nebulas / Comments

  • Exactly XD OH YES, I LOVE THE CRIMINAL ONES, especially the one where the guy like, tried to rob the store with a palm leaf in front of his face. All time fave. There was one in one of the hillbilly ones where some snaggletoothed woman on a fourwheeler was declaring her love for hilary clinton XD

    Like I don't even remember. AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, he turns to me and one of the other girls and was like, "don't try to act like you wouldn't suck dick for two mil." and the other girl was like, "yeah honey, but that means something different for us than it does for you." XD AHHH I like the one where like, David Tutera (think that's his name) goes in and makes like, the tacky, off-the-wall wedding themes actually work. That one didn't come on today though.
    October 9th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • Thank you.
    October 9th, 2011 at 09:35pm
  • Yeah, same here. I'm not very good at quick comebacks. I usually think of something funny to say like, a half hour later when it's no longer relevant XD I think I remember that one! I like the worlds dumbest partiers episodes the best, and they have a couple that were like, world's dumbest hillbillies or something like that that was funny too. Hater File

    XD XD XD I've seen S.W.A.T a few times. This guy and a few of the girls I work with were talking about Colin Farrell a couple weeks ago and it somehow lead to one of the football players saying they would suck a dick for two million dollars XD XD I don't even know...I just know we were like, "how did this even start?" and "something about colin farrell." Oh, I totally am. I was watching those wedding shows on like, wetv and those bitches are crazy XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 09:30pm
  • You're welcome.
    October 9th, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • That sounds... horrible, actually. XD
    And the fact that you spilled iced tea makes it worse!
    Well, if that was me, my brain would've been BLEH.
    October 9th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • XD XD That sounds entertaining. I want to be one of the commenters on Worlds Dumbest, that's like my dream job XD I bet your sister secretly finds it funny, she just hides her laughter XD

    Duh. I switched to Gattaca for a while, but it just didn't work out XD I'm watching Four Weddings right now =3 Duuuuh, I'm a DANCING MACHIIINE
    October 9th, 2011 at 06:16pm
  • What's the essay about?
    October 9th, 2011 at 07:51am

    I haven't seen Las Vegas Jailhouse, but I like that Jail show on Spike. OMG I LOVE WORLDS DUMBEST, but my mom hates it with a burning passion, so everytime i watch it, she bitches and complains until i turn it Facepalm Hater. If he did talk about it, he'd probably get kicked out for breaking the first two rules. ALL MUSIC IS DISTRACTING TO ME.

    It's all good XD I've just been sitting here, trying to write with Twilight on, taking breaks for random bedroom dancing. Gotta get in shape for my Step Up movie.
    October 9th, 2011 at 04:05am
  • Yeah, I get a bit sassy if I mess up too! XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 04:01am
  • It's true. So does Carlos XD Sounds like a solid plan. "Logan, I'm just saaayin', you could look better. Tell me have you heard dat lately?I'll start hatin' if you keep that hair." XD

    Yup yup.

    OMG HAVEN'T WATCHED COPS IN FOREVER my mom bitches about it whenever I watch it Facepalm Maybe he's in a fight club? XD I'm listening to Maroon 5, which really isn't helping me at all XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 01:56am
  • Oh, I do File XD

    It was just really dumb. Like, the only funny parts were when James and Carlos were like, trying to win her over, and that was only like, five minutes. Ngl, I'd be a little pissed if they kept me from getting home with their big ole stupid bus XD Logan sucks at life, he needs me in his life to make all of his decisions and to sing Drake remixes at him/in his general direction XD

    Not helping that I drank a huge cup of coffee earlier so I could stay up tonight XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 01:40am
  • Sure it was mostly them XD I totes believe you.

    Yeah, that was the newest one, but it was kinda dumb. They did like a "rock" song on that episode, and I didn't really like it. I guess, to be fair, it's a lot harder to find dance moves for guys than it is for girls XD I mean, it's not like they can pull off shaking their hips or ass. I don't mind James's hair either way, but Logan's hair now irritates me because it like, tilts at an angle, and that's just unnatural. Then he got steps in his hair, which was just a bad decision all together.

    I just can't focus at all, and it bothers me XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 01:29am
  • oh, it is XD oh lord, aliyah, why you be making everyone switch seats? tsk tsk jk

    there haven't been really any AMAZING episodes lately, so you haven't been missing anything.IKR!!! XD XD I guess they swapped in the watch pointing thing in its place. I like their dancing because it makes me think, "hey, I could do that" XD I'm sure the 90 degree arm thing hasn't been forgotten.I watched that earlier Xd I liked the way his long hair sort of waved after he got outta the pool or whatever Happy face

    I'm TRYING to write right now, but so far, I only have like, a sentence. I keep getting distracted.
    October 9th, 2011 at 01:12am
  • My chem teacher is a douchebag, my physics teacher is old and rambles, and my physio teacher is way too enthusiastic about everything, but that's cool, I guess XD 8:30 is just too early for me to be enthusiastic about anything.

    Oh, I would XD I've got moves XD

    It's the only show I can keep up with since it only comes on like, once a month XD That song's supposed to be in Monday night's episode, I just wanted you to see the new dance moves they apparently have since we talked about how they always do the same few moves. OMG i love it, because Logan sings lead and it's kinda hiphop/dancey, so it's my kinda music XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • Sparknotes is a savior XD

    Me neither, but surprisingly, the trig isn't as hard as I thought it would be, so I guess I lucked out on that. I talked to a chem major the other day in my lab, and she thought I was crazy 'cause I wanted to drop the class. He's like, a nice dude, he just rambles and is old XD

    Maybe I'll just take over the world with my art XD Oh yeah, we came up with another movie inspired by a dream I had. It would be a low-budget Step Up in my living room XD

    OMG HAVE YOU SEEN THIS YET? THEY GOT NEW MOVES like some watch thing that I gotta add to my repetoire of dance moves XD :
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • Lucky. I don't even know who the hell John Winthrop is, so I'm gonna agree that he's stupid XD

    Physics is boring to me because it's all math and triangles XD I would totally drop out of my chem class and just take biochem or something in its place, but I don't have enough hours to drop =( My physics class is so just...a waste of time. Like we just got our first test back last wednesday, and apparently we already have another test next wednesday. we have homework, but he like, doesn't grade it/go over it until after the test, so its pointless XD

    like, my friend and i (who is also failing organic chem) made a list of what we're going to do with our lives if college doesn't work out. mine was: 1. write harlequin romance novels 2. become a wedding planner or 3. white female rnb sensation

    it's nice to have backup plans XD
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • Well, I was planning to get some extra credit work for Geometry, since that's the worse grade I got. I got until the end of the week, so I gotta work my fucking ass off here. But hey, thanks for the advice! I love reading, watching movies and painting my toes. :D Arms
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:59pm
  • Well, for school, my parents are pressuring me to do better and I'm trying really hard to. I'm only failing in Geometry and a bit in Chemistry, but I'm going to retake some tests on it. If I don't get all A's and B's, they're going to take me out of that school. That school is my only chance to even become someone and that's the only school I want to be. So, with all the pressure on me, I get lack of sleep and my hair occasionally falls out. So I'm just waiting for my breaking point in life. I'm just dead tired and I'm ready to just get life over with, you know? Besides that, everything else is... meh.
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:42pm
  • It's meh. :D I guess. Stressed out as usual.
    How about you? How is your life?
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • No time for Kandi time :( I get a little this weekend because I'm off work, but I have a test next week that I should be studying for, bleck.

    I feel ya there. I'm taking three sciences, and it's kicking my ass. Like, I love my physiology class, but I despise organic chemistry, and physics isn't hard, but the teacher spends the class rambling on about dumb shit, so I practically have to teach myself from the book. AGGGH
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:13pm