stallion duck. / Comments

  • Good :P 'cause I would be scared of you if you did.

    Aw, for some reason I find that so cute >.< But that isn't very nice of them. Today, I saw a huge ass crow, and I thought it was rooster :P
    May 16th, 2012 at 04:55am
  • Lol. No difference. You know… just without the boobies.

    Same here! My uterus hates me. Although it did produce one hell of a kid. But otherwise it’s just a pain. <- See what I did there. Hardy har har.
    May 16th, 2012 at 03:40am
  • LOL,

    Ew, haha. But I get you. I don't fight, but I never had the reason to.

    What? No way! But they're small!
    May 15th, 2012 at 05:36am
  • Lol. I think he’s rather nice. He just got stuck with Crabbe’s part in the movie since that guy left or whatever. So they made him go into the Room of Requirement with Malfoy even though book wise he thought Malfoy was a twat. :D

    It’s a good habit to have.

    It’s actually pretty good. The only problem is that it has the consistency of cream cheese and if your strawberries are wet from cleaning them it won’t stick to them. And also if you use them on strawberries I recommend the dark chocolate and not the milk chocolate. Milk chocolate tastes like candy but the dark chocolate tastes like chocolate covered strawberries. :D

    We’re so awesome. Lol.
    May 15th, 2012 at 03:54am
  • Lol. Right? How the hell did he end up the most attractive character? Aside from Blaize. I think he’s hot. But still!

    Woot woot!

    Exactly! It’s the worst thing ever!

    I agree with you. Death Cab is awesome.

    Oh my god. You… you just killed me. That’s like my idea of heaven. Chocolate covered strawberries. Although I did get that new chocolate Philadelphia cream cheese stuff. And I put that on strawberries and it was almost equal. Amazin.
    May 15th, 2012 at 02:19am
  • Lol. Yay!

    Lol. “You don’t have to be cool to rule my world.” *Joins in singing badly*
    May 15th, 2012 at 01:37am
  • Oh gosh! Thanks! I love Hersheys kisses and chocolate strawberries! Nom nom nom.
    May 14th, 2012 at 05:38am
  • Lmao. That’s how I do. Strange. I love Death Cab. They make me happy.
    May 13th, 2012 at 04:21am
  • His memory is terrible! Today we went to Denny’s with my dad and I was trying to ask him if he wanted to go home afterward or go to my dad’s house. But he couldn’t seem to get what I was asking. He kept going around the house and saying what all he wanted to do. It took me like ten minutes to finally get him to realize what I was asking. And last night he showed me a picture of Neville from Harry Potter and didn’t seem to realize that adult Neville and child Neville were played by the same people. It took a good ten minutes for my “THAT IS NEVILLE!” to finally set in.

    Dude. My little sister is the fucking queen of burps. It’s insane because she’s like 98 pounds and five feet tall and she talks with a really small squeaky voice. But she can fucking rattle windows. I’ve never been able to out belch her.

    It’s disgusting. It’s the worst wakeup call ever. Because my husband will go pee in the middle of the night and not think about the seat. Then I get up an hour later and don’t think about it either and… it pisses me off. He’s actually not that bad. It happens like maybe once a year. But when we lived with his parents his brother did it every goddamn time until my husband told him off.
    May 13th, 2012 at 04:14am
  • Spellcheck doesn't like you :P

    Omg. Would you have really fought her? :O
    But yay for family and mothers day! I seriously forgot it was goingto be mothers day tomorrow :O silly me.

    But I like those tiny brown birds that hop like baby chicks. They're cute >.<
    May 13th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • Lmao. I have a lot of brothers so I always learned to check before sitting down. Never had a problem with it. In fact I’d much rather the guy lift the seat and forget about it than leave it down so they don’t forget and then end up peeing on the seat. Nothing is worse than sitting on THAT.
    May 13th, 2012 at 02:45am
  • Lol. I was like “Whhhaaaaa?”
    May 10th, 2012 at 01:11am
  • Bonjour~! :3
    I just wanted to say thank you so much for the comment on my story! I'm so glad you're falling more and more in love with Mason and Chase because it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one, haha. I'm so happy you like it and I really appreciate it. <33
    May 8th, 2012 at 03:16am
  • I don't think I saw that one, I'm pretty sure I only saw the first two. And if it happened in the first two, then I didn't pay attention :P

    Eww. Well, it must've been annoying when she came around. But good thing she isn't your brother's GF anymore :P

    That's so odd, really odd. Birds only scare me when they fly by too close. But yeah, being pooped on does not seem like a good time. Birds are filthy creatures.
    May 7th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • Believe it or not, no. He’s very pasty.

    My brothers are epic douches. And they all need a slap. Like I called him “Greggory” once because um… I’m his sister and he’s always been Greggory to me. But then he was like “Don’t call me that!” all snappy like. And I said “Why?” Then he said “My mom didn’t tell you?” and walked off. Like… wtf? My brother never used to do it. He just suddenly started calling himself Greggy Poo. Like I love him. But I still want to find a chair and slap him some.

    That’s real love. No worries. My family isn’t very touchy feely. We express love through burps and ass grabs. Aw. Poor brother without his boo boo. Your brother is awesome though! Benny and the Jets ftw! That song is my ringtone.

    Lmao. He does that too but we usually tell him to stop. I can handle the constant dolphin e-ing. But not the screeching.

    May 7th, 2012 at 05:46am
  • LOL, so, do you never get on elevators?
    My whole family works at target, practically :P

    Yes! Well, I had a better imagination as a kid, but its still here, not as vibrant as before, but you know c:
    And yeah, mibba really helps :P

    Oh, my god. That's terrible! So, it happened in front of everyone?
    Maybe birds are just naturally attracted to you? :P
    May 7th, 2012 at 04:16am
  • Dude. You make ME happy lol thank you for still reading. :3
    May 7th, 2012 at 03:57am
  • Lol. That’s okay. I love my brothers but they’re pretty much the epitome of douches. One of my brother’s takes all of those bare chested pictures of himself in the bathroom and all from above and they all say things like “Looking good,” and stuff. And he actually has a kind of pudgy body. Then my other brother refers to himself in the third person as “Greggy Poo.” And he’ll say things like “Greggy Poo loves you.” And I just want to punch him in the face. But I can’t reach it because he’s like six foot something.

    Lmao. Poor weird foot cuddling kid.

    Lol. Yay for awesome nieces! My son likes to pretend to be animals. It’s usually cats but the other day he was a dolphin and he flopped around on the floor going “e-e-e-e-eeee!” Then he was a robot and walked around going “Bee-boo-bee-boo.” It was awesome.

    Lol. That’s what I was thinking! So much talent, you have!
    May 7th, 2012 at 02:39am
  • Lmao. That’s right, Bex! Don’t be scamming on Charlie’s man! Or my wife will shoot you in the face!
    May 6th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • Lol, Thanks for the story comment!!
    May 6th, 2012 at 05:36am