w00t! updated!

my story's been updated. fun fun!yeah. its really bad, and short, but its all fillers for now.i'm getting over an extremely long period of writers block, so don't laugh at itandd school's keeping me super duper busy with all the work. **I've pretty much failed all my tests so far, so i might have an issue lol.**drop a comment. if there arn't too many comments, then i might stop posting. so...
February 17th, 2008 at 09:14am

*is cryingg* FCK HIM!

god DAMN it! :[so i have a 16 year old brother, and i'm 14. My brother plays guitar and piano. he is super annoying. So i'm sitting here, trying to get all my homework done, and he sits like RIGHT next to me. when i say right, i mean RIGHt next to me. as close as possible and there is a whole other couch like RIGHT there! PISS ME OFF! so then he starts playing his guitar, and i'm sitting here...
January 30th, 2008 at 12:20am

Gotta Love Em

NOT!don't you just hate all of those stupid biotches who think they are the best. The ones who are the most popular in school. The ones who wear ALL abercrombie and fitch and Aeropostale. i know i do. they are the ones who get all the guyz. and yet, they will never go anywhere in life. you wanna know why? because the don't know what to do with it.its amazingly annoying because they act all prissy...
January 27th, 2008 at 08:09am

writers block sucks *rAwR*

so i have posted the first chapter of my story. Feel free to read it i guess. comments are amazing. AND NOW I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK! and so i can't even touch the second chapter.annoying. agreed? agreed.i have my poem still up. and it only has like 5 comments. i guess i'm not the best writer in the world eh?yeah okayy.*rawr* gonna bite someones head off if i can't get any writing done.Yeah, the...
January 27th, 2008 at 07:34am