nebulas / Comments

  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    No problem! :D
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:08pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the photo comment, bb :D <3
    October 8th, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Everything's been pretty good here as well, just been crazy stressed trying to balance out school and work Facepalm no kandi time at all.
    October 8th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    October 8th, 2011 at 10:51pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States

    But anyways, how's it going?
    October 8th, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • iron and wine.

    iron and wine. (100)

    United States
    Hey, haven't talked to you in a while.
    What's up?? :)
    August 5th, 2011 at 09:25am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    OMG YOU'VE NEGLECTED ME ALIYAH HOW COULD YOU?!?! XD XD Ugh, I absolutely despise tumblr with every fiber of my being. It's like everything I hate about the world condensed down onto one website XD XD That's a little melodramatic, but it's the truth. I don't even get on there to look at pictures of Logan anymore *sigh*

    I DID! I blew off the gym that morning just so I'd know I'd be home to watch it. Turns out, the creepy obese lady wasn't pregnant, she claimed she had a miscarriage and that they were trying to have a baby again Facepalm
    July 12th, 2011 at 11:40pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    had to tell you before I forgot XD
    July 6th, 2011 at 04:57pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    Just watching New York, I Love You Smiley What about you? :D
    July 5th, 2011 at 11:40pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I know, it's a tragedy. XD XD mine just lights up, and i usually happen to see the light more than i would've heard the vibration in the first place.

    XD XD XD you're so selective. i can't blame you, i hide a ton of my friends' statuses on fb because they post annoying shit. there's this one guy that posts about lady gaga 24/7 and i'm just like no.I WAS TOO!!! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. by the time they do an update show, i'll have forgotten about it.

    Like, I noticed that her colors were slightly different than the old Marina's too. Like her blue was more blue instead of turquiose and her pink was more purple XD

    Hey, my romantical date with Logan at the Taco Bell would make the ratings for my reality show soaaaar XD

    It totes does. Then we could make a sex tape and leak it so that more people would watch my show File key to success

    omg, i just got back from the dentist to get a couple teeth filled, and my lips are so numb, and i tried to drink some vitaminwater and it all just spilled out of the side of my lip XD XD XD epic failure
    July 5th, 2011 at 11:27pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    :D Thanks for the photot comment & yes I was [i]very[/i] irritated lmfao
    July 1st, 2011 at 05:28pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I'VE SEEN THAT COMMERCIAL!! IT IS SUCH A TEASE! I think my mom called about it one time, and we couldn't get it because it was either redonkulously expensive or they didn't have it here Facepalm THE WOMAN IS A LIE, THAT HEARTLESS WENCH! I love texting, but the conversation has to be going somewhere that i'm interested in or else i won't reply. XD My mom said that if I was homosexual or bisexual that she would kill me XD not down with the gays File this is the bible belt and erreythang, even if you're jewish, people still look at you like you're from outer space.

    that would definitely be me XD i do that on here a lot when it comes to stories, especially because i'm super competitve. like, i've stopped searching for btr stories on here due to my competitive nature XD OHMYFUCKINGGOD I WATCHED THAT SAME EPISODE!!! the entire episode fucking disgusted me, like i forreal wanted to vomit.and then they acted all like they were gonna say if she was preggers with his kid or whatever and THEY DIDN'T! Maury fucking cockblocked it with like "watch the next updates show to find out" and i was like, "that's duuurty, maury."

    i can't even thread the needle XD

    XD XD XD then they'll start a riot and have shirts that say FREE MARINA!!! XD

    XD XD no, i would be like "heeeey, would you like to go on a romantical date with me to taco bell?" File and then the next episode would take place at the taco bell, with the lights dimmed low and a candle on the table like an episode of the hills as we dove into our crunchwrap supremes and drank humongous mountain dews XD XD XD

    OHMYGOD! i was on my computer writing or something the other day, and that btr commercial for like the get active shit came on, but it was just logan, and i snapped to attention and was like "hey huzzbaaand, WHYDOYOUKEEPSPEAKINGWORDS?!?!" apparently, i could spend my hour of activity doing anything that i want, such as dancing. since i already rack up a good 3+ hours a day dancing like a maniac, and since i was promised that i could spend my hour of activity doing anything that my little heart desired, i decided that i would rather fuck logan with my hour File don't tell me that i can do anything with my hour and then renege on the deal *snap*
    July 1st, 2011 at 06:13am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD XD XD THAT'S GREAT! We don't really use our house phone anymore. Like, we still have one, but I have dial-up, so I keep the internet plugged in all the time, so the phone's basically worthless XD My mom and I both use our cell phones /wheniactuallyusethephone.XD XD XD That's the type of praying I would be doing =3 Yeah, I'm the same way. I think there's SOMETHING out there, but I don't think it's the christian god. Like, I don't think I can really believe in a religion that hates so many things. Like, my mom is always like "the gays are going to hell, blah blah blah." and i just sorta think "if god made everyone the way they are, then wouldn't god have to make gay people gay?" it doesn't mesh with me. my grandma just uses church for social hour to talk and sit and gossip with her old lady friends Facepalm IKR! some times i'll see a cat food commercial or something, and i'll be like "i miss my cat" and my mom'll be like "i know, i know she's in a better place." and i just kinda wanna turn around and smack her XD that does not help

    XD XD that's awesome that you have so many followers. i feel like my twitter would be so dull because i do nothing, just filled with exaggerated melodramatic moments about nothing, and i'm kinda saving those for my reality show.XD Yup. OMG, I forgot Brook Hogan even existed Facepalm She just kinda reminds me of Paris Hilton for some reason, who has no reason to be famous herself. XD XD But then I think "if taylor lautner was, at some time, considered jail bait for ME and taylor swift is a year older than she like, a statutory rapist? like was that relationship legal? XD

    XD XD XD you should learn how to knit, if only to make your blanket of many husbands XD duuuh, sliced bread don't know what's coming to it.

    MARINA WAS MY FAVORITE, AFTER TWIST'S SHITTY RAPS XD XD and like, the girl they have now, you can tell they like, dyed her hair some ugly red to try to trick kids into believing it's the same girl. nick jr and their mind games File i do like that new song they keep playing during the commercials and whatnot.

    and then he would be begging to be a guest star on my show, so i'd be walking through target and just "happen" to see him, but the acting would be so shoddy and exaggerated that people would know it was set up. i'd be like "OH MY GOD is that LOGAN HENDERSON in the HAIRCARE AISLE?!!?!" XD
    June 28th, 2011 at 04:24pm
  • two birds

    two birds (100)

    United States
    Thanks, I love yours (:
    June 25th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XDXD It was actually my phone ringing in the other room and my mom was calling while she was grocery shopping to see what i wanted XD Sitting there trying to ignore the phone would annoy me XD Same here XD I would never doubt that faith XD XD I guess, it's still a little annoying though, because she's constantly rubbing it in my face how she prays for me. Like last summer, one of my cats was really sick, so she was like trying to go crazy religious on me to pray and make my cat better. I took the cat to the vet, it had an infection, gave it antibiotics, it got better, only to get eaten by a coyote. I was so depressed.

    XD XD XD i despise twitter for no reason at all. i assume so, that's what it said in the mag. i assume that they shot both movies at the same time, they're just breaking them up for release. two movies = more money XD I'm not really big on people that get famous just because they're parents are famous, plus i think she's just not attractive at all. I keep rooting for him and tay swift to get back together. IF THEY GOT MARRIED, THEIR NAMES WOULD BOTH BE TAYLOR LAUTNER!!!! that's how i do, if he falls below extraordinary, that bitch is gone.

    THAT WOULD BE SO SKETCHY XD XD XD i don't think walmart would do that, they wouldn't let me get something on my birthday cake one year because "the picture was copyrighted" Rolling Eyes YOU SHOULD HAVE LIKE A PATCHWORK QUILT with one square for each of your husbands XD XD YES!! WE SHOULD HAVE LIKE, A CULT XD XD XD

    XD XD XD

    UM WHEN DID THEY FUCKING CHANGE THE REDHEADED GIRL IN THE FRESH BEAT BAND?!?!?! i saw a commercial for new episodes this morning, and it was a different fucking girl, and it pissed me off. no telling how mindfucked those little kids are going to be File

    I think Megan Fox would be hot if her eyebrows weren't scarily done XD

    Same here, I had to dip into my savings Facepalm HE DID! i was thinking that i should have my own reaity show that follows me around to document false exaggerated melodramatic moments like that.
    June 24th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD To be fair, I'd already ran across the house like, twice to answer my mom's phone calls already, I couldn't be bothered to sprint like that again XD We should just start out own religion based on lusting after attractive members of the opposite sex XD BUT MY MOM PRAYS FOR EVERYBODY!!! every morning while she's driving to work, she'll pray for like, everyone she knows. i guess it's a nice gesture, but it's still odd to me.

    XD then you would have officially made it XD yup yup, i think they finished filming for breaking dawn a few months ago. yeah, with that bumped-up-faced girl he's dating now or whatever XD she can have him. without the muscles and ability to turn into a werewolf, he's just a normal guy that doesn't really appeal to me File i need someone who's EXTRAORDINARY!! *jazz hands*

    I do it far more often than I'd like to admit tehe Though I have slowed down from the way I used to be (my walls are too full). Now I only buy them if they have a really really good poster of BTR or if they have a solo poster of logan. the last two i've bought have had posters of just LOGAN so now i have a little corner devoted solely to his fineness XD which is a little creepy, but whatevs. not like i would bring a guy back to my place anyway with janet hanging around File OBVIOUSLY maybe they should put on-the-go photographs of me in those magazines (if i ever went anywhere) XD

    XD XD "to get through tha window and write sketchy lullabies"

    for that one day XD then his world practically collapsed. i was watching the episode where he got that song stuck in his head earlier today. it reminded me of myself XD XD

    She's not, but I don't find Natalie that attractive either XD XD I guess I'm picky with my women. I went through a Megan Fox phase at one point, but now I'm just "whatever" with her too.

    It rained here all day, so I couldn't lay out, so I went out to lunch with a friend and did some shopping. I went to Walmart, then Target, and I got a little pissed that I'd already bought the new BTR dvd at Walmart for fifteen bucks, but it was 14.99 at Target Facepalm it was only a penny, but i was still outraged. i was like "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME LOGAN?! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE CHEAPER AT TARGET! I WOULD'VE WAITED FOR YOU!!" all melodramatic like that and shit File then i bought some hair shit and it was all good Con
    June 24th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    This might be a bit late, but sure, I'll PM you Arms
    June 24th, 2011 at 04:14am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Ikr? XD Omg I can hear my phone ringing in the next room, but I don't feel like running down the hall to go answer it XD XD XD I'm right there with you. I lust after too many guys to ever be Buddhist XD OMG THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT MY MOM DOES!!! after every test, she'll ask me how i think i did on it and then she'll be like "well, i prayed for you" like that's going to change anything. if i didn't know the answers, her praying for me isn't going to magically pop them into my brain Facepalm

    you would be like, voguing on the cover of Vogue XD XD XD XD XD i bet that song was so amazing, that the world just couldn't handle it XD XD Yup, I don't want no beefy-thigh man. Speaking of beefy, Taylor Lautner now looks like a normal human being now that filming for all the Twilight shit is over. It totally deflates my lust for him.

    XD I got a Bop magazine at Walmart today (because it had a solo poster of Logan File) and it had something about how kstew and rpattz had adopted a dog together as a couple, and it made her out to be such a GREAT pet owner because she was out taking it for a walk Facepalm HAVE YOU GIVEN YOU DOG VITAMINWATER,KSTEW HUH HUH annnnd if they break up, WHO GETS THE DOG? will there be like, a custody hearing and it'll be on the news and shit XD XD XD

    Yup, it would be called "rapey sketch artist: for when you want to crawl into young girls' windows" XD

    He has a closet full of clothes, they just all look the same XD XD

    Yup yup. I think I only think Milla is hot because she has kickass moves, I don't really find her all that attractive. I mean, she is no Audrina Patridge File XD XD

    I went out and about today. I was so proud of myself for getting out of the house XD
    June 23rd, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • two birds

    two birds (100)

    United States
    Good. You?
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:57am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Okay, don't forget! Arms Oh gosh, that would definitely be awkward. I'm kind of a religious flake. Like, sometimes I believe and other times I don't. I go back and forth a lot about it XD I think if I were to be really religious, I'd just become a Buddhsit. Buddhism looks like a chill and not psychotic religion like Christianity is here in the bible belt XD Oh gosh, my family's the same way. My grandma is convinced that every other religion is wrong and that they're all going to hell Rolling Eyes which really pisses me off because i'm just like, "who's to say your religion is the 'right' one? maybe they're believing the right things and you're not" XD then again, my grandma is one of those people that is convinced obama is a muslim and that he's really from africa and he's like, the devil or some shit Facepalm

    hell yes! you'd be a trendsetter XD i write songs about stupid things like my dog or when i'm trying to find something in the refrigerator or just dumb moments like that XD i'm sure you did XD XD vise-grip thighs are pretty frightening, need to get some krispey kreme up in that bitch. XD like, his arms and legs are super beefy, but he has almost no abs. so awkward XD

    XD XD XD THAT'S HILARIOUS retarded kstew.

    yes, they would. it would be some sort of blood-red sketchy color XD

    that is true! spongebob changes clothes occasionally, they're just all the same outifit XD

    ngl, i think ali larter is way hotter than jovovich in that movie, though jovovich kicks major ass. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Crazy Congrats!
    June 23rd, 2011 at 02:48am