Harro, I'm Vivian. I'm almost 17 years old, I'm kinda strange,

I have trouble recalling my natural hair color and I'm in love with AFI!
I found out about them around the beginning of high school
and I've never been the same.

I'm sXe and part vegan ( its so hard damnit!)

I generally love punk music or basically anything 80's,
I do listen to some of today's "alternative" music which is ok
but its gotten a little commercial I love indie :)

I love reading stories created by people my age because they're fresh,
new minds and sometimes writing is a vent for feelings.
I'm going to try to write a few fics when I have time and
I may post some of my old stuff (if I'm not too embarrassed) and hope to hear from ya'll

Layout by;; Flawed Perfection.
Steal and Adam Carson will come beat you with
his drum sticks.