Ho hum, its summer..

Well well well..summer break is here =]not much sun but ah well.And I cannot wait, going to new york in August =DIve been to a pussycat dolls concert, and regardless of what people say. They are kickass live! sososo good, we were really close =Doh and Blue performed too, and if you dont know them - they are an english band. I love them haha xOff to merry Wales tommorow, so probably wont be on here...
July 26th, 2009 at 07:45pm

Fountain Paddling, Neon Pink Heels and Oreo Mcflurry =]

Well, for the last few days ive been a bit down. Missing people from my past and being reminded of things that I dont want to think about. But I cant help it.Anyway, today me and my freind emma went into the city, to the mall and next to it is a massive hill and park. It was lush and hot today, Finally!! so we went paddling in the fountain which was a great laugh. Plus there were masses of hot...
June 14th, 2009 at 06:31pm


Ok, so im in maths bored as hell writing this, looking out the window at the stupid grey, cloudy sky. I want to go somewhere new and meet new people. Besides my friends everyone here is just annoying.Also I swear everyone must know me for one rumour or another. Im definately not in the popular crowd. I'm that wierd blonde chick who draws and talks way too much, yet everyone knows things about me....
June 9th, 2009 at 10:39am