Ah, I love Sebastian. Here is a picture.

Sebastian is a Screech Owl. An adorably grumpy Screech Owl. Description from written journal:Every time I approach his cage on the evening shift at the wildlife rehab, a yellow eye squints at me in distrust while the other glares incessantly. His ear tufts are long, and twisted in such a way that reminds me of devils’ horns. His tawny plumage puffs up double his size. Several clacks of the keen...
September 20th, 2009 at 06:33am

I don't believe people can change.

Or at least if they can I haven't notice. I guess I am talking more about myself.I believed that I did change, but looking back....I think I am the same person I was four years ago. Even my situations at school and my personal life are the same.Four years ago I was reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, in a happy relationship, but there was an element of self-loathing almost that I...
September 18th, 2009 at 05:21am

My imagination can make ordinary things exciting.

Well, anyone's can, but mine is just so fun! >w<Especially this morning while walking my dog. It was very early, about 5:45 AM. Passing by, I happen to look between houses. From my perspective, the houses look like they are almost touching. A strip of weeds and dirt was the only thing separating them.My dog, Lilly, decided to pee. So I waited and continued to stare into the center point...
August 25th, 2009 at 04:41am

I wish that I were five different people.

Hypothetically, I wish that I were five different people (but still me), so that I may indulge in all of my crushes.I know I know, it sounds pretty whorish, but don't pretend you didn't wish that too! >:0 I mean, come on, when you have a cute sophomore in your chemistry class, two even cuter guys in your english class, and one you hang out with, how can you not?(Yes, I only listed four, I want...
August 23rd, 2009 at 10:27pm

Government Class 0 Hour Shenanigans

Government is so much fun!...Not because of the subject, but what us students do from 6:30 AM to 7:25 PM.After around last Monday a daily vigil was started.How did it start? What is this "vigil," you ask? Well, as Michael (friend) and I were approaching the classroom before class starts, we see Mr. Rustici and some students laughing and pointing excitedly to the edge of the field. Beyond the fog...
August 23rd, 2009 at 10:02pm

"If I Were A Boy"

That song by Beyonce is so beautiful and powerful! The video is also. I need to download it to my ipod.But it really got me thinking....what would I do if I were a boy? One thing is for sure, I would so date my girl friends (and to those that are reading this, no, I am not going lesbian haha). Because, they are the most AMAZING people I know in this world, beautiful inside and out (however trite...
August 21st, 2009 at 01:53am

First week or so of Senior Year!

The big '10! The shouts of 2010 raised the roof at last year's pep assembly, from eager junior's spirit yells. Now it is finally time to win over the Blue Crew, who are just excited not to be freshmen anymore.As a new senior, I am immediately aware of the perks. First of all, teachers, counselors, staff, and security seem to be more lenient. Probably because they remember their senior year. Second...
August 19th, 2009 at 03:44am

Ageism Affects Me.

And it affects you, too.The teenage years: hormone-swayed, emotion-ridden, pimple-faced awkward stage between the cradle of childhood and the saddle of adulthood.I don't know why other teenagers aren't angry about this stereotype. In fact, they succumb to it, by characteristically rebelling against their parents, or in some way behaving atypically.The parent's reaction and rationalization to the...
August 18th, 2009 at 03:29am

An Unexplained Phenomena while Stargazing

A nice neighbor of mine (who happens to enjoy voraciously eating peanut butter) lets me borrow his cool equipment, one of which is a simple telescope.So lately, I have been craning my neck to look for planets.I have seen Jupiter, a bright spot located just above my roof. Focusing in, I see its four faithful moons, lined up obediently. Jupiter wore two brown lines as belts. He has more, but I...
August 18th, 2009 at 03:08am

Strange Humming Vibrations

Sometimes, when my mind is still and I am unaware of it, or in a trance, I hear a musical, flute-like melody outside. It's like the very air quivers with it. It isn't coming from a single source; it is all around me. Once I hear it and I am aware of it, it goes away quickly. :/ I am so entranced by it....I immediately think of sylphs and nymphs and spirits of the plants and trees. Maybe they play...
August 13th, 2009 at 04:05am