Does he care?

Hello again! Really still don't know if anyone's reading this, but thank you if you are and are reading this again.Today's a little different from yesterday, in a bit of a not-so-confused mood. A little upset though. My boyfriend that I talked about in my last journal entry, doesn't seem to be talking to me lately. I also forgot to mention about my close to breaking up incident, (at least I think...
July 30th, 2009 at 12:48am

Replacement feelings

Hello all! & this shall be my first tell all, the view into my little life, I guess.I don't know exactly how many people will even read this, but I'd love to write something that I can explain how I feel with. At this day and time, I'm at a bit of a stand still. I have no idea who I am, where I'm made to be, and what's to become of me. I can be awfully pessimistic, which is quite horrendous,...
July 29th, 2009 at 06:14am