amaranthine. / Comments

  • Oh God, it's so crazy when they ask you to capsize on purpose on these trips or run across the fronts of all the canoes. I mean, why would anyone do that? It's a shame about your friend's foot but it's been so hot and sunny lately that, as you said, perhaps no boats is a good idea.
    July 26th, 2012 at 09:51pm
  • I've only capsized or more fallen out a boat once - I swallowed a lot of, what I found out later was highly unhealthy, lake water and nearly lost my shoes.
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:22pm
  • Oh good Lord, then perhaps your boat trip won't be that fun after all. Er... Close your eyes and think of how at least you're not undergoing the Operation? Only if it gets really bad, which from what you said it shouldn't, so fun shall most likely be had and the Operation not thought about. Hooray tehe
    July 24th, 2012 at 12:55am
  • I can never be bothered to go out. Like, there are people out there and I might have to deal with them and no. Little boats on the river, eh? Have fun and remember how to swim!
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:48pm
  • DO NOT KILL YOUR SOCIAL LIFE FOR MIBBA, PLEASE. No, really, I have to like finish a thousand things I've been putting off due to tumblr and the like so I'll be busy too and won't have time to read. So enjoy the sun - I would too but all of my friends are busy/live far away so... I shall put the washing out to supply myself with vitamin D XD
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:38pm
  • No, no, I think the inclusion of the Surgery and such was essential; Simeon is in an Institution, after all, and it would seem iffy not to include all the gruesome details we've heard of.
    AND HOLY LORD JESUS NO I DID NOT. Wow. Oh wow, I am so stupid. I was thinking to myself once her name was revealed, Hey, there was that bitchy Sonja in Chasing Imagination, right? but I NEVER MADE THE CONNECTION. Facepalm My God, you are so cool. Hail IT'S ALL EVEN MORE INTERLINKED THAN I THOUGHT -insert gross sobbing-
    July 23rd, 2012 at 09:48pm
  • It wasn't even a conscious decision? OMFG Christ.
    July 11th, 2012 at 09:48pm
  • It should be known worldwide but I guess I'll know for sure when I have watched it :)
    July 11th, 2012 at 02:59pm
  • I'm downloading Hot Fuzz and St Trinians, others I've pretty much seen :)
    Thank you! On my own I would have never found a film like Shaun of the Dead and it seems too funny to miss :D
    July 11th, 2012 at 02:39pm
  • I ended up taking three pairs and I have to make room for a pair of rubber shoes tomorrow. Ugh
    Definitely going to download Shaun of the Dead, I laughed my ass of watching the trailer :D
    "I'm not gonna eat a dead bird, am I?" I'm gonna take that one too :D
    The Hangovers are great but again not my best friend's type of movies.
    You're welcome to suggest more movies :D
    July 11th, 2012 at 01:56pm
  • Okay, I guess the movies I have right now will have to do. I just downloaded 10+ books to my phone but I'll know now who to turn to when I'm done with those :D
    Started packing my bag. Why, oh, why do shoes and a towel take up so much space? Grr
    July 11th, 2012 at 11:11am
  • I pretty much like every genre except scary movies. I've seen Love Actually 4-5 times, we watched it twice with a classmate of mine who is probably going to move to London by the way and I've seen it on TV too. Underworld seems interesting but I'm probably going to watch it when I'm back at home-it doesn't feel like my best friend's type of movie. The Hunger Games' DVD won't come out till August, checked it myself in the afternoon :D The books are amazing. I simply swallowed the series in 3 days. I felt down for a couple of days after that Sad
    No more TV series for me- I'm hooked to too many of them and besides I still have season or two of Supernatural which I'm refusing to watch just yet because once I start watching it again I just can't stop and will watch all the episodes and have to wait for new ones and I hate waiting.
    July 10th, 2012 at 11:15pm
  • 2 or 3 in one day!? Gosh, I had 3 exams that every ninth grader in Estonia took, they were at the same time and we had 3 free days between them.
    I really hope that all my teachers are nice but I know that's a little too much to ask for :D
    But then again Hurricane had a pretty intense situation plus super advanced technology working against her if I recall correctly. I think it's a lot easier to take the test in a situation where your life doesn't depend on it:D
    In the series "Lie to Me" they showed that lie detectors aren't always correct by letting a hot woman ask questions that were previously tested as truth. But the male's pulse quickened meaning he had lied to simple questions such as his name :D
    Do you have any good movies to recommend? I need to keep myself entertained on rainy days in Finland:D
    July 10th, 2012 at 10:22pm
  • But why are the exams done earlier or in the previous year any different? Why don't they count?
    It seems that English secondary school is more difficult but the sixth-form is easier than equivalents in Estonia. For us, everything is just getting harder every year.
    I have good news: I only have chemistry 2 years (two lessons each week is a downer though). And then I hoped that maybe just maybe it's the same with science, but of course not- I have two lessons a week for 3 yearsDisgust. And I forgot that I will also take Latin. Not sure what to think about that.
    Loved the update. I really want to take a lie detector test just to see if I could lie and get away with it :D But I feel so sorry for all the dreamers, it's so depressing what they're doing to them No
    July 10th, 2012 at 09:43pm
  • It seems that sixth-form is easier. But what happens if you choose wrong subjects and decide after graduating that you want to do something different in University? Or do the universities take the points from the GSCE exams? And do you have to take all the exams in one year or you can do some when you're 14 or 15?
    When I asked how long are the lessons I meant that for example every lesson in Estonia lasts for 45 minutes. :)
    28 exams?Shocked How is that even possible? I think I don't even have 17 different subjects in school.
    July 10th, 2012 at 08:49pm
  • Brace yourself, there are oh-so-many questions in this one :D

    Woah, your school starts so early. Right now your options are pretty much the same as mine- I can do vocational courses, go to work or continue in Gymnasium.
    I don't quite understand the four subject thing. Do you choose different subjects every year? And how long are your lessons? How long does sixth-form last? Two or three years?
    So in sixth-form you only learn one language?
    How many exams did you have to take?
    July 10th, 2012 at 08:18pm
  • Lucky you. Chemistry will only get worse for me. Three more years of torture. Would you explain UK's education system a little?:)
    That sucks that you *really* can't choose the languages you want. What if Spanish was your favorite language and you couldn't learn it just because someone picked other classes for you. Or you really hated German. Anyway, how long have/will you learn them?
    Another reason why you are lucky to live in UK: if you wanted to go France you can just drive or take a train. Every big European country is in your reach.
    July 10th, 2012 at 06:55pm
  • You're welcome. Mr. Green
    You still look remarkably like her. :D I wish I had her hair too. Her's or Simone's from Epica. :)
    July 10th, 2012 at 05:28pm
  • Thanks!:D
    When I was in 6th grade we had to choose between German and Russian. I chose the latter because about a quarter of the people here are Russians especially in my neighbourhood. The language is pretty difficult. Right now I've passed with 5-s/A-s (don't know which grade system you use :D) only because I had a cool teacher but now I'm going to a new school which is one of the top schools in Estonia and that scares the crap out of me. The worse is with chemistry- I hate the subject with all my heart.
    And learning Russian by yourself seems like an impossible task. Even the alphabet is hard to handle on your own especially when your native language is English where the pronouncing of the words is so different.
    I wish I could just take all the subjects from the school I was supposed to go in the beginning and put them in the school that I am in now. In the other school I could choose between German, Spanish and Chinese. Did you have any options?
    July 10th, 2012 at 05:02pm
  • I'm always white as snow but this year my mission is to become tanned. Okay, okay, it's been by mission for the last couple of years but this time I'm really going to do it :D
    Why, oh, why wouldn't you like your accent? I'd kill to have that. When I open my mouth to speak in English only mumble-jumble comes out :D But practice makes perfect! :D
    I've learned English for seven years, Russian for four years and when school starts I'm going to learn French. At first I was supposed to learn Spanish but then I got into another, better school. Kinda sad because I'd really love to learn Spanish :(
    July 10th, 2012 at 04:20pm