

    I downloaded all of their old music. For two reasons: I didn't want to pay an obscene amount for an old CD on Ebay, and they said it was ok to download their old stuff in an interview. Didn't feel too awful about it for that reason. I'll probably buy the new CD though because I've bought the last two CDs they've put out.

    That's so sweet! It's even more so because he gets them for you and doesn't like them himself. If he liked them and just happened to have them and put them on a CD or something for you, it'd be noticably less sweet. Just saying.

    I'm excited for the remainder of this week. No school! Hooray Thanksgiving! And then my daddy's birthday is on Sunday, so that's going to be fun, too.
    November 25th, 2010 at 01:41am
  • Good for you :)

    Ewww. Sometime I think the world would be a better place if we were all women :P
    November 25th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • Perhaps he is trying to make you jealous with that 'talking to his ex' business. I mean if he's that kind of guy.

    All your points have lead me to further believe that boys are stupid and have cooties :) even my boyfriend :P
    November 24th, 2010 at 11:07pm
  • But I think it's much easier to tell them "fu** you you hurt me" :P I've only had to do that once and we weren't even dating xD god he's so desperate it's not even funny anymore.

    But still, does your boyfriend know about that? You'd think his true feelings would shine though if he knew that someone else was in love with you. He's take you away on the back of a white horse and you'd ride off into the sunset all romantic like :)
    November 24th, 2010 at 04:10am
  • Bahahahaha

    That's cute :)
    I suppose a relationship can't be peachy all the time. But at least your joking about stuff. Don't you find laughter eases awkwardness? lol well sometimes haha.

    What do you mean about waiting to find out how you feel? About him or just about the situation as a whole?
    November 24th, 2010 at 03:02am
  • I'm with you there :P

    Aww :( Is this like a new thing for him to be doing that? And how long have you two been together? Not to sound nosy or anything :P
    November 20th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • Most teen shows from the States have a shit load of drama in it so it seems totally unrealistic. Which it totally is :O I mean people just want to be famous for whatever they can and that just bothers me when stars from those reality TV just don't take care of themselves very well.

    That's cute that it reminds you of you and your boyfriends coupleness :) NOT what I just said above but like that couple you mentioned in Skins :P Cute hahaha :)
    November 20th, 2010 at 05:34pm
  • Exactly. On the Metro, this lady was being really rude, and since she didn't appear to speak any english, I told her to go screw herself. It was childish, but it made me feel better. And she started it.

    I'm good at math, but I really dislike it. I'm hoping that my perfect score on my IB test will exempt me from at least some math classes. It's great to have people in your life that are good at computers so you don't have to do things with them when they're being stubborn and just not working.

    I don't really get along with people my own age, and since I'm a senior, I only really talk to underclassmen. I'll probably only talk to older people next year, like my freshman year of high school. In my journalism class, I sat with all the seniors because I just didn't get along with the freshmen and sophomores in that class.

    I always make lots of cookies over the holidays, so that's where my mind jumps when connecting baking and Christmas.

    Aw, I wish I could've seen it. I'm thinking of changing mine again. I'm getting bored of it, so I might just make anew one.

    Te tell the truth, I only buy music if I really like it. I mean, why should I waste my money on something I'm going to skip most of the time when listening to it on a CD or a computer? It's just not logical to buy music unless you really want it.

    That's really sweet of him! Plus, he's good with computers, so if it breaks on you he might be able to fix it. But now, if he can't, you won't lose your whole life.

    I think you'd like my mom's keyboard. Its keys are tiny and pretty much flat to the surface. I can't use it at all because I'm used to using this clunky thing I'm using right now. I swear, it's almost as old as I am. It still works, though, so I'm not complaining. I like it. I can't type at all on laptops. I miss the satisfying click when you press down each key.

    That's ok. Facebook is plenty of fun. I keep checking it in my classes. Especially spanish, because after we take a quiz every day, we have about ten or fifteen minutes of downtime while he grades them. Woah, I just realized that 3/4 of my teachers are men. I'm gonna go add you right now.
    November 19th, 2010 at 05:09am
  • When I went to France this past summer, people were like that. They were all like "Oh, I wish I could go!" and then I felt like a spoiled brat for not even enjoying it that much. Like, Normandy was really cool, but Paris was really crappy. Like, I hated it.
    Try not to beat yourself up too much. :)

    Aw, that's ok. I took Math Studies (one year SL math), so I can barely do long division. XD I use my calculator for everything.

    It's all good being older, though, because people look to you for advice. Even though you can get into more trouble, you can also have more fun while doing it. It's not fun unless there's an element of danger involved.

    That's so sweet! You two should make cookies. Just because everybody likes cookies.

    You know what else is orange, blue, and white? Mibba! I like that. My favorite color is incorporated into one of my favorite websites.

    I always just burn my CDs. Er, I mean... of course I buy all of the music I have. Or it's gifted to me. I would never download songs. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

    I enjoy having the physical CD just in case my computer crashes again. It's kind of old, so that happens sometimes.

    Haha, that's funny. I get free stuff because my mom's disabled, and I'm a little smart. Rather, I do well on tests. It's mostly because I don't care if I do well or not so I don't stress out like most of the people in my classes.

    I wish people would give me their old laptops. I have the hand-me-down computer from my mom that my dad handed down to her when he got a used one. So I have the rejected cubed computer. It's actually kind of funny. At least it works and I don't have to share anymore.

    I have that same problem, but mostly with facebook. In fact, it's open in another browser. I just can't get away. It's the first thing that I look at when I'm on the computer. I have an addiction.
    November 18th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • I googled it xD
    Sounds kinda like the Canadian show Degrassi. But Skins is probably more realistic :P
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:35pm
  • Yeah, the translators are wonderful when it comes to pointing out silly errors.

    I'm a lot less patient with people than I need to be. If someone keeps bitching about everything, I point this out to them by saying something to the effect of "Do you always bitch so much or do you just feel the need to bitch at me about everything?"

    And that's true, too. It's really discouraging to get a detention because you don't understand something. It makes you feel like needing help is wrong because of the connotations of the word detention.

    One of my gay friends told me to buy him some gay porn on my birthday. I was going to, but then I realized something that made me happy and sad at the same time. I now have to adhere to a whole new set of rules. And buying that for him would fall under the category of "contributing to the delinquency of a minor", and I could now get arrested for stuff like that! :D

    If I hadn't made my cake, I wouldn't have had one. At least it's a really good cake. Funfetti with orange icing. And orange sprinkles. Because orange is my favorite color.

    I'm sorry. I don't have an ipod, but I have a CD player. And it's even a really pretty one, now.

    You should ask your mom to get you a set of speakers for your birthday. Or Christmas. Arbor day? Anything.

    I'm really excited because colleges are trying to bribe me, so I've been offered up to $2000 to buy a new laptop when I graduate. I like this a lot. I've never had a laptop or anything. I only got a computer that I don't have to share because my brother moved out, so getting my own personal laptop (which hopefully will be pretty) is a big deal to me.
    November 17th, 2010 at 04:14am