mr. owl / Comments

  • haha maybe i'll get cracking soon and write something.
    Chucks a good alternative though haha.
    April 28th, 2011 at 07:14pm
  • lol well right now they're all hockey fics (it's playoff season so my life is pretty much taken over by the NHL network), so I dont know how well that would do.

    But I have like a 4 shot that's like 3/4 written
    April 26th, 2011 at 12:23am
  • well i finally got like 3,000 words out for a story that i'll more than likely never post - because it's not my style really, but I guess that's a good start?

    I always have ideas for good plots but then I go to write it and it's like... nope.
    Plus I hate writing in first person, but i'm not as good in third and my brain kinda always wants to explode haha.

    April 20th, 2011 at 06:25pm
  • I'm trying to write a short story, like 4 chapters max and am getting abso-freaking-lutely nowhere. What the fuuuuck did I do a year ago to get like 2 chapters out a week and rack up like 15 comments per?

    ughhhhhh i hate everything

    ...I just thought you were a good person to rant to. sorry :/
    April 19th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • we're both in love with him, which I don't think is something that he can complain about.
    March 18th, 2011 at 02:26pm
  • lol well now I'll have to try them just to test this twin theory
    March 9th, 2011 at 02:44pm
  • I have not had them, why do you ask?
    March 8th, 2011 at 06:03pm
  • We sure as shit should :)
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:42am
  • Yes I do. You and I were separated at birth I think, because I have zero confidence either. Sometimes, depending on the boy, I can - but not very often.
    I just feel good about certain things, and sometimes I get bursts of flirtation but nothing ever comes of it.

    Guaranteed on Wednesday I'll get there and if he's working I'll immediately go back into my shell and stutter like a loser.

    You just need to go for it. And I need to take my own advice.
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:38am
  • LOL YES. Though Ry isn't as into good music as most people I like. But he has tattoo's so that's a plus. I'm gonna have to give him some training, but his ex looked boring as fuck so I can't even blame him for being dull.

    Now start chatting this kid up please. If he talks to you first I will piss, and you better give him your number
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:22am
  • lol yes... comparing opinions is always a good time ;)

    Get him in bed, I'll bag Ryan, and then somehow try to explain to him why we're taking a 3 hour plane ride (that he's paying for) to double date with Adrienne and this sexy little thing in her class
    March 8th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • Do you and this stud talk or is it just staring from across the room still?

    Because you're still in highschool. Girl, this is THE TIME to do this shit. If I knew my life was gonna be like this when I was 17 I would have already dated and dumped Ryan, and probably also dated one of his best friends.

    Get this shit done. Does he listen to good music?
    March 8th, 2011 at 04:13am
  • lol n00dz are always appreciated. And I'm so fucking bad at checking my email!!

    Guys need to realize how fucking rad we are. I don't have time for them dicking around with all these whorebags who won't give them anything but gonorrhea. I mean that's fine if they want to have a miserable time, but if they want to laugh and actually have fun once in a while then they need to start calling us up.

    Morons. We shouldn't have to do all the work here.
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:59am
  • Haha well my best friend is almost exactly like me, only maybe a little bit louder. And in highschool she was in more classes with him because I was in the classes with all the nerds that took way more studying to pass with a B.
    Which looking back was the worst idea ever because I've amounted to nothing and I could have been in the regular classes with all my friends.

    Whatever. She said that he would always laugh at her crazy thoughts and generally sarcastic nature, so she's positive that we're gonna make babies and get married - all after a night of rowdy behavior thanks to alcohol.

    I don't see any of this happening but it's kinda fun to set a goal, just to see where it gets us.

    And also I don't know how the fuck you write so well. I'm trying sooo freaking hard, even listening to music that typically gets juices flowing, and I'm drawing a blank. My brain is mush.
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:12am
  • No, I don´t think he did that recently. But I remember Matt putting it on his twitter when someone asked him if the song "Now That You´re Gone" of their las CD was about Sonny and he said that it was about his father suicide.

    And no, you don´t looke like an ass. But i do remember a girl that stopped posint a story because she wasn´t getting too many comments even if people were actually reading it. And I just think it´s stupid, if you like writing and at least one person likes what you write, then the rest really shouldn´t matter.
    March 7th, 2011 at 07:48pm
  • Yeah my dad had/has a major drinking problem. And cocaine.
    But I don't talk to him because of it. Plus I don't go overboard like he does, so I think I'm still in the clear. I know that I'm probably like 80 times more likely to become an addict than the normal person is so I try not to go too nuts, but I feel like my mom would be way disappointed if she found out i was into drugs and I can't deal with that.

    Plus pot makes my eyes water. Like tears streaming down my face constantly and I can't control it, so I'm the dumbass crying in the corner while everyone else blazes haha. So I make them go outside and me and my friend Jeremy stay in the house and watch river monsters.

    But... you know, soon it will be me and Ryan inside NOT watching river monsters. If you catch on ;)
    haha he would hate me if he ever read any of this
    March 7th, 2011 at 07:44am
  • lol well my night of being like beyond coherent is one big disaster that I don't even want to get into. Long story short I woke up in beg with some kid who snored sooooo loud and grew pot in the corner of his bedroom, and his alarm would not shut the fuck up. so eventually I climbed over him and called my best friend at like 6 in the morning and I was like "what... the fuck. I'm still drunk."
    Then I went bowling and I'm pretty sure everyone was looking at me like I belonged on skid row.

    But more recently I was in the bathroom at my best friends boyfriends house and I reached in front of me to get toilet paper and the roll fell off the holder. I laughed for like ten minutes about it but nobody else thought it was funny haha.

    Being drunk isn't all it's cracked up to be. But I'd just prefer not to be high haha. Evidently I have like .003% of morals left.
    March 7th, 2011 at 07:35am
  • lol I'm a good girl and don't touch anything illegal. I DO get drunk as fuck though.

    Oh god. And then I almost always embarrass myself like it's my job, thus adding to the shy factor. While the alcohol is in the blood though I'm queen of the damn world. I have talked to complete strangers about things that would embarrass me way more than saying "hi lets fuck" would. I'm surprised I haven't said that actually.

    Jeez. I'm a hot mess lol.
    March 7th, 2011 at 07:24am
  • Sears is having 30% off a bunch of shit until March 16th. We bought a dishwasher for my gram today and while we were passing the exercise shit i was like "oh man, remember how lazy we weren't when we had a treadmill? Then doucheface took it in the divorce and now I'm a land whale"

    Than my current stepdad (also a doucheface, but not as big of one as the dick that took my treadmill was) was like "well, the cheap ones are only a couple hundred"
    So I'm pretty sure we're getting one haha.

    LOL I don't get high with them, so breaking the bong will be nothing but glory
    March 7th, 2011 at 07:01am
  • IT'S A PROCESS ADRIENNE. I'm gonna need some serious tread mill time and like zero food around me for a year before Ryan gets a date haha.

    However, our mutual friend kinda hates him right now and last time I was there he totally refused to invite Ry. But next time I'm there, probably in the summer because that's when I can actually go to parties and not die on icy roads, I'm gonna be like INVITE HIM OR I'LL BREAK YOUR BONG
    March 7th, 2011 at 06:47am