Wing-it-Hockeytown / Comments

  • slowburnbaby

    slowburnbaby (100)

    United States
    I'll have to read them, I love love love the Saints.
    I HATED how the second one ended. It was way too big of a cliffhanger for my taste. They better be making a third, or I'll be very upset adn have to Write Mr. Duffy telling him my disappvroval of the lack of a third movie!
    Gah! Sorry I'm like cheesing over this movie again now XD

    Oh that's cool =] Im just nervous about dresssing professional. I might have to buy new clothes. I don't own professional things lol
    February 20th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Omg! I hope your flight was good and that your layover wasn't too horrible!! I hope Florida is super warm and the sun is out =]]]

    LOL. Yes. I think you should send the screenplay to me =]

    I know!!! I think that is so insane that you guys just randomly are going to the same thing. It would be pretty cool though if you could meet lol

    Well, either way, I'm excited for you to post it =]l

    Ohhhhh! What type of hoodie is it?? Hoodie's are legit my favorite thing on earth. I own like wayyyyy to many of them but w/e. I use to own a bunch of band hoodies when I was in high school but I sort of grew out of that and now it's hoodies from Pink because they are ridiculously comfy. But I haven't bought any of those in years. They are wayyy less inventive then they were before blah.

    By the way. I have to mention that since you left today the weather is back to being cold .... -___- super displeased. No more fall jacket for me. There is a 90% chance of it snowing tomorrow. I'm super irritated. I want spring and I want it now! lol

    Mhm. I think you should def post your short story up here! Short stories are always really fun to read. I liked what I wrote for my creative writing class but it was all mainly poetry so not really functional with this site. // I work for the writing center and I help run the Creative Writing Group which is the most fun ever!!! All these different writers from campus come and we read their pieces as a group and provide feedback. It's literally the coolest thing I am a part of here. I"m also a part of the Red Cedar Review which is the country's oldest literary magazine, but that isn't half the fun that the CWG is. When you're at college you should def get involved in something like that. It's just super amazing as a writer lol

    Have tons of fun in Florida!!!! I will miss our conversations if you can't get online =[
    February 19th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Pshhhh I referenced Charming just because you're like the only other person who would know what I was talking about! lol

    uhm plz. I still want to read the screenplay. I still think that is super cool! lol

    && I finally wrote my Zetterberg story! I was super happy lol. I sent it to Emily to read over before I put it up. I don't like putting stuff up without having someone else look at it first and Emily is my go to girl because she is so amazing. =]] (which i think it is super cool that the two of your will be at the journalist thing for the red wings!!)

    I cannot wait for you to write this Filppula story!!! Will you have computer access in Florida so you can post it? =] Hahahaha I hate layover's. I'm always super bored but scared of falling asleep and missing my plane. I just bring a book and hope that it keeps me occupied!
    Ah!!! I'm so proud of us for upgrading to our fall jackets! How very stylish of us =]]

    Woot! I am even more excited for you to write this walking dead story now! That is such a great story idea =]] It's going to be totally awesome for sure!

    Are you still in the creative writing class now? Because you for real a goddess if you can do that class at post on mibba!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! One more day till you fly to Florida!!!! Super super exciting =]]]]
    February 18th, 2011 at 05:58am
  • slowburnbaby

    slowburnbaby (100)

    United States
    Wow, it is a small world!
    I've had a countdown since uhhh January 15th when my teacher asked me if I wanted to go xd
    I already wrote an article on the Wings for my school paper. So i'm super excited to write another!
    I'm trying to convince my mom to buy me a digital recorder for the event, there's no way I'll be able to write it all down.
    I notice you have the aequitas and veritas on your profile, is that about the Boondock Saints by any chance? That is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen.
    February 18th, 2011 at 04:43am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!
    I cannot believe you wrote a screenplay!!! I am so super psyched about this! I took two screenplay writing classes last year!! I had to write a 120pg screenplay and like this is just SO awesome that I finally know someone else who wrote a screenplay!!! =]] You should totally send it to me! I would love to read it =]]]

    && I for one think you should positively write a Filppula V-day story! That would be utterly amazing =]]]] I never got to write my Hank story since I decided to watch the Colin Firth version of pride and prejudice instead lol but I'm hoping I'll have time tonight.

    Today was amazing weather wise! I wore my fall jacket instead of my winter one lol. It was a total upgrade // Okay so I don't have snowpants up here so when I wanted to play in the snow last year I wore my leggings + jeans + sweatpants combo so I totally understand the benefits of sweatpants on top of jeans lol

    I only go to PF Changs like once in a while cuz its sort of expensive. I really like their chicken fried rice though lol. Thats the only thing I ever get from there. && Half off candy is the best kind! Same great candy but without the jacked up prices!

    Who would you want to write the Walking dead story on? Which character I mean. I completely agree zombies are pretty legit. & omg. I cannot agree more! Creative writing classes completely burn you out! My screenplay class demanded that we wrote 10 pages every week. It was exhausting! lol I didn't write for a month after that; I just really needed a break!

    I hope tomorrow is as warm as today but with sun! Makes me wonder what the weather is like in Charming, CA around this time of year lmfao
    February 17th, 2011 at 10:42pm
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Ahh! That is super exciting. A whole week to soak in the sun and the warm weather =]] very nice!

    Omg. I was so obnoxious today. I had on these legit shoes so I was walking in every puddle and being like ohhhhh what now puddle! can't get through my shoes! It was all very thrilling esp since I skipped out on taking the bus so I could walk around campus instead since the weather was sooooo nice =]]]

    You made my NIGHT by wearing a tank top! that is such Michigan weather dedication! 40+ equals early summer in Michigan!!! lol My huge effort was only wearing jeans instead of jeans with leggings underneath them! lol I've heard it's supposed to keep getting warmer through the week so I'm hoping that's true =]]]

    (Val)entines day is clearly the greatest holiday ever =]] lol I wanted to write a Henrik Zetterberg one shot for Valentine's day but I didn't have time so I think I might do that tonight instead, since he is so fine and I do like him rather much lol
    // I went out with my bf to PF Chang's which was fun. I was more excited to give him unhealthy amounts of candy and be like WOOOOOO valentine's day! Lol

    \\In your profile you mention possibly writing a walking dead type story. I totally support this! Zombies can be so much fun. I'm working on a zombie thing right now but I don't think I'm putting it up on here.

    Anyway! I hope you had a good wednesday =]]
    February 17th, 2011 at 02:26am
  • slowburnbaby

    slowburnbaby (100)

    United States
    XD Nice to meet you.
    Im Emily
    One thing I forgot to mention was its nice to meet another Detroit Fanatic. Theres so FEW here on mibba, its saddening. Its all Pens fans for the most part -.-
    February 16th, 2011 at 03:12am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Ah! that is super super exciting that you are going =]]] How long will you be staying? What are you going to do there besides soak in the fantastic weather??

    So today was wayyy less exciting with the weather. It was so cold that all the melted snow from yesterday completely frozen and so everyone I knew was freaking out because we were all trying to avoid slipping and injuring ourselves =[ blahhh

    // did you do anything exciting for valentine's day?
    February 16th, 2011 at 02:49am
  • California Dreamin

    California Dreamin (250)

    United States
    exactly. My mind has been going to him first as of lately when I hear Val tho
    February 15th, 2011 at 04:02am
  • California Dreamin

    California Dreamin (250)

    United States
    lmfao....oh amy, epic fail
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • Alina

    Alina (100)

    United States
    Ahh I bet. It is warm here again but apparently it is going to be raining starting Wednesday -___-. The weather is so bipolar.

    Ohh vacation from school =D. NICE!!
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:31am
  • slowburnbaby

    slowburnbaby (100)

    United States
    So not to creep or comment snoop, But I saw you talking to a friend of mine adn I wanted to say hi, cause yeah. sorry. XD but I see you like Detroit,
    So this is me awkwardly saying Hi, lol
    February 15th, 2011 at 01:12am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Hahahaha! Yes he's super pretty, is that the wrong adjective? I guess I would also call him fine. lol

    Ah! I'm going to Florida for my spring break in 3 weeks! I'm so psyched lol. I'm going to universal studios and sea world. It's super nerdy and I'm super pumped about it! lol I hope your cousin flies you down! That sounds like it would be tons of fun. Does she live near the ocean?

    I KNOW! I saw the snow melting and I just smiled. Minus I hate walking through huge puddles of mud. Part of the sidewalk was just WIPED OUT by water so I just stood there not knowing what to do because the sides of the sidewalk were covered in two feet of snow still. I just burst out laughing and walked through the snow. It was ridiculous.
    February 15th, 2011 at 12:39am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Ah! I loveeee Abdlekader!! he went to MSU so last year when I walked into Noodles I saw him and I was like O.O so I like went up and awkwardly talked to him. He was really tall and really really pretty which was totally surprising since he takes such goofy looking pictures lol!

    What kind of dog is Harley? I have a Papillion with huge ears. She's my favorite thing ever. =]

    // I have to mention how excited I am about the weather no longer being in the negatives! I feel like Michigan is one of the only places where 37 degrees means you don't need to wear a coat lol
    February 14th, 2011 at 08:00pm
  • Alina

    Alina (100)

    United States
    omg yes I will not be able to survive there hahahahaha. I think I would be frozen the first day!! ^-^
    February 14th, 2011 at 05:59am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Ah! I go to MSU so on the occasional weekend I drive down to GR with my bf to watch a griffins game! The last game we went to the griffins got murdered, BUT there was an epic fight and I got a free Jimmy Howard bobble head so I felt like it all evened out in the end lol.
    / =O SOA is the best thing ever. My entire extended family watches it lol. It's very cultish of us but at least it's all something we can talk about at family gatherings. I'm only bummed because up at school I don't get FX so I didn't get to watch the entire 3rd season so I have to wait until it comes out on DVD to catch up.
    Haha I love Henrik! When my bf went up north, he went to this restaurant and the Red Wings game was on so his 80 year old waitress started telling him how fine she thought Hank was and that he was much better looking than that "pavel" LOL
    February 14th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • BlueEyes

    BlueEyes (100)

    United States
    Hi, thanks so much for the comment, I'm glad you liked the story!
    // Your profile is awesome!! - I love the Filppula clip & I'm super excited that you love Son's of Anarchy since it's more or less my favorite show lol =] \\ I'm not sure if you follow the Grand Rapid Griffins at all, but Filppula's older brother plays for them because he wants the wings to draft him.

    February 13th, 2011 at 08:58am
  • AliNicTem

    AliNicTem (100)

    United States
    thanks for the comment!! it means alot! :D
    February 9th, 2011 at 10:10pm
  • Alina

    Alina (100)

    United States
    I need a thicker sweater hahahaha. Where I go to school is alwasy 10 degrees colder than where I live so I always forget. So I would where a light sweater and be fine until I get to school.
    February 9th, 2011 at 07:55am
  • Alina

    Alina (100)

    United States
    Oh i see.
    I like the cold but not when it freezing me even if I am wearing a THICK ass sweater hahahaha. Dude the wind here was sooo strong. I don't remember when it was the strong. It was so hard to drive cause the wind caused the car to move around and when I was at school parked and waiting in the car for my class to start my car and i saw the cars around me moving back and forth. SCARY!!!

    Oh dang that is long!
    Oh wow hahaha. I never seen one of any Rocky's movie. I think I saw a glimpse of one though on tv haha
    February 4th, 2011 at 04:51am