HumHummmm (Read this everyone! Please)

I'm wondering if i should write my life story on here!People seemed interested in my past!Maybe it could be my last testimate?Humm....From my earliest memories onwards!What do you think?I don't mind either way!:DMight be interesting neh?A life full of hardships, love, lost and hope?From my life in germany to getting kicked out of home?and finding another!To vomiting up bloodand...
June 1st, 2009 at 05:24am


Hmmmm....I'm still wondering what do with my little sister when i die...Mum won't take her, because my whole 'demon child' thing infected her or whatever.So...What to do when this leukemia finally gets meh?Yep no idea.Anyone else got ideas? I'd so love them!Don't suggest my dad though. That's a touchy subject for me and I'd probably yell at chu, which i don't want to do!On a different subject!...
May 31st, 2009 at 01:19pm