Shadowette / Comments

  • Howl

    Howl (100)

    South Africa
    It's chilled dude. I'm just so happy you read it, and comment away! I love comments; they're like rich soil for a forgotten flower in a shadowy part of a garden. But if you find it too tiresome, really, you don't have to comment 26 times. :3 It would just make you wish you had never read my story in the first place and I don't want that.

    Thank you for reading and commenting! Like a little star on a clouded night...Okay, enough with the similes Howl, enough. T__T I have a slight fever and flu; please excuse my ramblings.
    January 14th, 2011 at 04:25pm
  • FluffyGoldFish

    FluffyGoldFish (100)

    United States
    Ha I think I must've missed the 'no' it is supposed to be a 'not' LOL
    Sorry xD
    Ha thanks for the comment anyway! I will fix is sometime in the future! :3
    January 14th, 2011 at 08:07am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Yup, yup! It's another horror - [b]Bone Girls[/b]. It's possibly the weirdest story I've written to date. xD I'm working on the updates for the rest of the stuff~
    And neither do I. Never did, possibly never will xD
    January 14th, 2011 at 08:05am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Count yourself lucky, then! I guess they had nothing else better to do than scar a bunch of freshmen for life xD
    Btw, I started a new story (:
    January 14th, 2011 at 07:58am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    It was Sex Ed. so Mom paid $15 to tear my eyes out. Needless to say, I was on the verge of murder when I got home xD And they said it was from the school district! Bullshit, man xD
    January 14th, 2011 at 07:34am
  • writhing

    writhing (100)

    United States
    Haha (: I felt like it was kind of rushed, you know? Like, maybe I could've explained things a little better. Then again, I am pretty tired and I was just trying to finish it for the contest I entered it in.
    January 14th, 2011 at 07:24am
  • writhing

    writhing (100)

    United States
    I literally smiled when I read your comment. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. I actually felt the story was kind of... bland. But your comment has made me think otherwise. Again, thank you. [:
    January 14th, 2011 at 07:10am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    I'm really glad to hear that :D You've totally made my night <3
    And yeah, it was terrible! My friend was sitting next to me and his eyes immediately glassed over and he just said, "I can't see anything anymore." They also showed us pictures of...diseases. Oh, God. I'll never forgot that o.o
    January 14th, 2011 at 06:30am
  • Gorgak

    Gorgak (100)

    United States
    Your welcome! :D And I don't mind reading the story over again... it's like reading it a second time! :D all the more fun ;P
    January 14th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • end.of.forever

    end.of.forever (100)

    You're welcomed :D
    January 13th, 2011 at 08:54am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the wonderful comment! <3 It really made me smile (:
    And yes, I totally understand. We actually had to see a birthing video in Health class in 9th grade. Uhm, let's just say I had to puke afterwards...
    January 11th, 2011 at 05:20am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you so, so much for your comment on Smile.
    I was grinning like the cheshire cat by the end of that one <3

    Yeah, I really appreciated it - thanks again. :)
    January 11th, 2011 at 04:20am
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    Don't worry about it, as you could probably tell by now, I am the worlds suckiest comment replier.

    Yes, I am on holidays (finally!!) but not for much longer. I'm supposed to have four more weeks left, but NO!! My dearest mother thinks my brain will go to mush if I go eight weeks without school, so off to Summer School for the next two weeks for me.... Ew... Then the week after, I have to work at this holiday camp thing for littler kids. God, I have no idea why I even volunteered to do it! I'm getting $90 for the week... For 9 x 5 hours of babysitting!! I think I'm going to die :/

    Yeah, I think I'm going to do NaNo next year... My mind is rejecting the idea right now, but I think I'll be fully recovered by November. I should start planning it out soonish... Just so I dont do it on the spot like I did last time. I kind of wrote whatever was in my head at the time... Which kind of sucked because I went totally off the point. But that's okay, I got it done... ANd I'm dreading the editing. I've done the first four chapters, and already, it's just plain nightmare material!! My head hurts just thinking about it!

    I saw that you were starting to put up your story on mibba. Same. I look forward to reading yours :) It sounds exciting.

    Oh yeah, I did change my profile, I was a bit sick of the old one :) But this ones pretty good, so that's the main thing.
    January 6th, 2011 at 02:47am
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    If the bags under your eyes are half as bad as mine... I pity you...

    Yeah! I AM SO PUMPED TO HAVE FINISHED!!! Man, I finished at 11:46 pm on the 30th November... Cutting it a little fine, dont you think? Oh well, that last minute seven thousand was so worth it now that it is all over :)

    I havent made an account to get the book free (yet) but it wont be long until I do. It's kind of weird having finished NaNo. I am one of those people who love sleep, and I usually go to sleep at around ten pm. So now, its kind of weird coz after a whole month of nano and late nights, I have difficulty getting to bed before eleven! IIt's like 'What? Bed time already?" Where as a month ago, I would have already passed out!
    How about you? How is Shadowette managing with the life of being a novelist (man, I love saying that)?

    I know... Only three and a half more days until it is all over! AHHH! I am so freaking over school! I have no idea why they cant just let us off earlier, I mean, its not as if we will actually be doing anything the next few days. Every single class I am in, we are watching movies, whether it is Top Gear or the Incredibles. So really, I dont see why they dont just let us finish school already! And Mum wont let me stay at home :( And I couldnt anyway... Otherwise I wont get my academic excellence award at the end of the year if I am not there to receive it :(

    I think I should totally go update my stories that I were writing before NaNo... But just the thought of opening up a word document and typing up a story sends off alarm bells in my head. At the very word 'story' my head just spins and is like 'AHHH MENTAL BREAKDOWN!' Oh well. I should be back to normal before next november! are you doing NaNo again next year?
    December 4th, 2010 at 12:00pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment! That actually is the layout I'm using... before I had a different one but the text was too dark and it looked weird with a white background so. I got a new one.
    AND OHMYGOD I'M WITH YOU I WANT TO POST IT SO BAD but I feel weird posting it when it's not finished. At the moment I just feel weird wih editing in general. We'll see how it goes over the weekend. x)
    December 4th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks for the comment! I am quite glad that you are so excited to read it, really. It's kind of flattering considering it's not even up yet. XD
    But I always feel guilty when people comment my stories and I haven't worked on them so I immediately started editing and I'll probably put up the first chapter soon because it's marginally okay and not as crap as the rest of it. So yeah. :)
    December 3rd, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • Howl

    Howl (100)

    South Africa
    What can I say? (buffs nails) I'm a big fan. :3
    December 2nd, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Oh haha. I know right? I hate the editing part because the word count goes down like, a thousand words haa. (But I'm clever so I add useless, unnecessary adjectives and verbs. Haven't been caught yet!)

    Thank you for the comment(s)! I didn't know which timeline to use and since I'm sure I'll get bored if I made it too old, I stuck with a few years before modern time. :) (That way, no one can call me out on it!)

    I'm stuck in the chapter Rose (Ariel..) meets Hale and its because of that my Nano didn't work so well. I got frustrated but now that you (and the other subscribers) want to read it, I have no choice but to suck it up and write. :) It's been a few days I haven't thought about Nano so I think I can start afresh.

    You're welcome. When's the next chapter up?
    December 2nd, 2010 at 10:28am
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    Oh that's okay, I was busy writing and stuff too, so I cant really complain ;)
    ANd no, my school has not finished yet. I am so depressed. I still have the whole of this week, then up to thursday at 1:30 pm the week after until year eight is all done, FOREVER! I am so freaked out.. I'm getting old! I have to start acting more mature and all that jazz.

    I know! I saw you had reached 50k plus. Man, I am MAJOR JEALOUS! Like, seriously, get how jealous you think I am, multiply it by about fifty million, then you are still not quite up to how jealous I am of your big purple bar. Gah! I'm still in the blue!!! But really, I have five thousand words left to go. I think I'm going to be writing right up the very last minute tonight, but what the hell, I cant get this far and not finish! That would just be seriously depressing... And besdies, I like (very stupidly) told basically everyone I knew that I was doing NaNo... NOw they expect me to finish! AHHHH!!! And my dear mother is totally not going to let me stay up past eleven tonight, because my school decided to be mean and keep going for another week and a half, and it is a school night tonight! Okay. NOw, just saying all this is freaknig me out. Okay.... start breathing... Jaz. CALM YOURSELF WOMAN!

    Lol. That is kind of very funny. I remember, when I was younger (but not that much younger) when I was at parties or whatever or somewhere thye were giving out free food like lollipops, I would shove them down my boots or socks or whatever... When people looked at me funny I was just like "Hey! DOnt judge, I have fat calves okay!" So yeah, then I would go home and have like thirty lollipops shoved down my socks.... ahhh... good times... good times...

    Right. I must go now. Five thousand words of complete and utter nonsense to write. Talk to you later! Hopefully, I'llbe finished next time we chat :)
    November 30th, 2010 at 11:09am
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    Yeah, I'm sick of this year of school SO BAD! Luckily, I only have thirteen and a half days of school left, and one exam :) So I'm pretty happy about that :)
    I'm sure you'll get good grades :) Just think really negative, then once you get the grade back, it'll just be an improvement of what you thought you were going to get, so thats always good :) Unless you are like my mother, in which case, if I get anything bellow a 95%, its not good enough :( Tight, huh?

    Yup, major competitive freak here :) My head is actually starting to hurt from all the writing I've been doing. Normally, when I update my stories, I write about 1-2k per week. So this is a bit of a stretch for me, but what the hell. I've written what would normally take me 23 weeks to write in 17 days. Heck, I'm proud :)

    Oooh... That would explain it... I've always sucked at Maths and graphs and all that.... But anyway, 6 mil is alot :) Canberras only got about 3 mil...

    Me too! I love free thing :) You get something, that you didnt even have to work for! Its so awesome! Like, you know that shop Dick Smith? Yeah, well a while back, they were handing free squishy balls out in a box in the shop near the counter :) Being the little scab I am, I run into the shop, dont buy anything, and grab a handful of the balls. Hee hee... THe shop assistant didnt look too happy.... but what the hell, I got free squishy balls :)

    Thanks, I'm going to need all the luck I can get to make it through the next couple of weeks :)
    November 18th, 2010 at 06:57am