Once Upon A Time…
Ohh Heyy Thurr, My names Beka, and before you start with all the blah blah sounds like ur human ew blah blah Lemme just say ImaMuthaFuckinUnicornBitchezz!!...........(:
Okay so moving on…
Im almost 16!!:D Im a lil crazy. And I like rainbows and unicorns and ponies and flowers and kittens and puppies and mice and monkeys and sex and trolls and makeup and sharpies and pandas and koalas and butterflies and llamas and PEDOPHILES!!! But I don’t like haters, so if you guna hate please simply leave my page so we can both move on with our lives..Now, to another topic. My Sexual Orientation- Its simply none of you god damn business because im currently in a serious relationship with an amazing guy named AJ(: ..Christian and I are “Gorgeous Buddies” and he dances like a walrus!! Just thought I’d put that out there… My bestest friends are Amber Kaelan Trista Nick JerrySpringer and of course Sammy. I love you Sammy, Rest In Peace 2/20/96 – 6/4/10 Lets keep movin on… Im actually quite easy to get along with, so you should talk to me and if you are kewl ask for my number? I may give it to you:P Well, tootles!!! Loveee, Beka……P.S… I bite :D
…And They Lived Happily Ever After..
September 28, 2011
*Sniffle Sniffle* Im sick… again. I wasbetter, then i spent the weekend wiff my uber adorable, amazing boyfriend, and KABAM! im sick again, lucikily, it was good enough reason for me to skip school. yay!!:3

September 19, 2011
*Sniffle Sniffle* Still Sick, and school sucked major donkey balls, i just love how my happieness makes m hated x.x
September 18, 2011
*Sniffle Sniffle* Im sick…

Content: BekazorGoesRawr!!.
Requested: Silhouette Dreams
Credit: ©panicandscream